Cleaning services, companies in Kuldīga

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LiiR Latvia, LTD, cleaning, cleaning service

Latgales 322, Rīga, LV-1063
TYPES OF CLEANING service:: ✓ Everyday cleaning ✓ One time cleaning ✓ Spring cleaning ✓ Bureau cleaning ✓ Supermarket cleaning ✓ Production plant cleaning ✓ Territory cleaning About the company:

Company Ltd "LiiR Latvia" is a professional site, factory and premises cleaning company. Cleaning company "LiiR Latvia" offers you a wide range of offers in the field of professional cleaning - in offices, shopping centers, production plants, work spaces, including apartment cleaning and house cleaning. Time to clean up! We are proud of the experienced and professional employees of our company who guarantee perfect cleaning quality! Our premises, grounds, production facilities and apartment cleaning company is an excellent choice for your cleaning service!


Antigraffiti, LTD

Cesvaines 15A - 211, Rīga, LV-1073
Our services:: ✓ Graffiti removal ✓ Facade washing ✓ Removal of road markings ✓ Floor cleaning ✓ Eliminating the consequences of a fire ✓ Protection of building facades ✓ Roof cleaning ✓ Pavement cleaning ✓ Area treatment against ticks ✓ Cleaning of railway wagons ✓ Window washing ✓ Cleaning after fire ✓ Cleaning apartment after renovation ✓ Rental of cleaning equipment ✓ Tornado ACS unit for gentle cleaning ✓ Mobile cleaning complex
  • 2 Cleaning services

Green Line Services, LTD

Jāņa Poruka 39, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Services: ✓ washing textiles, laundry, work clothes ✓ dry cleaning of textiles ✓ rental of textile products, laundry, work clothes ✓ cleaning of premises and areas( daily cleaning service, general cleaning, carpet, floor cleaning, window washing, waxing, upholstery cleaning, post-repair cleaning) ✓ goods trade( work clothes, work shoes, work gloves, household chemicals, textiles, industrially renovated entrance mats, personal protective equipment, wholesale) ✓ work clothing repair ✓ service of work shoes ✓ service of work gloves ✓ badge service( logo on work clothes, labeling)

Hard, LTD, Personal protective equipment shop - warehouse

Kuldīgas 69A, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801

Work clothes, work shoes, work protection means, work clothes trade, work clothes wholesale.

Freiga, LTD, furniture factory

Kuldīgas 12, Aizpute, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3456
Description: LTD "Freiga", combining technological solutions and customer ideas, is able to implement both classic and extravagant orders. Wide variations of design and accessories are possible in orders for wooden windows, exterior doors, stairs, various furniture and equipment. Strict and continuous quality control throughout the production process allows LTD "Freiga" to guarantee the quality of production.

“Dotnuva Baltic”, LTD, Agricultural machinery center Saldus

Kuldīgas 90, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Agriculture equipment, SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS:

Case IH, Kverneland, Cimbria, Irrimec, Kongskilde, Quicke, Jeantil, Agrifac agricultural machinery for sale - tractors, combines, ploughs, cultivators, harrows, seed drills, crop harrows, forage harvesters, telescopic front loaders, irrigation systems, manure handling equipment.

All sold equipment meets the safety and environmental protection requirements of European Union legislation.

PC Konsultants, LTD, Shop

Raiņa 4, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
Distribution and service of accounting programs is one of the company's most important activities:

Our consulting services are used by more than 200 companies and municipal institutions throughout Latvia. Our consultants are professionals with comprehensive knowledge and experience not only in serviced program options, but also in accounting and record keeping. "PC Konsultants" can provide a full service of the company's accounting system - starting from user training and consulting, ending with the configuration and administration of the entire computer system. Our services are not only provided face-to-face at the client, but effective remote administration tools have also been created, which provide the client with a very fast and significantly cheaper service. Although the company's office is located in Kurzeme, the remote administration tools give us the opportunity to provide fast and high-quality support for users of accounting programs in Riga, Alūksne, Aizkraukle, Lielvārde, Salaspils and elsewhere in Latvia.

Baltic Agro Machinery, LTD, Kurzeme regional sales and service center in Kuldīga

"Tornīši", Rumbas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301

LTD "Baltic Agro Machinery" is engaged in the sale of agricultural, construction, utility and logging equipment, providing full service in all regions of Latvia.

AkaTe, LTD

Dārza 8 - 8, Skrunda, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3326
LTD "AkaTe" offers:: ✓ Drilling services for water; ✓ Tamponage; ✓ Borehole rinsing. Prices:: ✓ Drilling - starting from 50 EUR/meter( the price includes materials and transport) ✓ Tamponage - by agreement ✓ Rinsing - 150 EUR Description:

LTD "AkaTe" main activities are well drilling, installation of pumps, maintenance and repair of wells.

