Cargo transportation to germany, companies in Cieceres pagasts


DLL-Transports, LTD, Car loads from/to Germany, MEGA trailer services

"Vēzīši", Emburga, Cieceres pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3851
from / to Europe, freight transport from / to Europe, specialized freight traffic, heavy cargo transportation , / to Germany , GERMANY , oversized cargo to /from Germany , GERMANY , oversized cargo to / from Germany , GERMANY
  • 1 Motor transport

DSV Latvia, LTD, car, sea and air freight

Krustpils 31, Rīga LV-1073
The DSV organization is divided into three departments, which together are able to offer a full range of transportation services, thus ensuring the entire supply chain in a given company:: ✓ Air & Sea - air and sea transportation ✓ Road - land transport by road transport ✓ Solutions - warehouse and logistics services

Whatever you shouldn't take, we will take it wherever and whenever you need it.