Operational deviations:: ✓ cafes, restaurants and canteens ✓ meals in schools, kindergartens, care institutions ✓ food delivery ✓ banquet service ✓ catering for big events ✓ subway franchise ✓ pastries made to order Banquets: "Baltic Restaurants" has 20 years of experience in organizing banquets of various scales and budgets. Therefore, the company is able to take care of the entire service complex, starting with food and ending with flowers or other room decorations. Email for communication: banketi@balticrest.com
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A welcoming and tasteful cafe in the center of Alūksne, the pearl of Northern Vidzeme. With us, you will feel welcome, because you will definitely find something on the menu that suits your taste.
Our offer is very wide and engaging, starting from salads, appetizers, soups and ending with various meat dishes, pizzas and heavenly delicious desserts.
Lāčplēša 14A, Aizkraukle, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5101
Located in the center of Aizkraukle, near the supermarket "BETA", Lāčpleša street 14a, Aizkraukle. We offer delicious food for every taste - very tasty pizzas, hot and cold dishes, sweets, etc. foods. Various types of events can be held. We especially welcome families with children!
Cafe-confectionery "Marcipāns" offers a variety of locally baked delicacies, pretzels and patties. Enjoy on site or order to take away! We will bake delicious products for your holiday table to order. We are in the city center - always on the way! Welcome!
Viesnīca un restorāns "Metropole" dibināta Kuldīgas vecpilsētas centrā 1910. gadā, pilnībā atjaunota 2006. gadā, saglabājot savu senatnējo fasādi un kļūstot par modernāko un prestižāko viesnīcu un restorānu pilsētā, piedāvājot sezonālo, lokālo virtuvi un unikālus numuriņus ar skatu uz vēsturisko pilsētu. Viesnīca Kuldīgas Metropole piedāvā 14 komfortablus numurus, kuri ieturēti klasiskā stilā, no kuriem 6 ir vienstāva, 7 divstāvu (ar spirālveida kāpnēm) un 1 LUX numuriņš. No logiem divu stāvu numuriņos jūs varat redzēt apdzīvoto Kuldīgas galveno gājēju ielu, bet, ja jūs vēlaties klusāku atmosfēru, mēs varam piedāvāt jums numuru ar skatu uz Alekšupīti, kas liks jums aizmirst par ikdienas steigu ar savu mierīgo un kluso plūsmu. Restorāns piedāvā svaigu un sezonālu ēdienkarti, balstoties uz vietējo virtuvi un labākajām Eiropas kulinārijas tradīcijām.
Delivery of goods: For lovers of convenience, we offer to deliver the product to the very door of the house throughout Latvia! Sound and light equipment installation: Selection of lens equipment, accurate sound/lighting design, equipment installation. Each project is unique and we always have our own solution for each of them, depending on the specifics of the project, application, specifics of the room, etc. We also install equipment purchased elsewhere, however, in this case, you have to take into account the possibly limited capabilities of the existing equipment. We will prepare an estimate for the sound/lighting of the object free of charge!
We offer the widest range of cigars in Latvia. We offer to buy more than 150 different cigars in a wide range of flavors, strength and duration of smoking. Customers can buy cigars to take away or - even better - taste them in our excellent bar and cigar salon. The bar serves more than 130 different whiskeys from around the world, as well as a wide range of high-quality spirits, port, wine and champagne.