Construction, companies in Kuldīga

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Graudu 3, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
Chemical products: construction chemicals, household chemicals and disinfectants, lubricants and chemicals, Fireproof construction elements, firestop, fireproof materials, fireproof silicone, fire retardant foam

Baltic Agro Machinery, LTD, Kurzeme regional sales and service center in Kuldīga

"Tornīši", Rumbas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301

LTD "Baltic Agro Machinery" is engaged in the sale of agricultural, construction, utility and logging equipment, providing full service in all regions of Latvia.

Skārdmeistars, LTD

"Kuldīgas šoseja 99F", Saldus pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3862
Description: Services of tinsmiths, special metal elements, lined chimneys, chimney shells( round, oval, square), manufacturing of roof drainage systems, ventilation, aspiration, warming and metal coating of boiler house chimneys and heat pipe pipes, assembly and consultations.

Vilevi, LTD, work safety Kurzeme branch

Šķērsu 6, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
LTD "Vilevi" services:: ✓ Labour protection ✓ Fire safety ✓ Maintenance of fire extinguishers ✓ Personal data protection ✓ Fire safety alarm ✓ Wiring measurements ✓ Photo services LTD "Vilevi" services:: ✓ Safety signs ✓ Fire-extinguishers ✓ Various goods

DarkNet, LTD

"Kunduri", Alsungas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3306
Description: Company Ltd "DarkNet" deals with the research, construction and maintenance of the information technology infrastructure of legal entities. Each client's business is unique, therefore the technical provision of each client must be evaluated individually, based on the basic principles of information technology logical schemes.

AkaTe, LTD

Dārza 8 - 8, Skrunda, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3326
LTD "AkaTe" offers:: ✓ Drilling services for water; ✓ Tamponage; ✓ Borehole rinsing. Prices:: ✓ Drilling - starting from 50 EUR/meter( the price includes materials and transport) ✓ Tamponage - by agreement ✓ Rinsing - 150 EUR Description:

LTD "AkaTe" main activities are well drilling, installation of pumps, maintenance and repair of wells.

HANSA FLEX HIDRAULIKA, LTD, Kuldiga department

Graudu 19, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
About the company:

HANSA FLEX HYDRAULICS provides full service in the field of hydraulics in twenty-one branches throughout Latvia - provision of individual parts and components for optimal solutions, consultations and support of experienced hydraulic specialists, as well as construction of the most complex hydraulic equipment and stations from design to assembly and commissioning. The company has been awarded the quality management certificate ISO 9001: 2015.


Kuldīgas 29B, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Hydraulics, Hydraulic devices, Hydraulic equipment, Hydraulic fittings, Hydro accessories, Hydraulics service, Hydroservice, Pneumatics Hydraulic systems, Hydraulic systems Repair of hydraulic systems, Hydraulic system repair Hydraulic system design, Hydraulic system design Hydraulic system maintenance, Hydraulic system maintenance,

Ozols-GV, LTD

Vijolīšu 12, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
About the company:

Construction supervisor Gatis Ozols performs construction supervision of bridges, roads and streets. Supervision of the construction process and control of every stage specified in the construction supervision plan at the construction site within the deadlines. Security control. Monitoring of plans. Outsources certified, calibrated falling weight deflectometer. Soil density measurement service. For working hours, please contact us by phone.

Laktro, Ltd., Shop

Kuldīgas 1, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Description: LTD "Lactro" is one of the most important livestock equipment and inventory trading, service and servicing companies in Kurzeme. Thanks to excellent technical support and knowledgeable service specialists, we provide fast and high-quality services. We develop projects and advise farmers on the construction of dairy equipment and barns.

Makvers, LTD

"Kuldīgas šoseja 2", Druva, Saldus pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3862

Architectural design office, we develop new construction, reconstruction and dismantling projects.

ZL.LV iesaka

Lība-ZI, LTD

Smilšu 23 - 2, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Apraksts: Veikalā Lība ir iespējams iegādāties saldumu suvenīrus ar Kuldīgas attēliem. Pie mums ir iespējams iegādāties turku tekstilizstrādājumus. Var palikt pa nakti jaukos apartamentos.


Tehnikas 9, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
Apraksts: Uzņēmums "ELM" dibināts 2011. gadā un aktīvi darbojas elektromontāžas nozarē. Elektroinstalācijas ierīkošana. Elektroenerģijas apgāde.

Kurzemes jumti, LTD

Graudu 25A, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Description: Roofing, modular flues, skylights, PVC windows and doors, roof and wall panels, delivery and assembly.

Latvijas propāna gāze, LTD, Car gas filling station

Kuldīgas 84A, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Gas, car gas, car gas, cylinder gas, gas cylinders, balloons, balloon, gas cylinder trade, liquefied gas, gas filling station, gas filling stations, AGUS, gas cylinder filling, gas cylinder replacement. Liquefied petroleum gas, gas station, self-service gas filling station SNG, autogas with payment on open account, car gas with payment on open
ZL.LV iesaka

GR mēbeles, LTD

"Šilderi", Vārmes pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3333
Furniture, sale

Goldingen Digger, LTD

"Bāze", Ēdoles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3310
Kāpēc izvēlēties mūs, SIA "Goldingen Digger"?: ✓ Piedāvājam plaša profila zemes darbus Kurzemē ar dažādu modifikāciju un svaru kategorijas ekskavatoriem līdz 40 t, ir arī ekskavatori ar garajām strēlēm Long Reach, aizsniedzamība 16m, 18m un 24 metri; ✓ Vienlaicīgi varam strādāt ar 6 un vairāk ekskavatoriem vienā objektā, ir arī dumperi 6x6 un 4x4, un, protams, tehnika arī citiem labiekārtošanas darbiem; ✓ Pieejamas 5 pašizgāzēju mašīnas, gan 6x4, gan 8x4, visa veida beramā materiāla piegāde; ✓ Profesionāli, labi motivēti operatori, pozitīva attieksme, atbilstoša tehnika un aprīkojums, strādājam pārdomāti, raiti un kvalitatīvi; ✓ Padarītā apjoma un patērētā laika adekvāts balanss; ✓ Pareiza darba secīguma ievērošana un sekojošo darbu analīze, organizēšana; ✓ Operatīva un ļoti precīza izmaksu aprēķināšana jau pie telefona sarunas, objekta apskates. Kā arī profesionāli ieteikumi ņemot vērā apstākļus un darba izpildes specifiku; ✓ Sniedzam pakalpojumus gan fiziskām, gan juridiskām personām. Varam veikt darbus arī, ja neatrodaties valstī (priekšapmaksa 100% apmērā); ✓ Ar mums varat rēķināties, ja esam vienojušies; ✓ Mēs labprāt pieņemam izaicinājumus. Jebkuras sarežģītības darbi, arī tie par kuriem citi tikai plāta rokas; ✓ Daram to, ko vislabāk protam, un protam mēs daudz un līdz galam. Zeme kā ledus, krasti kā šķīvis. ✓ Visiem mūsu darbiem ir civiltiesiskā apdrošināšana līdz 100 000 euro. 

2B Construction, LTD

Pilsētas laukums 4, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Construction , construction , building construction , house construction , interior works, construction works, all types of construction works, summer house construction , outbuilding construction , bathhouse construction

G&M Construction, LTD

Piltenes 6, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
Construction and repairs

Municipality of Kuldīga region, Construction board

Baznīcas 1, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Construction supervision, construction boards