Sāremas 3, Rīga, LV-1005
Services:: ✓ Inspections of dangerous equipment ✓ Audit and certification of companies' energy efficiency system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard ✓ Certification of management systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards ✓ Food safety management( ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRCGS Food) ✓ Greenhouse effect gas( SEG) verification of emission reports ✓ Certification of the heat treatment process of wood packaging material in accordance with SFP No.15 "Starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā izmantotā koksnes iepakojamā materiāla reglamentācija" requirements ✓
Testing laboratory - welding quality assessment( non-destructive testing of boilers, pressure equipment, pipelines, storage tanks for hazardous substances, gas equipment, cranes, metal products, metal structures and welded joints NDT and destructive testing of metals DT) ✓ Electrical safety measurements
Vaidelotes 4 - 94, Rīga, LV-1055
Together with our partners, we focus on the following services::: ✓ NDT training and certification; ✓ Material NDT; ✓ IT development( software solutions, engineering, etc) ; ✓ NDT, IT and management consulting; ✓ Recruitment, placement and employment.
LTD "PlyStruct" specializes in non-destructive testing( NDT), transforming the industry, not only by developing modern tools but also by optimizing processes to create new job opportunities across Europe. We pride ourselves on our unwavering commitment to quality and safety across a variety of industries.
Company mission — make the world safer by developing new technologies, educating a new generation of security experts, working responsibly, and helping to effectively connect the growing need for product reliability with experienced professionals and reliable solutions.
Ilzenes 2, Rīga, LV-1005
Par uzņēmumu:
Negraujošas testēšanas laboratorija SIA "Weldtest Latvia" veic metinājumu kvalitātes pārbaudes metālkonstrukcijām, tvertnēm, cauruļvadiem un citiem metāla izstrādājumiem pēc:
✓ Vizuālās (VT);
✓ Magnētiko daļiņu (MT);
✓ Ultraskaņas (UT);
✓ Ultraskaņas biezuma mērīšanas (UBM);
✓ Turpmākā projektā tiek plānota Radiogrāfijas metodēm.
Laboratorija strādā saskaņā ar Latvijas akreditācijas sfēras nr. T-661 pēc LVS EN ISO /IEC 17025 standarta un saņēma akreditāciju no „Latvijas Nacionālais akreditācijas birojā" no 2022. gada 20. jūnija.
Lāčplēša 87I, Rīga, LV-1011
Services: ✓ Expertise ✓ Testing ✓ Trainings ✓ Certification ✓ Consultations
Certification centre:
Latvian certification center( LATSERT) is the leading national product conformity assessment institution in Latvia. The main cornerstones of LATSERT's cooperation with clients are: assessment based on objective facts, knowledge and respect for legal regulations, honesty and openness, respect and observance of ethical principles, ensuring confidentiality. CE certification, testing, quality checks, conformity assessment, qualification raising, laboratory, certificates in Latvia, Riga.
Zaļā 1 - 3.st., Rīga, LV-1010
Our services:: ✓ Doctor-geneticist consultations( professional assistance to patients with genetic diseases and reproductive disorders is provided by geneticists Dr. Liene Korneeva, Dr. Ieva Grīnfelde) ; ✓ Oncologist - chemotherapist consultations; ✓ In - depth genetic testing( . sk. infertile couples) : Preimplantation genetic testing of embryos at the chromosomal and gene level( PGT-A / PGS and PGT-M / PGD) ; ✓ Determination of the karyotype; ✓ Molecular genetic testing - Molecular testing of thrombophilia, determination of non-invasive fetal Rhesus factor in pregnant women, testing of fragile X chromosome, testing of Y chromosome( AZF factor), HLA-typing, KIR-typing, genetic examination of aborted pregnancy material, testing of inherited tumors, testing of inherited recessive diseases; ✓ Genetic tests for complex female / male infertility; ✓ Preparation of newborn genetic passport; ✓ Lifestyle genetic tests Viva Genomics.
Baznīcas 20/22 - 5.st., Rīga, LV-1010
The company offers: ✓ Infertility tests. ✓ Artificial insemination. ✓ Genetic material freezing. ✓ Gynaecology. ✓ Pregnancy care. ✓ Pediatrics. ✓ Becoming a donor. ✓ State - paid medical insemination procedures.
"AVA clinic" - EUGIN clinic network, the leading infertility treatment clinic in the Baltics and Northern Europe, specializing in infertility treatment and embryonic genetics, as well as offering a comprehensive range of services in gynecology and obstetrics. The experience of AVA CLINIC proves that good infertility treatment results are ensured not only by the latest equipment, applied methods and high qualification of specialists. The decisive factor is the attentive doctor's attitude towards each couple. The collective mission of the team - to give new life - unites all the specialists of the clinic. The mission of the clinic - to give new life!
