Certified slaughterhouse, all Latvia


Biameat, LTD, Certified slaughterhouse

"Silaputni", Zasas pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5239
About the company:

LTD "Biameat" performs meat processing services in Jēkabpils.

Senlejas, LTD

Melderu 1, Ķeipene, Ķeipenes pagasts, Ogres nov., LV-5062

Certified company LTD "Senlejas" produces and delivers fresh meat products to buyers in Latvia and Europe: fresh, chilled beef, young cattle, veal in carcasses and in cut form( boneless meat), food offal( liver, kidney, heart, etc) . The company also produces organic products and "Zaļās karotītes" production. Quality management system certified according to BRC( British Retail Consortium Global Standarts for Food Safety) standard requirements that meet the latest food safety requirements, risk analysis and monitoring. Certification according to this standard confirms the company's compliance with quality, safety and legality management systems; including HACCP( risk analysis at critical control points), for good manufacturing practice, good hygiene practice, good laboratory practice.

Kalnpierbes, Farm

"Pentsils", Ērģemes pagasts, Valkas nov., LV-4711
Livestock purchase, slaughterhouse , organic slaughterhouse , cattle slaughter, slaughterhouse services

MarMar Meat, LTD, BIO poultry meat production, meat production

Avotu 11, Lielvārde, Ogres nov., LV-5071
grown, slaughtered and divided lamb, beef, veal and grown in Latvia, meat trade, sales, BIO cattle slaughterhouse , , BIO, biologically certified meat distribution workshop, cattle slaughter, meat, meat products, meat

Renem, LTD

Krasnogorka , Pelēču pagasts, Preiļu nov., LV-5329
Slaughterhouse , cattle purchase, slaughterhouse , slaughterhouse services. Certified slaughterhouse ., Preili, slaughterhouse in Preili, slaughterhouse Preilu County, slaughterhouse Preiļi, slaughterhouse

Smaidas, Farm

"Smaidas", Snēpele, Snēpeles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3328
Slaughterhouse in Kurzeme, slaughterhouse Kurzeme, Kuldiga, pig, cattle purchase, slaughterhouse services, , certified slaughterhouse , certified slaughterhouse services.

Lāses AM, LTD

"Valles", Rumbas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Organic slaughterhouse , Slaughterhouse , fresh meat, cattle purchase, Pork, beef, retail, wholesale,, in Kurzeme, slaughterhouse , certified slaughterhouse services, Cattle purchase, cattle purchase, purchase

Aibi, LTD

Cēsu 16A, Ērgļi, Ērgļu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4840
Licensed abattoir AIBI, Certified slaughterhouse , Organic slaughterhouse , slaughter services, cattle, FSSC certified slaughterhouse . Slaughterhouse services. organic cattle slaughterhouse .

Cēsu gaļas kombināts, LTD

Miera 19, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
stockpiling live stock, purchase of newlyweds in live weight, livestock purchase, beef cattle purchase, certified , , bovine animal transport, purchase of sheep, certified slaughterhouse , chilled sheepmeat, chilled beef

Trušu muiža Kalvenē

"Eglaines", Kalvenes pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3443
Slaughterhouse , certified slaughterhouse . Lauris Tomsons. Smoked chicken. Smoked rabbits.