Excursions, companies in Kuldīga


Rožmalas, hotel, restaurant, wedding place in Bauska

Nameju 2, Ceraukste, Ceraukstes pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3908
Services: ✓ Hotel; ✓ Restaurant; ✓ Ribbe windmill; ✓ Rental of premises for events; ✓ Bath-house; ✓ Excursions. Ribbes mill:

We, "Rožmalu" the owners, we are farmers and we also want to show our visitors how agriculture has developed through the centuries, from ancient times to today's new technologies. We have created an exhibition at the Ribbe windmill "Graudu ceļš" . We appreciate the legacy left by our ancestors - the Ribbe windmill, which is not only the pride of us, but also of Zemgale region and revives the landscape of that time in Bauska region. The structure of the windmill, its equipment and details have been designed and tested over the centuries and are one of the most complex monuments of the nation's construction, which has preserved the heritage and work ethics of our ancestors. The Ribbe windmill was built according to a Dutch-style project that was typical of large and powerful windmills at the time. They got their name thanks to the surname of the first owner - Riba. It is said that the workers who built the windmills received one siek per day( sieks - ancient Latvian grain volume measure) grain, but the supervisor - silver ruble.

Kuldīgas Metropole, Hotel

Baznīcas 11, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301

Viesnīca un restorāns "Metropole" dibināta Kuldīgas vecpilsētas centrā 1910. gadā, pilnībā atjaunota 2006. gadā, saglabājot savu senatnējo fasādi un kļūstot par modernāko un prestižāko viesnīcu un restorānu pilsētā, piedāvājot sezonālo, lokālo virtuvi un unikālus numuriņus ar skatu uz vēsturisko pilsētu. Viesnīca Kuldīgas Metropole piedāvā 14 komfortablus numurus, kuri ieturēti klasiskā stilā, no kuriem 6 ir vienstāva, 7 divstāvu (ar spirālveida kāpnēm) un 1 LUX numuriņš. No logiem divu stāvu numuriņos jūs varat redzēt apdzīvoto Kuldīgas galveno gājēju ielu, bet, ja jūs vēlaties klusāku atmosfēru, mēs varam piedāvāt jums numuru ar skatu uz Alekšupīti, kas liks jums aizmirst par ikdienas steigu ar savu mierīgo un kluso plūsmu. Restorāns piedāvā svaigu un sezonālu ēdienkarti, balstoties uz vietējo virtuvi un labākajām Eiropas kulinārijas tradīcijām.

Baļļas medus un bišu lietas, shop

Liepājas 24, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
honey, hazelnut in honey, nuts-raisins in honey, berry honey, honey bath, bath-house, guest house, excursions

Courland Village, LTD

Baznīcas 11, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
wedding celebration, organization of weddings, banquet hall, seminar hall, premises for conferences, excursions

Ineses tortes, LTD

"Kārlis", Vārme, Vārmes pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3333
Cakes, excursions , degustation.