Training in labour protection, all Latvia

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Darba drošības centrs, LTD

Bukultu 11, Rīga, LV-1005
Work safety, labour protection , assessment of work environment risks, work environment risk assessment, , audit, competent institution in workplace safety, full service labour protection services, courses,
  • 1 Labour safety; organization, consultations

Jānis Vārpa, a competent specialist in labor protection

"Puķītes", Remtes pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3871
Labour protection , workplace environment, preventive measures, work safety, health protection , working, Training in labour protection , work safety instructions, instructions.
  • 2 Labour safety; organization, consultations

Latvijas Rūpnieku tehniskās drošības ekspertu apvienība - TUV Rheinland grupa, LTD

Sāremas 3, Rīga, LV-1005
Services:: ✓ Inspections of dangerous equipment ✓ Audit and certification of companies' energy efficiency system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard ✓ Certification of management systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards ✓ Food safety management( ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRCGS Food) ✓ Greenhouse effect gas( SEG) verification of emission reports ✓ Certification of the heat treatment process of wood packaging material in accordance with SFP No.15 "Starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā izmantotā koksnes iepakojamā materiāla reglamentācija" requirements ✓ Testing laboratory - welding quality assessment( non-destructive testing of boilers, pressure equipment, pipelines, storage tanks for hazardous substances, gas equipment, cranes, metal products, metal structures and welded joints NDT and destructive testing of metals DT) ✓ Electrical safety measurements

Vilevi, LTD, work safety Latgale branch

Rīgas 22A, Daugavpils, LV-5401
Labour protection , safety, fire safety, electrical safety, ( instructions) instructions., Practical training in fire fighting.

Vilevi, LTD, labor safety Zemgale branch

Pumpura 7, Jelgava LV-3004
Paid legal advice in employment law for employers and employees. Occupational health and safety system arranging, maintenance. Occupational risk, ( risk) assessment, measurements. Job security in Jelgava, In Dobele, Bauska, In Tērvete. Labor protection in Jelgava, In Dobele, Bauska, In Tērvete. Fire safety in Jelgava, In Dobele, Bauska, In

Vilevi, LTD, work safety Kurzeme branch

Šķērsu 6, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Paid legal advice in employment law for employers and employees. Occupational health and safety system arranging, maintenance. Occupational risk, ( risk) assessment, measurements. Work safety in Kuldīga, In Ventspils, In Liepaja, In Talsi, Pavilosta, In Aizpute, In Grobiņa. Work safety in Kuldīga, In Ventspils, In Liepaja, In Talsi, Pavilosta, In

Vilevi, LTD, work safety Vidzeme branch

Kocēni, Ošu 6, Kocēnu pagasts, Valmieras nov., LV-4220
Paid legal advice in employment law for employers and employees. Occupational health and safety system arranging, maintenance. Occupational risk, ( risk) assessment, measurements. Work safety in Smiltene, In Valmiera, Rūjiena, In Mazsalaca, In Cesis, In Valka. Labor protection in Smiltene, In Valmiera, Rūjiena, In Mazsalaca, In Cesis, In Valka.

Vilevi, LTD, Workspace safety company

Graudu 29A, Rīga, LV-1058
Paid legal advice in employment law for employers and employees. Occupational health and safety system arranging, maintenance. Occupational risk, ( risk) assessment, measurements. Work safety in Riga. Work safety in Riga. Fire safety in Riga. Work safety in Riga. Document, ( instruction) development, work safety. Accident and occupational, Labour protection

Tomsona 39 k-1 - 14, Rīga, LV-1013
Training in labour protection , work safety instructions, instructions., Full service labour protection services. Evacuation plans, plan.

Valmiera District Volunteer Firefighters Association

Stacijas 30, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
, fire safety briefing, practical training in fire safety, chimney ventilation cleaning, fire safety, documentation and training , chimney-sweeper services, lightning protection installation, lightning

Eva-93, LTD

Dzelzceļa 19, Līvāni, Līvānu nov., LV-5316
Labor protection in Livani, In Preili, In Jekabpils, Fire safety in Livani, In Preili, In Jekabpils,, , Accredited training center, Licensed training center, Certificates, Work safety, Projects, Lift, Hoist

FN-Serviss, LTD

Brīvības gatve 204B, Rīga, LV-1039
Work safety, Labour protection , Fire safety, Fire protection services, Labour protection services, Occupational, , training in labour protection , training procedures for labor protection issues, training courses,

FN-Serviss, LTD, Wholesale depot

Dzelzavas 70, Rīga LV-1082
Work safety, Labour protection, Fire safety, Fire protection services, Labour protection services, Occupational safety services, Occupational health and safety system audit, Occupational health and safety system arranging, Maintenance of the labor protection system, Assessment of workplace risks, Workplace risk assessment, Work safety in

FN-Serviss, LTD, Valmiera office-store/warehouse

Pāvila Rozīša 47, Valmiera, Valmieras nov. LV-4201
Work safety, Labour protection , Fire safety, Fire protection services, Labour protection services, Occupational, , training in labour protection , training procedures for labor protection issues, training courses,

FN-Serviss, LTD, Jelgava office-store/warehouse

Pulkveža Oskara Kalpaka 13, Jelgava, LV-3001
Work safety, Labour protection , Fire safety, Fire protection services, Labour protection services, Occupational, , training in labour protection , training procedures for labor protection issues, training courses,

Regul DD, LTD

Uzvaras 10B, Dobele, Dobeles nov. LV-3701
Labour protection . Competent authority labor protection . Senior occupational health specialist., Advice on labor protection , fire safety. Full service labour protection services.

Falkors Building Industry, LTD

Ropažu 140, Rīga, LV-1006
roof insulation, change of roof cover, roof repair, home insulation from the outside, work safety, labour , protection , facade insulation, occupational health and safety courses, work safety, roof replacement

Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies

Lielā 2, Jelgava, LV-3001
protection and safety, forest ecology and forestry, wooden materials and technology, forest works and, Weddings in Jelgava Palace.

FN-Serviss, LTD, Liepāja office-shop/warehouse

Zemnieku 57, Liepāja LV-3401
Work safety, Labour protection , Fire safety, Fire protection services, Labour protection services, Occupational, , training in labour protection , training procedures for labor protection issues, training courses,