Kursa Altum, LTD

Ķelšu 19, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301

The company provides full-service arborist services - tree sawing, tree care, chipping, stump milling, material removal, sawing timber into boards( with a regular or mobile gater) . In addition, roof cleaning, landscaping, including landscaping, and grass cutting services are provided.


Tehnikas 9, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Services:: ✓ Construction/construction works ✓ Renovation and reconstruction of buildings ✓ Heat insulation boards ✓ External water supply and sewerage network construction ✓ Dismantling works ✓ Construction of foundations for buildings ✓ Drainage works ✓ Transport services ✓ Excavator services ✓ Dismantling and removal of the old fence ✓ Assembly of fences and gates, sliding gates, hinged gates and entrance gates ✓ Automation installation ✓ Road construction, repair, asphalting

Vārme parish. . Clover hp Skaistmales

"Skaistmales", Vārmes pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3333

The Skaistmales farm is a company of the Aboliņi family. We are engaged in the cultivation, sale and pre-processing of grain and rapeseed. We provide grain analysis, truck scale and loader services. We are the Latraps grain acceptance point in Varma. The laboratory is connected to the Latvian grain network. We accept wheat, rapeseed, barley, oats, rye, etc. .

Goldingen Digger, LTD

"Bāze", Ēdoles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3310
Kāpēc izvēlēties mūs, SIA "Goldingen Digger"?: ✓ Piedāvājam plaša profila zemes darbus Kurzemē ar dažādu modifikāciju un svaru kategorijas ekskavatoriem līdz 40 t, ir arī ekskavatori ar garajām strēlēm Long Reach, aizsniedzamība 16m, 18m un 24 metri; ✓ Vienlaicīgi varam strādāt ar 6 un vairāk ekskavatoriem vienā objektā, ir arī dumperi 6x6 un 4x4, un, protams, tehnika arī citiem labiekārtošanas darbiem; ✓ Pieejamas 5 pašizgāzēju mašīnas, gan 6x4, gan 8x4, visa veida beramā materiāla piegāde; ✓ Profesionāli, labi motivēti operatori, pozitīva attieksme, atbilstoša tehnika un aprīkojums, strādājam pārdomāti, raiti un kvalitatīvi; ✓ Padarītā apjoma un patērētā laika adekvāts balanss; ✓ Pareiza darba secīguma ievērošana un sekojošo darbu analīze, organizēšana; ✓ Operatīva un ļoti precīza izmaksu aprēķināšana jau pie telefona sarunas, objekta apskates. Kā arī profesionāli ieteikumi ņemot vērā apstākļus un darba izpildes specifiku; ✓ Sniedzam pakalpojumus gan fiziskām, gan juridiskām personām. Varam veikt darbus arī, ja neatrodaties valstī (priekšapmaksa 100% apmērā); ✓ Ar mums varat rēķināties, ja esam vienojušies; ✓ Mēs labprāt pieņemam izaicinājumus. Jebkuras sarežģītības darbi, arī tie par kuriem citi tikai plāta rokas; ✓ Daram to, ko vislabāk protam, un protam mēs daudz un līdz galam. Zeme kā ledus, krasti kā šķīvis. ✓ Visiem mūsu darbiem ir civiltiesiskā apdrošināšana līdz 100 000 euro. 

Andris Ševirjovs, certified chimneysweep

Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
Description: Certified chimney sweeper with several years of experience, individual approach to each client and the work to be done. Member of the Chamber of Crafts of Latvia and the Brotherhood of Chimney Sweepers in Kuldīga and Kuldīga County.

Amber Avenue, LTD

Krasta 9, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Cleaning services

Zeļļi Z, LTD

Aveņu aleja 1, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
manure storage, Geomembrane, Geomembrane bonding, Geomembrane decking, Excavator rental, excavator services , , bush harvesting, gravel cleaning , production of woodchips, woodchip material, chopped firewood, firewood

Pet Care, LTD, Branch

Liepājas 34, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Anal gland cleaning , nail cutting, hair clipping ear cleaning . Dermatological visits. Euthanasia., Livestock veterinary services : Emergency assistance. Artificial insemination.

AJK jumti, LTD

Dārza 18, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Cleaning of trough. Roof maintenance. Roofer SOS works., Tinsmith services , roofer services .

Urbumiņš Pluss, LTD

Ciecere, Cieceres 10, Skrundas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3326
Water supply, pump assembly, well rinsing, well cleaning , well putting in order., Transport services , freight transport, excavator services , tow truck services .

Energoparks, LTD

"Viesalgi", Snēpeles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3328
Truck tyre repair, truck tire change, tyre service, commercial vehicle tyres, replacement, Transport services , Saldus, Tukums, Talsi, Liepaja, Ventspils, Clearing of overgrown areas, overgrowth removal, gravel cleaning