Forest exploitation, all Latvia

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Logseter, LTD

"Čiekuri", Liepas pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4128
Logging services, Tree cutting, Forest removal, Buys forest , Purchase of felling areas, Forest administration, for EU co-financing attracting, forest works, forest removal, forest tree measurements, overgrowth and

Lignum Latvija, LTD

Krišjāņa Barona 96/98-12, Rīga LV-1001
Forest purchase, land purchase, logging, forest management, reforestation, young stand care, forest inventory, , locating, tree measurements, forestry, logging services, forest taxation, forest assessment, forest

JP Koks, LTD

Jaunpiebalga, Kalna 14, Jaunpiebalgas pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4125
Logging, forestry works, overgrown removing, shrub cutting, forest cutting, sawer services, forwarder, services, forestry equipment services, purchase of forest property, forest purchase, buying of felling

Visto Serviss, LTD

Martiši, Bērzu 16, Isnaudas pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV-5701
services, forest planting, thinning of the forest , forest -related activities, forest administration., Forest removal services in Ludza, In Latgale. Forwarder services in Ludza, In Latgale.

NL Liepas, LTD

Jelgavas 17-5, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Logging, buying of felling sites, forest purchase, purchase of forest property, forest cutting, cutting, services, forest administration, young stand care, forest evaluation, agricultural land plant cover

Latgales mežsaimnieks, LTD

Upenieki, Vītolu 6, Jersikas pagasts, Līvānu nov. LV-5315
Forest , logging, forestry, felling areas, buying of felling sites, forest estate buying, purchase of, felling area in Latgale, forest evaluation, evaluation of growing trees, tree measurements, locating

Vairogi AB, LTD

"Ģērķēni", Daudzeses pagasts, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5111
Forest ( forest ) handler services, timber transport, carrier.

Kurzemes dabas fondi, LTD

"Kuldīgas šoseja 99F", Saldus pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3862
Buys, purchase, buys forests, felling areas, forest , buying of felling sites, purchase in whole Latvia, , felling location, felling tree measurements, evaluation, wood-felling areas, logging, forest planting

Senatnes 2, Farm

"Senatnes", Pededzes pagasts, Alūksnes nov., LV-4352
Logging, logging, forest development, buying of felling sites, forest purchase, sawing, sawing materials

SGM Silva, LTD

"Jurģīši", Straupes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4152
Tree, log removal, Forest cutting. Forest removal. Buys forest . Purchase of felling areas., Forest , Forestry machinery. Forwarder services.

Irnumi-2, Farm

"Irnumi", Ainažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4035
properties, ( In Vidzeme) forest estates., Felling area and forest purchase.

Diarc, LTD

Doles 2, Baloži, Ķekavas nov., LV-2128
Purchase of felling areas, forest properties, forest , forest land, forest buying, Forest taxation, Logging, land, buys forest with land, forest land purchase, forest estate acquisition, forest inventory, purchase

RV Forest, LTD

Aldaru 10/12, Liepāja, LV-3401
shrub cutting, clean up of overgrown areas, bush cutting, tree cutting, Purchase of felling areas and forest , Purchase of forests, forest properties may be accompanied by agricultural land and buildings.

Osis SE, LTD

Brīvības 19, Subate, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5471
Logging, logging, forest development, logging services, buying of felling sites, purchase of felling, areas, forest purchase, forest estate buying, timber haulers, haulage services, Woodworking, packaging

Blīgzna, LTD

Ērberģe, Liepu 8, Mazzalves pagasts, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5133
Forest purchase. Forest handler services, timber transport. Land amelioration., Logging, forest purchase, land, purchase of land, ( Aizkraukle, Aizkraukles region, district, Bauska

Sila Priedes, LTD

Valmiermuiža, Viestura laukums 8, Valmieras pagasts, Valmieras nov., LV-4219
taxation, forest inventory, timber prices, sawlog prices., Forest , forest land purchase, buying, In Vidzeme, In Aluksne, In Balvi, In Cesis, In Madona, In Strenči

Linca, LTD

Lautere , Aronas pagasts, Madonas nov. LV-4847
Logging, logging services in Vidzeme, forest development. Forest removal. Tiber hauler services., Forest administration, In Vidzeme, In Madona. Services for forest owners.

AlderWood, LTD

Lielā 60A-7, Grobiņa, Dienvidkurzemes nov. LV-3430
Logging, logging services, sawing, cutting services, sawing trees with chainsaws, tree cutting, forest , care, logging prices, tree sawing in private property, forest manager, forest sawing prices, forest

DJ Logging, LTD

Alsunga, Skolas 16, Alsungas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3306
Logging, logging services, sawing, cutting services, sawing trees with chainsaws, tree cutting, forest administration, tree measurements, young stands, young stand care, ( trimming) timber hauler, tiber hauler services, tree removal, harvester services, forwarder services, forestry machinery, dangerous tree cutting, forest management

Paulwood, LTD

"Kalnieši 3", Liezēres pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4884
, buys felling grounds in Vidzeme, buys logs in Latvia, purchase of forest properties, we buy forest , properties in Vidzeme, forest purchase, forest , Harvester services, tree cutting, Forwarder services,