Hostels, companies in Purvciems


Riga Technical college

Braslas 16, Rīga, LV-1084
Vocational secondary education, road transport, electronics, communication, metal processing, energetics, information technologies, woodworking, logistics, secretarial and office work. College, Colleges, study programs, where to study, studies, lecture lists, information for students, admission to college, training in vocational

Rīgas Tūrisma un radošās industrijas tehnikums, LTD

Nīcgales 26, Rīga, LV-1035
State Limited liability company "Rīgas Tūrisma un radošās industrijas tehnikums" is a vocational education institution under supervision of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, and to it has been granted vocational education competence center status. Educational institution offers accredited vocational secondary