Rāmuļu 3, Rīga, LV-1005
We perform the following drilling and sawing works at any depth and angle( in granite, iron in concrete, in brick, asphalt etc) :: ✓ drilling of holes ✓ sawing ✓ creation of columns ✓ štrobēšana ✓ socket drilling ✓ dismantling
Advantages of using diamond cutting technology:: ✓ without dynamic load( without cracks) ✓ relatively low noise level( ~ 86 dB) ✓ relatively low vibration levels( ~ 2.5 m / s2) that allows you to do the jobalso in the living area
Tvaika 27, Rīga, LV-1005
Services:: ✓ Geotechnical research ✓ Geotechnical monitoring ✓ Sand compaction tests ✓ Soil bearing capacity tests ✓ Pile integrity tests ✓ Basic survey ✓ Static plate tests ✓ Creation of monitoring wells
About us::
LTD "Geo Eksperts" is a Latvian company whose main occupation is geotechnical( geological, engineering geological) provision of research services. We see our permanent and most important customers in the territory of Latvia, but we also do not limit ourselves from research work in the other Baltic countries or in nearby neighboring countries.
Zaļā 1 - 2.st., Rīga, LV-1010
Services:: ✓ Infertility diagnosis and treatment ✓ Fertility preservation - KRIO ✓ Diagnosis and treatment of male infertility ✓ Genetic testing ✓ Laboratory / Manipulations ✓ Donor programs ✓
men's health ✓ Outpatient center ✓ Stem cell center ✓ Anti-aging medicine ✓ Gynaecology ✓ Operations ✓ Services for pregnant women
Krišjāņa Valdemāra 33A - 1A, Rīga, LV-1010
Description: SIA “Cilmes šūnu banka” is the first accredited stem cell bank in Latvia with the longest experience. The company has been operating in Latvia since 2004. on 24. february, works 24/7 mode. SIA “Cilmes šūnu banka” is registered in the register of medical institutions and has received a tissue and cell use permit issued by the State Agency of Medicines. These documents confirm that SIA “Cilmes šūnu banka” has been assessed and complies with the requirements of regulatory enactments and is entitled to perform such activities: donation, procurement, laboratory testing of cord blood and tissues for private use with a view to further processing by Polski Bank Komorek Macierzystych SA. ( PBKM) . PBKM ir SIA "Cilmes šūnu banka" "mātes" a company that brings together umbilical cord biological material banks and whose international brand is FamiCord.
Ieriķu 43 - 25, Rīga, LV-1084
LTD "Alfa laboratorija" is the representative of Abbott Molecular and Abbott Point of Care companies in Latvia. Innovations in complex disease management and modern laboratory management. LTD "Alfa laboratorija" offers the highest quality diagnostic products of world leaders in laboratory diagnostic technology for laboratories in Latvia and the Baltics.
Krišjāņa Valdemāra 157, Rīga, LV-1013
LTD "R & D Akustika" founded in 1993., the acoustics laboratory was established in 2004., accredited according to LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025 requirements. The laboratory has modern equipment and computer programs necessary for forecasting. This allows LTD "R & D Akustika" perform a full cycle of forecasting, testing and evaluation of acoustic parameters yourself, in the development or reconstruction of new acoustic projects. We evaluate the wishes and possibilities of customers, we provide the most optimal solutions for acoustic problems. We perform noise, sound insulation, room acoustics measurements, building acoustics expertise.
Ganību dambis 24D - 715, Rīga, LV-1005
Products for food and environmental safety control: Rapid tests for food safety. Quick surface purity tests. Tests for the HACCAP food production system. Microbiological culture media. Ready-made microbiological feeders. Surface purity tests. Antibiotic tests. Rapid antibiotic tests for milk. Mycotoxin grain tests. Inhibitor tests. Milk analyzers. Lactic acidity tests. ATP tests. Surface purity tests. Water purity tests. Rapid water purity tests. ATP tests. Laboratory equipment. Inhibitor tests. Milk analyzers. Luminometers. Cryoscopes.
Piedrujas 11 - 101, Rīga, LV-1073
Description: JSC "ĢEOSERVISS" main activity - ENGINEERING RESEARCH WORKS for construction and design needs, as well as accredited GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY services. Experience since 1993. annual. GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY offers physical and mechanical testing of soil, chemical testing of groundwater and physical testing of mineral materials according to LVS CEN and GOST methods. The laboratory is accredited by the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau with accreditation No. LATAK-T-281.
Braslas 19, Rīga, LV-1084
Geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations. Environmental research and consulting - soil, groundwater pollution research. Topography and geodesy. Drilling works, Static and Dynamic sounding, CPT, DPSH, pore pressure measurement, Soil laboratory studies, Conducting sightings, Static slab testing. Preparation of career research and documentation. Decontamination
( restoration) and reclamation. Hydrotechnical and reclamation construction.
Meža 7, Rīga, LV-1048
Technical inspections and expertise
Zvirbuļu 2 - 2, Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
, soil laboratory , accredited soil laboratory , accredited laboratory , mechanical testing of soil, physical, Laboratory tests, testing .
Dzērbenes 27, Rīga LV-1006
Margrietas 7, Rīga, LV-1083
technical consultations, accredited laboratory , mechanical testing of soil, physical testing of soil, Laboratory tests, testing .
Latgales 322B, Rīga LV-1063
Accredited laboratory . Environmental protection. Emission measurements. Emission testing ., Gas flow testing . Air pollutant testing . Chemical analysis.