Assembly of livestock equipment, all Latvia

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Sormeks montāžas

"Muižzemnieki", Zirņu pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3801

We currently offer fans, ventilation, air cooling, air heating, microclimate regulation equipment and professional LED lighting in agricultural and industrial facilities. We also offer the purchase and assembly of solar panels, starting with households and ending with factories and solar parks.

LTD "Sormeks" carries out assembly and electrical installation of these equipment, provides post-warranty service.

ZL.LV iesaka

CVS, LTD, Electric installation works

"Gruntnieki", Laidzes pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3280
building, slaughterhouses, slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse construction, farms, farm construction, rural livestock , facades, improvement, house renovation, Car repair, Car service, Car painting, Car repair Talsi, Special equipment

Kalnakrogs, LTD, Agricultural, communal equipment

Rīgas 107, Ķekava, Ķekavas nov., LV-2123
Agriculture equipment , Agricultural machinery trade tractor machinery trade, livestock machinery trade, sale of public utility machinery, new agricultural machinerym, used agricultural machinery, forest equipment