Building management, companies in Kuldīga

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LiiR Latvia, LTD, cleaning, cleaning service

Latgales 322, Rīga, LV-1063
TYPES OF CLEANING service:: ✓ Everyday cleaning ✓ One time cleaning ✓ Spring cleaning ✓ Bureau cleaning ✓ Supermarket cleaning ✓ Production plant cleaning ✓ Territory cleaning About the company:

Company Ltd "LiiR Latvia" is a professional site, factory and premises cleaning company. Cleaning company "LiiR Latvia" offers you a wide range of offers in the field of professional cleaning - in offices, shopping centers, production plants, work spaces, including apartment cleaning and house cleaning. Time to clean up! We are proud of the experienced and professional employees of our company who guarantee perfect cleaning quality! Our premises, grounds, production facilities and apartment cleaning company is an excellent choice for your cleaning service!

EXTRA saimnieks, LTD, Real estate services, management

Sēļu 10, Mārupe, Mārupes nov. LV-2167
Main services:: ✓ Real estate management - personal manager ✓ Servicing, maintenance, cleaning of residential buildings ✓ Daily cleaning of premises, territories, washing works ✓ Engineering service and repairs ✓ Daily cleaning services ✓ Lawn mowing ✓ Collection of leaves ✓ Planting and landscaping ✓ Roof, gutter cleaning ✓ Window and facade cleaning ✓ Cleaning of territories, building plots, building territories ✓ Earthworks on construction sites, cleaning after repairs ✓ Snow cleaning and removal ✓ Plumber, electrician 24/7, plumber services, electrician services ✓ Emergency service 24/7 ✓ Disinfection ✓ Energy efficiency solutions, recommendations

Ēku projekti & pārvaldīšana, LTD

Krustpils 58, Rīga LV-1057
Activities:: ✓ residential house management and administration( full-service apartment building management and administration, outsourcing of certain management activities) ✓ consultations for DZĪB, DZĪKS, apartment owners' associations, house authorized persons, house elders and apartment owners on house management( consultations on house management issues, development of various documents required by the industry, drafting of contracts, face-to-face and online consultations) ✓ construction project management( energy efficiency construction project management, renovation project management, EU construction project management for apartment buildings) ✓ organization and execution of repairs and construction works of buildings and the adjacent territory

3d birojs, LTD

1905. gada 5-7, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
Description: Architecture and design office "3d birojs" - a reliable partner in the development, coordination, management and author supervision of projects of various scales. From tasteful private houses to large public buildings and other impressive objects.

Tikauto, LTD, car tow-truck, used car spare parts, freight transportation in Kuldiga

"Darbnīcas", Rumbas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Services: ✓ 24-hour car and tractor towing. ✓ Waste management. ✓ Debris removal, sorting. Containers for rent. ✓ Dump truck services, cargo transportation. ✓ Car write off( licensed write-off) auto graveyard. ✓ Road transport, computer diagnostics. ✓ Car spare part trade( new and second-hand) . ✓ Hydraulic crane, mobile crane( up to 11t), excavator, mini excavator services. ✓ Autogas, installation of autogas equipment. ✓ Delivery and transportation of sand, gravel, crushed stone, black earth.


Peldu 19, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301

LTD "Alra" - a forestry company established in 2001. provides a full forest management cycle for more than 21 years. The main directions of our activity are: marking of long trees, sawing. Needed for poles, log buildings, logs. Transportation of tall trees from the forest to a designated place. There is a specialized transport - we can transport trees up to 20 meters long. We provide a full forest management cycle. We cut and take the trees from the forest to the side of the road. We buy all types of logs. Log logs from 9 to 16 meters, logs from 7 to 9 meters, veneer blocks and other. We buy forest properties. Trailer services. We transport heavy machinery, forest tractors, excavators. We work in Kurzeme region.


Tehnikas 9, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Services:: ✓ Construction/construction works ✓ Renovation and reconstruction of buildings ✓ Heat insulation boards ✓ External water supply and sewerage network construction ✓ Dismantling works ✓ Construction of foundations for buildings ✓ Drainage works ✓ Transport services ✓ Excavator services ✓ Dismantling and removal of the old fence ✓ Assembly of fences and gates, sliding gates, hinged gates and entrance gates ✓ Automation installation ✓ Road construction, repair, asphalting

Goldingen Digger, LTD

"Bāze", Ēdoles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3310
Kāpēc izvēlēties mūs, SIA "Goldingen Digger"?: ✓ Piedāvājam plaša profila zemes darbus Kurzemē ar dažādu modifikāciju un svaru kategorijas ekskavatoriem līdz 40 t, ir arī ekskavatori ar garajām strēlēm Long Reach, aizsniedzamība 16m, 18m un 24 metri; ✓ Vienlaicīgi varam strādāt ar 6 un vairāk ekskavatoriem vienā objektā, ir arī dumperi 6x6 un 4x4, un, protams, tehnika arī citiem labiekārtošanas darbiem; ✓ Pieejamas 5 pašizgāzēju mašīnas, gan 6x4, gan 8x4, visa veida beramā materiāla piegāde; ✓ Profesionāli, labi motivēti operatori, pozitīva attieksme, atbilstoša tehnika un aprīkojums, strādājam pārdomāti, raiti un kvalitatīvi; ✓ Padarītā apjoma un patērētā laika adekvāts balanss; ✓ Pareiza darba secīguma ievērošana un sekojošo darbu analīze, organizēšana; ✓ Operatīva un ļoti precīza izmaksu aprēķināšana jau pie telefona sarunas, objekta apskates. Kā arī profesionāli ieteikumi ņemot vērā apstākļus un darba izpildes specifiku; ✓ Sniedzam pakalpojumus gan fiziskām, gan juridiskām personām. Varam veikt darbus arī, ja neatrodaties valstī (priekšapmaksa 100% apmērā); ✓ Ar mums varat rēķināties, ja esam vienojušies; ✓ Mēs labprāt pieņemam izaicinājumus. Jebkuras sarežģītības darbi, arī tie par kuriem citi tikai plāta rokas; ✓ Daram to, ko vislabāk protam, un protam mēs daudz un līdz galam. Zeme kā ledus, krasti kā šķīvis. ✓ Visiem mūsu darbiem ir civiltiesiskā apdrošināšana līdz 100 000 euro. 

JC grupa, LTD

Liepājas 53-2, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
construction supervision, civil Engineer, certified construction supervisor, designing, construction project management , hydraulic structure construction, sewerage systems, designing, water supply solutions, engineers, quality management