Transportation of building materials, all Latvia

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Ironwill Steel, LTD, Latvian metal, metal base

Cesvaines 15A, Rīga, LV-1073
, Reinforcement, Square, Hoop iron, Hinged fittings, Metal constructions, Metal building structures, of events, Corporate events, Transportation of pupils, Yacht, Motor yacht, Yacht rental, rent, Cutter

Goldingen Digger, LTD

"Bāze", Ēdoles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3310
very simple driveways for rural homesteads with alternative building materials , ground crushed construction, bulk materials .

WoodDoors, door salon - warehouse, LTD Arturas

Krustpils 65, Rīga, LV-1057
purchase, door purchase, complectation, sets, selection, consultation, consultations in the selection of , house, metal exterior doors, entrance, for interior rooms, sliding systems, construction material, building

Lintera Rīga, LTD

Ganību dambis 22C, Rīga, LV-1045
Loading-unloading, transportation systems. Construction of frame houses and wooden constructions., materials .

Voka, LTD

Celtnieku 11, Talsi, Talsu nov., LV-3201
snow blowers, street brooms, garden equipment, lawn mowers, lawn tractors, robots - lawn mowers, metal building , equipment control cabinets, manufacture of control cabinets, process automation, trade of electric materials


Krustpils 65, Rīga, LV-1057
Doors, Exterior doors, Interior doors, Door installation, Insulated, pine, oak, CPL, hardwood, between room, interior doors, rooms, sliding, double doors, on metal can, door fittings, doors, cheap, door trade, wholesale, trade, door assembly, door delivery, door cutting, door incision, durvis ar kārbu, durvis bez kārbas, kārba durvīm, for gear

Talsu transports

Zaļā 2, Talsi, Talsu nov., LV-3201
moving, cargo transportation , transportation of tractors, transportation of building materials , pallet, transportation , transportation of building materials

Piegādes serviss, LTD

Vienības gatve 100, Rīga, LV-1004
Delivery service, Building material transport, Transportation of building materials , Freight transport, transportation , Assembly, Transportation of building materials , transport, Assembly works, Moving, transport

Auto MN, LTD

"Priednieki", Siguldas pagasts, Siguldas nov. LV-2150
Sigulda, dump truck services, Auto MN. transportation of materials , construction materials transportation , material delivery, giraffe, human hoist, transportation of building materials , open platforms, cargo

Rudux, LTD

Skaistkalnes 1A, Rīga, LV-1004
, building materials transportation , fuel transportation , diesel fuel transportation , transportation , of industrial goods, transportation of animal feed, transportation of production equipment, transportation

Divial, LTD

Lidoņu 15-11, Rīga LV-1055
available from 00 to 24h, transport services, transportation of individual equipment, tractor machinery, , transportation of building materials , moto and water vehicle transportation , non-standard cargo transportation

Delta LV, JSC

Kuldīgas 69, Saldus, Saldus nov. LV-3801
Transportation of bulk cargoes with automobile tanks, car tanks, semi-trailers with moving floor, tipper, , grain transportation , transportation of products in the Baltic States, tent transport, building materials
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: VE16AA0012 / 12.09.2016

AM malka, freight transport

"Pilskalni", Gaviezes pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3431
and other items, piano, debris, construction waste, building materials , furniture, refrigerator moving, , transportation .

AK Proservice, LTD

Ozolnieki, Skolas 4, Ozolnieku pagasts, Jelgavas nov. LV-3018
purchased in England to Latvia, transportation of goods, removal, delivery, movement, belongings from, , transport of building materials , parcel delivery, small package delivery, purchases from online stores

Ramreiss, LTD

Zasulauka 19-52, Rīga, LV-1046
Express delivery of goods in Europe. Cargo transportation Baltics., Building materials transportation . Oversized cargo deliveries.

Kravas auto, LTD

Līvciema 9 k-2-36, Rīga LV-1058
materials transportation , Building material transport, Construction material delivery, Transportation , of building materials , Construction and building materials transport, Building materials transport,
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP23AA0016 / 01.03.2023

Dundagas ABC, LTD

Dundaga, Saules 9-1, Dundagas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3270
finishing materials , sale of construction materials , tools, instrument and tool trade, fishing tackle, of the deceased.

RK Betons, LTD

Ganību dambis 19A, Rīga LV-1005
Building concrete foundations, concrete foundation blocks. Concrete walls., Mortar, concrete mortar, cement mortar , production of concrete mortar, concrete transportation .

Leo, LTD

Rūpniecības 12A, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Cement, Sale of building materials in Cēsis. Finishing material trade in Cēsis mortars., plastic windows, wooden windows, triple glazed windows, window installation, freight transport, road transportation


Ventspils 17, Rīga, LV-1002
Construction materials transportation , moving., Building dismantling, dismantling. Safe-deposit transfer. Safe deposit box transportation .