Forestry, all Latvia

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Not Hot Environmental Solutions, LTD

Bukulti, Baltā 5, Garkalnes pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-1024

Ogre Technical School

"Ogres meža tehnikums", Aizupes, Tīnūžu pagasts, Ogres nov., LV-5001
vocational continuing education, professional development and non-formal education programs for adults: " Forestry , " professional qualification " Forestry technician", "Forest machinery" professional qualification "Forest

Optimisms, LTD

"Muižarāji", Kazdangas pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3457

Ordinem, LTD

Merķeļa 19A-1, Alūksne, Alūksnes nov. LV-4301

Ordālija, LTD

Oskara Kalpaka 101A-29, Liepāja LV-3405

Oribi, LTD

"Starķi 16", Salaspils pagasts, Salaspils nov., LV-2121

Ozolaudze, LTD

"Skolotāju māja" - 7, Vīksna, Vīksnas pagasts, Balvu nov., LV-4580

Ozolmeži, LTD

Litene, Ozolu 9, Litenes pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4405

Ozolmežs, LTD

Dēļu 4, Rīga LV-1004
Our services:: ✓ Purchase of forest property ✓ Rural Property Purchase ✓ Acquisition of agricultural lands ✓ Forestry works ✓ Forest management ✓ Logging services ✓ Forest taxation ✓ Forest assessment ✓ Felling and felling ✓ Forest inventory ✓ Preparation of documents for logging ✓ Felling area purchase ✓ Forest maintenance

Ozols DU, LTD

"Pūpoliņi", Laucienes pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3285

Ozols IS, LTD

Dzintara 2, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
The company mainly specializes:: ✓ in the purchase of forest properties and fellings, ✓ provision of logging and transport services, ✓ timber trade and energy wood production. SIA Ozols IS is a logging company.:

Our business is the provision of logging services specializing in the safe and efficient harvesting of timber. With a team of experienced loggers and modern equipment, we are dedicated to providing quality results to our clients. We understand the importance of sustainable forestry practices and are committed to preserving the health and beauty of our forests for future generations. Our logging services are designed to maximize the value of our clients' timber investment while minimizing environmental impact. Whether you are a private landowner or a large commercial organization, we have the knowledge and resources to meet your needs. So if you are looking for a reliable partner for your logging needs, look no further than our business. We are here to help you get the most out of your forests.

Ozolsalas OZD, LTD

Gaiziņa 4A, Bērzaune-6, Bērzaunes pagasts, Madonas nov. LV-4853

Ošas krasts, LTD

"Gribolva", Gribolva, Galēnu pagasts, Preiļu nov., LV-5311


Rūpniecības 1A, Pampāļi, Pampāļu pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3882

Pampali AS is one of the leading agricultural companies in Latvia. A closed-cycle farm deals with dairy farming, grain farming, forestry and biogas production in Pampali, Saldus district. By purposefully developing the company in the long term, arranging production processes and raising efficiency, the company's turnover has increased two and a half times in six years.


PK Mežs, LTD

Beverīnas 24, Rīga, LV-1058
PK FOREST offers: ✓ Fair treatment to the customer ✓ Accurate and fast property appraisal ✓ Fast payment ✓ Fast service quality We do: ✓ buying and selling real estate ✓ forest management ✓ development of forest management projects ✓ logging services ✓ legal consultations, representation in state and local government institutions in connection with the preparation of documents and consultations in tax matters regarding real estate transactions
  • 1 Forestry

PMC Hydraulics, LTD, Hydraulic equipment

Rātsupītes 9, Rīga, LV-1067
We offer:: ✓ Hydraulic pumps ✓ Hydraulic motors ✓ Hydraulic valves ✓ Hydraulic pipes and fittings ✓ Hydraulic filters ✓ Hydraulic accessories ✓ Hydraulic cylinders About the company: LTD "PMC Hydraulics" is part of the Scandinavian group "PMC Group", which is considered to be the largest hydraulic supply company in the region with the widest range of hydraulic components. "PMC Hydraulics" is engaged in the design, manufacture, installation and diagnostics of hydraulic stations.

Pakavs, LTD

Enerģētiķu 11, Aizkraukle, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5101
Forest and garden equipment service and maintenance, chain saws, power saw, saw, saws, for saw, forestry

Palus forestry, LTD

Jaunmārupe, Ozolu 28, Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2166
Forest exploitation

Palus mežkopība, LTD

Kalnciema 80A - 4, Rīga, LV-1046
Mežu apsaimniekošana, meži, meža invetarizācija, cirsmu sagatavošana, mežizstrāde, mežu atjaunošana, jaunaudžu kopšana, atmežošana, pērk un pārdod mežus, pērk mežus, pārdod mežus, atmežošana, atmežošana cena, cik maksā atmežošana, meža apsaimniekošana, meža inventarizācija, meža inventarizācija cena, meža inventarizācija izmaksas,