Building materials transportation, all Latvia

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Mikor, LTD

Brodi, Brīvības 2, Ābeļu pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5201
roads, protective barrier installation, Grader knife sale, gravel crushing, sign applying on roads, building , of black earth in Jekabpils, freight transportation in Jekabpils, concrete transportation in Jekabpils

RG Auto, LTD - tires, car service, car evacuation

Latgales 44, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov. LV-5202
Car service in Jekabpils: ✓ Change and repair of tires and discs ✓ Engine oil and lubricant change ✓ Running gear repair ✓ Engine repair and replacement ✓ Automatic gearbox repair ✓ Repair of turbines ✓ Nozzle repair ✓ Wheel alignment


✓ Freight transport ✓ Building materials transportation ✓ Bulk cargoes ✓ Agricultural machinery transportation ✓ Transportation of construction equipment ✓ Oversized cargo ✓ Loading and unloading of cargo with a manipulator

Krāsošanas iekārtas GRACO, trade, rental, repair, LDE LINING

Krasta 103, Rīga, LV-1019
Services:: ✓ Distillation apparatus ✓ Industrial equipment ✓ Industrial ventilation ✓ Polyurethane foam and polyurea Specialization:: Sale and service of industrial equipment Graco and other painting equipment. We have been in the Latvian market for 7 years, the company employs experienced specialists with more than 12 years of experience. Painting Equipment Ltd. is one of the leaders in its industry. Specialists also offer training and counseling.

Vides Tehnika, LTD, Thermal insulation materials store - warehouse

Čuibes 6, Rīga, LV-1063
About the company:

Thermal insulation material trader LTD "VIDES TEHNIKA" will help everyone find the most suitable way of building insulation. In the range of thermal insulation materials, you will find materials widely used in the world, as well as completely new types of thermal insulation materials, as well as the most environmentally friendly and ecological insulation materials, which will make your home not only warm and cozy, but also friendly to the environment and human health.

Heidelberg Materials Latvija Betons, LTD

Kroņu 5, Rīga LV-1035

"Heidelberg Materials Latvija Betons" supplies ready-mixed concrete for the buildings and infrastructure that form the foundation of a modern, sustainable society. We are experienced specialists in the field of concrete transportation and pumping. We deliver to large and small companies, as well as private individuals.

ZL.LV iesaka

Polymix Baltics, LTD

Brīvības 99, Gulbene, Gulbenes nov., LV-4401

"Polymix Baltics", SIA is a road construction and maintenance company, we offer modern bitumen materials for road construction, as well as adhesion additives for asphalt production. Production of bitumen, bitumen emulsion in Gulbene. Road construction and repair, pothole repair.

Soudal, LTD, sealants, adhesives, assembly foam

Krustpils 12 - 104, Rīga, LV-1073
Products: ✓ Polyurethane foam ✓ Neutral silicones ✓ Acid silicones ✓ MS polymer ✓ Acrylic sealants ✓ Polyurethane sealants ✓ Mastics ✓ Adhesives ✓ Fireproof products ✓ Roof materials ✓ Sanitary products ✓ Car care line ✓ Aerosols ✓ Ribbons ✓ Gun for assembly foam ✓ Gun for sealants

Megadžouls, LTD, Industrial forklifts

Klusā 21-24/25, Rīga LV-1013
About us:

We professionally carry out the movement, transportation, loading and unloading of various cargoes. We will deliver production equipment, printing machines, medical equipment, photo laboratories, safes and any other cargo to the required place. We move loads up to 550 kg by stairs, we use equipment to lift heavier loads. Loads weighing 25 tons have been lifted and moved indoors. Our specialists have 25 years of experience and will always find the safest and most convenient way to get the cargo to the right place. Our work is also insured. There is a car with a mounted crane, the lifting capacity of the crane is 6.5 tons, the carrying capacity of the car is 11 tons. We transport equipment, building materials, containers and other cargo. There is a license for transport in Europe. We are also ready to work in various projects abroad, we are looking for cooperation partners.

Working time after agreement, possibly on weekends and holidays.

WoodDoors, door salon - warehouse, LTD Arturas

Krustpils 65, Rīga, LV-1057
Doors with and without fittings: Budget doors have particularly good quality. Cheaper does not mean worse. Compared to similar analogues in terms of price, our doors will have the best quality, which is ensured by high-quality wood filling. We offer to reserve and store the door until the relevant stage of the repair or construction work, when it is time to assemble the door.

ILBU, LTD, Timber in Ķekava

"Jaunumi", Bērzmente, Ķekavas pagasts, Ķekavas nov., LV-2123
Description: LTD "ILBU" founded in 2007. year and is a family business whose guidelines are as follows: positive attitude, individual approach, responsibility for the quality of products and services, satisfaction for mutual success. We offer materials especially for the construction of wooden frame houses - wooden beams, wooden rafters.
ZL.LV iesaka

Ironwill Steel, LTD, Latvian metal, metal base

Cesvaines 15A, Rīga, LV-1073
Metal assortment:: ✓ Pipes ✓ Beams ✓ Armature ✓ Armature meshes ✓ Reinforcing bars ✓ Flat iron ✓ Square iron ✓ U-profiles ✓ Sheets Transport:: In cooperation with SIA "IRW Serviss", in order to make it easier for customers to receive their order, delivery of the order to the specified address is provided, but only in the territory of Latvia.

