Medical aid: out-patient, all Latvia

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Gubskas Ž. family doctor practice

Krišjāņa Barona 117, Rīga, LV-1012
Medical aid: out-patient

Gulbes S. family doctor practice

"Pilsrundāle 1", Pilsrundāle, Rundāles pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3921

Gulbes S. family doctor practice, Place of practice

"Mārpuķītes", Saulaine, Rundāles pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3901

Gunta Frīdenberga, gynecologist in Tukum

Elizabetes, Tukums, Tukuma nov., LV-3101
Gynaecologist, gynaecological examination, obstetrician, classes for pregnant women, psychotherapist, providing of youth-friendly services, selection of contraception, pregnancy observation, postpartum depression, psychosexual disorders. Working time: by appointment. Dr. Fridenberga, gynaecologist. In Tukums.

Gunther Angela, audiologist

Cēsu 31 k-3, Rīga, LV-1012
Audio speech therapist, speech therapy rehabilitation, speech disorders, voice disorders, impairment of communication skills, language development, development of communications, speech correction, phonation disorders, swallowing disorders, language comprehension disorders, voice disorders, increased salivation, speech tempo and

Gynecological practice of Bruzgules Vijas

Bērzu 5-313, Aizkraukle, Aizkraukles nov. LV-5101
Vija Bruzgule, gynecologist Bruzgule, gynecologist in Aizkraukle, maternity records, cycle disorders, gynaecological examination. Aizkraukle. Acceptance by appointment.

Gynecological practice of Laima Sarguna

Meža 9-1, Tukums, Tukuma nov., LV-3101
Gynaecologist, doctor, obstetrician, women's diseases, childbirth. Ultrasonography, gynecologist ultrasonography, gynaecologic ultrasonography, diagnostics, treatment of women's diseases

Gynecologist in Ventspils, Puren Alvil

Lielais prospekts 54, Ventspils, LV-3601
Medical practice in gynecology, obstetrics. Gynaecologist services, consultations. Women's doctors., Medical aid , Free maternity care. State-paid screening in oncocytology.