Forestry, companies in Brenguļi
BK Grupa, LTD, Logging
"BK GRUPA" deals with felling and purchase of forest lands in ownership throughout Latvia! Property valuation and document preparation. Tree measurements. Locating. Taxation. Measurement.
Company description:"BK GRUPA" performs logging, felling. Provides harvester and forwarder services. Excavator services. Buy forests, felling areas. buys, buys forests, forest fellings, and forest properties throughout Latvia! Dump truck services, construction equipment services, black earth, gravel, sand delivery, trade. We work in Vidzeme, Latgale, Zemgale, Kurzeme
We buy - felled and partially felled forest, forests, forest properties, fellings.
For sale - sifted black earth, sand.
AA apjoms, LTD
Forestry services, Raivo Bobrov
"KL FOREST", Ltd. is engaged in forestry services and logging. We buy logging areas and properties. Our operating region is Zemgale, Kurzeme and Vidzeme.
Vecvagari M, LTD
Mana meža vērtība
"Mana meža vērtība" is a logging and forest price comparison platform designed for forest owners and buyers. Forest owners can get their forest valued in terms of amount from more than 200+ potential buyers, both individuals and legal entities, with the help of a free advertisement. On the other hand, by providing forest buyers with the latest information on forest properties in the areas they are interested in, offering to make a one-time price offer. The value of the forest or felled property is obtained when the potential buyer obtains information about the property, making an invisible price offer to others, thereby forming a fair assessment of the specific property. Information about the owner of the forest or felling is confidential! My forest value acts as a support for forest sellers, providing free consultations, sample documents and informing about current events in the forest industry. does not engage in property purchases or property auctions!