Forestry, all Latvia

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Palus, LTD

Ozolu 28, Jaunmārupe, Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2166
Our services:: ✓ Forest inventory ✓ Forest administration( A team of professional appraisers will help you perform the highest quality appraisal) . ✓ Preparation of felling sites( We will prepare the felling using the most modern technologies) . ✓ Logging( We offer logging services, as well as buy logs) . ✓ Reforestation( We offer restoration of deforested areas, recommending the best solution in each situation) . ✓ Young stand care( This is a way to effectively improve the future value of the forest by leaving the most valuable sticks) . ✓ Attracting EU funding to forestry ✓ Deforestation/forest transformation

Pantra, SIA

"Lapsiņas", Dzērbenes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4118
Services:: ✓ Logging ✓ Pond digging ✓ Pond cleaning ✓ Improvement works ✓ Firewood sale ✓ Excavator services Logging and excavator services:

Digging of ponds, cleaning of ponds, leveling of embankments, construction of roads, preparation of construction sites, construction of dams-manicures( reinforced concrete), construction of water locks, special bog excavator services, ditch digging-cleaning, leveling services. Timber carrier service, we develop, we buy felling sites. Purchases overgrowth, frees agricultural land from bushes, clears fields from bushes-stumps, cultivates young stands, attenuation of young stands, plant forest. Chopped firewood for sale.

Patet, LTD

Jelgavas 1C, Kandava, Tukuma nov., LV-3120
agricultural machinery, lubricants for agricultural machinery, oil-harvesting machinery, lubricants for forestry , machinery, windscreen washing fluids for forestry machinery, coolant liquids for cars, coolant for

Paulwood, LTD

"Kalnieši 3", Liezēres pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4884
Logging Madona, logging in Vidzeme, forestry companies, logging services, buying of felling sites, purchase

Pilskalni, Farm

"Pilskalni", Īvandes pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3313

Pollstock, LTD

Kalna 3, Kandava, Tukuma nov., LV-3120

Preces mežam un dārzam, shop

Brīvības 97, Gulbene, Gulbenes nov. LV-4401
Forestry machinery

Preiļu koks, LTD

Latgales 12, Preiļi, Preiļu nov. LV-5301
in Preiļi, firewood sale in Preiļi, where to buy a firewood in Preiļi, planing services in Preili, forestry , Latgale, sawdust in Latgale, In Preili, In Ludza, In Rezekne, In Livani, In Kraslava, In Daugavpils, forestry

Priedes AG, LTD

"Ilzītes", Talsciems, Ģibuļu pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3251

We are a logging company founded in Latvia, the main activities of which are full-cycle logging and the purchase of round timber from roadside forests throughout the territory of Latvia! Our experience in the field of logging and rapid development serve as a guarantee for each of our customers.

Proplastik, OU

Lubānas 82, Rīga, LV-1073
Glazing for forestry and agricultural machinery. Greenhouses. Volya greenhouses. Whipped PVH.

Puntes-Mežs, LTD

"Puntes", Barkavas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4834

R Saltus, LTD

"Lieplejas", Vārves pagasts, Ventspils nov., LV-3623
Description: LTD "R Saltus" is a Latvian company from Ventspils region with 100% local capital. We perform a full forestry cycle - from logging and timber sales to reforestation. Our employees' many years of experience in forestry and logging, as well as appropriate education allow us to be a competitive and fast-growing company in our industry. We cooperate with all the largest companies in the forestry sector in Latvia. Sand and gravel trade. Sand and gravel for sale from the quarry "Irškalni", Ugale parish, Ventspils region.


Rīgas 218, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov. LV-5202
Forestry machinery

RB meždaris, LTD

"Vecozoli", Vaives pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4136

RC cērt, LTD

Dienvidu 9 k-3, Salaspils, Salaspils nov., LV-2169

RG meži, LTD

"Bērzulejas" - 12, Mārkalne, Mārkalnes pagasts, Alūksnes nov., LV-4351


Divezeri, Smilškalnu 27, Ādažu pagasts, Ādažu nov. LV-2164
Qualitative logging works, forestry , forestry works, haulage services, timber hauler., Legal and practical advice on forestry issues.

RIK mežs, LTD

Baznīcas laukums 5, Smiltene, Smiltenes nov., LV-4729

RITO R, tire center and farm equipment lot in Madona

Rūpniecības 45, Madona, Madonas nov. LV-4801
Tyre trade in Madona. Passenger car tyres, passenger car tyres, passenger car tyres. Tyre studding. Tyre studs. Motorcycle tyres. Moto tyres. Summer tyres. Winter tyres. Industrial tyres. Tyre vulcanization. Motorcycle tyres. Balancing a moto tire. Tyre repair. Moto tire balancing. Tractor tyres. Tractor equipment tyres. Combine tyres. Trailer