Plastic containers, companies in Cēsis


Tolmets Vidzeme, LTD, Cesis scrap metal purchasing point

Rūpniecības 17, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Collection of films, plastic cans, collection, big bag collection., for silage piles - collection; polypropylene bag collection; PP mineral fertilizer bags, collection; plastic


Piebalgas 85, Cēsis, Cēsu nov. LV-4101
for floors, floor foam plastic , polystyrene for floors, foam plastic for floor, foam plastic , floor, conditioners, air conditioner, mobile conditioner, tools, work tools, building buckets, construction containers

ZAAO, LTD, Priekuļu district

Priekuļi, Cēsu prospekts 5, Priekuļu pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4126
packaging (tetra-pack and elopak), metal, polyethylene, PET bottles, household chemical and cosmetic plastic , what are paper, polyethylene, metal and glass waste to be thrown in containers .

ZAAO, LTD, Līgatnes district

Spriņģu 4, Līgatne, Cēsu nov. LV-4110
packaging (tetra-pak and eco-pak), metal, polyethylene, PET bottles, household chemical and cosmetic plastic , what are paper, polyethylene, metal and glass waste to be thrown in containers .

ZAAO, LTD, Amatas district

Amatas pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4141
ZAAO conducts: waste management, removal, sorting, storage in Amatas district, Domestic waste, bulky waste, construction waste. Waste disposal in Amata, In Drabeši, In Nītaure, In Skujene, In Zaube, In Ģikši. ZAAO provides services: Amatas district Amatas district, Ģikši, Velmeri, Merķeļi; Amatas parish, Position. Drabešu parish, Nītaures

ZAAO, LTD, Pārgaujas district

"Iktes", Stalbe, Stalbes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4151
ZAAO conducts: waste management, removal, sorting, storage in Pārgaujas district, Domestic waste, bulky waste, construction waste. Waste removal; In Raiskums, In Straupe, In Plācis, In Stalbe, In Daibe. ZAAO provides services: Pārgaujas district, Raiskuma parish, Raiskums, Stalbes parish, Stalbe, Straupes parish, Straupe, Daibe, Miglači,

ZAAO, LTD, Vecpiebalgas district

Vecpiebalgas pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4122
ZAAO conducts: waste management, removal, sorting, storage in Vecpiebalgas district, Domestic waste, bulky waste, construction waste. Waste removal: In Vecpiebalga, In Dzērbene, In Taurene, In Ineši, In Kaive; ZAAO provides services: Vecpiebalgas district, Dzērbenes parish, Dzērbene, Inešu parish, Ineši, Kaives parish, Kaive, Taurenes

ZAAO, LTD, Jaunpiebalgas district

Jaunpiebalga, Gaujas 4, Jaunpiebalgas pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4125
ZAAO performs: waste management, removal, sorting, storage in Jaunpiebalgas region, Domestic waste, bulky waste, construction waste. Waste disposal: in Jaunpiebalga, In Zosēni, In Melnbārži, In Abrupe, In Skubiņi, In Paupji, In Vinķi. ZAAO serves: Jaunpiebalgas district, Jaunpiebalgas parish, Jaunpiebalga, Zosēnu parish, Zosēni, Melnbārži,

4 istabas, salon-shop

"Piebalgas 85", Vaives pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4136
spices, decorative elements, candlesticks, container pallets, trays, baskets, boxes, cardboard boxes, plastic