Furniture restoration, companies in Āgenskalns

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Kudryavtseva Z, sewing services

Mārupes 19, Rīga, LV-1002
articles, product, interior, yacht, inventory, trailer, semi-trailer, sunblind, upholstered garden furniture , Massage table repair, exercise equipment cording, remaking, trampoline repair, sail repair, garden furniture
ZL.LV iesaka

B-12, Ltd. - Upholstered furniture production, cording, repair

Liepājas 3, Rīga, LV-1002
for animals, furniture for cafes, bars, for restaurants, for hotels, upholstery furniture cording, renovation, , repair, restoration , production, custom-manufacturing.

MAG Handmade, LTD

Eduarda Smiļģa 1, Rīga LV-1048
MAG Handmade, workshop, furniture restoration , furniture repair, furniture decoration, furniture painting, courses, furniture renovation courses, furniture restoration masterclass, home furnishings renovation

International Business Group, LTD

Valguma 31-2, Rīga, LV-1048
Furniture repairs and restoration

Your Caring Dad, LTD

, furniture treatment with special means, window washing, window frames washing, washing windowsills, windowsills, repair works, small repair in the house, interior repair, outdoor repair, major repair, restoration