Būvelementi, LTD, Sawmill

"Koki", Baldones pagasts, Ķekavas nov., LV-2125
About the company:

Company Ltd "Būvelementi" is 2004. a company was registered in Baldones region, specializing in the production and sale of various types of timber. Also Ltd "Būvelementi" purchases forests and felling areas, as well as offers logging services.

Decorative, structured, aged trim boards:

In the process of structuring the boards, soft and fragile wood fibers are separated from the board. As a result, the wood texture is highlighted - a small relief is formed, a wood texture pattern. It best reveals the beauty of wood fiber. The special pattern and natural appearance of the wood is a special design element. Such a finishing material has many uses. Interior and exterior facade decoration, floor, especially design furniture.

Voka, LTD

Celtnieku 11, Talsi, Talsu nov., LV-3201
About the company:

Founded in 1993. lTD "Voka" is one of the oldest grain pretreatment complex design and construction companies in Latvia. The main direction of activity is the design, construction and service of grain pre-treatment complexes. The strength of Voka are specialists with experience who are able to adapt projects to your priorities, using equipment from the most appropriate manufacturer. Long-term cooperation with manufacturers from all over Europe allows us to choose equipment according to their specific characteristics, which have been identified from experience. We also sell new and used tractors and agricultural machinery. We offer Farmtrac, JCB, Weidemann brand tractors, Bury, Expom, Meprozet, Metaltech, Padagas, POM Augustow, Zuptor, etc. manufacturers of agricultural machinery. As the company developed, the production of all kinds of metal constructions was started - warehouses, hangars, office buildings, production buildings, grain pre-processing buildings. In addition to manufacturing building structures, Voka also offers various metalworking services.

Goldingen Digger, LTD

"Bāze", Ēdoles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3310
Kāpēc izvēlēties mūs, SIA "Goldingen Digger"?: ✓ Piedāvājam plaša profila zemes darbus Kurzemē ar dažādu modifikāciju un svaru kategorijas ekskavatoriem līdz 40 t, ir arī ekskavatori ar garajām strēlēm Long Reach, aizsniedzamība 16m, 18m un 24 metri; ✓ Vienlaicīgi varam strādāt ar 6 un vairāk ekskavatoriem vienā objektā, ir arī dumperi 6x6 un 4x4, un, protams, tehnika arī citiem labiekārtošanas darbiem; ✓ Pieejamas 5 pašizgāzēju mašīnas, gan 6x4, gan 8x4, visa veida beramā materiāla piegāde; ✓ Profesionāli, labi motivēti operatori, pozitīva attieksme, atbilstoša tehnika un aprīkojums, strādājam pārdomāti, raiti un kvalitatīvi; ✓ Padarītā apjoma un patērētā laika adekvāts balanss; ✓ Pareiza darba secīguma ievērošana un sekojošo darbu analīze, organizēšana; ✓ Operatīva un ļoti precīza izmaksu aprēķināšana jau pie telefona sarunas, objekta apskates. Kā arī profesionāli ieteikumi ņemot vērā apstākļus un darba izpildes specifiku; ✓ Sniedzam pakalpojumus gan fiziskām, gan juridiskām personām. Varam veikt darbus arī, ja neatrodaties valstī (priekšapmaksa 100% apmērā); ✓ Ar mums varat rēķināties, ja esam vienojušies; ✓ Mēs labprāt pieņemam izaicinājumus. Jebkuras sarežģītības darbi, arī tie par kuriem citi tikai plāta rokas; ✓ Daram to, ko vislabāk protam, un protam mēs daudz un līdz galam. Zeme kā ledus, krasti kā šķīvis. ✓ Visiem mūsu darbiem ir civiltiesiskā apdrošināšana līdz 100 000 euro. 

Lintera Rīga, LTD

Ganību dambis 22C, Rīga, LV-1045
We offer:: ✓ Woodworking equipment and workbenches ✓ Production planning and modernization, software for furniture manufacturers ✓ Warranty and post-warranty service maintenance ✓ Delivery of spare parts ✓ Diamond and carbide cutting tools ✓ Diamond and carbide cutting tool sharpening and repair ✓ Components for production automation ✓ Hydraulic components and systems ✓ Various industrial components and tools

Talsu transports

Zaļā 2, Talsi, Talsu nov., LV-3201
moving, cargo transportation , transportation of tractors, transportation of building materials , pallet, transportation , transportation of building materials

Auto MN, LTD

"Priednieki", Siguldas pagasts, Siguldas nov. LV-2150
, transport services, transport services with a driver, building materials transportation , construction, material delivery, giraffe, human hoist, transportation of building materials , open platforms, cargo

Ogre L, LTD

Putnu 4, Ogre, Ogres nov. LV-5001
Grain transportation , delivery. Building materials transportation , delivery., Building sand transportation , delivery.

Delta LV, JSC

Kuldīgas 69, Saldus, Saldus nov. LV-3801
, grain transportation , transportation of products in the Baltic States, tent transport, building materials , transportation , bulk cargo transportation by tank trucks, pre-packaged cement transportation , transportation

Rudux, LTD

Skaistkalnes 1A, Rīga, LV-1004
, building materials transportation , fuel transportation , diesel fuel transportation , transportation , of industrial goods, transportation of animal feed, transportation of production equipment, transportation