Ezerzeme, Farm
Raipole, "Ezerzemes" , Nirzas pagasts, Ludzas nov. LV-5736
Campsites with lodging, guesthouses
Felicianovas rūpnīca Polimērs, LTD
Felicianova , Ciblas pagasts, Ludzas nov. LV-5709
Plastic pipes, pipes for drainage, sewerage pipes, water pipes, pipe for electrical wire protection, arch greenhouses. Polyethylene pipes. Corrugated polyethylene drainage pipes. Horizontal drainage. Polyethylene sewerage pipes. Smooth wall pipes. hotbed, greenhouse frames. Recreation areas on the water, wharfs. Pontoons, marsh
Fulfills St. Peter and St. Paul's Church
Ņukši , Ņukšu pagasts, Ludzas nov. LV-5730
Religion: churches, congregations
Lucmuiža paramedics and midwives point
Lucmuiža , Zvirgzdenes pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV-5752
Medical aid: out-patient
Ludza municipality, Administration of Cibla association, Orphans' court
Cibla , Ciblas pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV-5709
Legal protection
Ludza municipality, Administration of Kārsava association, Malnava parish service center
Malnava , Malnavas pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV-5750
Ludzas mežrūpniecības saimniecība, JSC, Istria logging station
Vecslabada , Istras pagasts, Ludzas nov. LV-5748
Forest exploitation
Ludzas mežrūpniecības saimniecība, JSC, Merdzenes woodworking workshop
Mērdzene , Mērdzenes pagasts, Ludzas nov. LV-5726