Lorry loaders, companies in Ropažu pagasts

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Timberlift, LTD

"Riekstiņi", Augšlīgatne, Līgatnes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4108
LTD "TIMBERLIFT" REPRESENTS IN THE LATVIA MARKET:: ✓ "Groeneveld-Beka" - automatic central lubrication systems tractor machinery, agricultural machinery, construction machinery, transport, industrial equipment, etc. ✓ "GöteneUfo" quality equipment for wheel loaders, and for excavators incl. buckets for various applications, forks, quick couplers, etc. ✓ "Clark" - forklifts with lifting capacity from 1.5 to 8 tons, operated by diesel, gas and electricity. "Clark" warehouse equipment incl. mechanical and electric pallet trucks, stackers, etc. ✓ "Raniero" - a truck loader manufacturer that offers electrically operated forklifts with a lifting capacity of up to 25 tons, suitable for operation in a wide range of economic sectors ✓ "Auer" - forestry and agricultural machinery, incl. timber hydraulic manipulator for three-point hitch for work with tractor equipment with power from 50 HP. ✓ "Volvo" front loader service and repair works. We offer new ones and used / refurbished spare parts with warranty.

EJ Trans, LTD, tractor equipment rental, lift-trucks, excavators

Rumbula, Latgales 503, Stopiņu pagasts, Ropažu nov. LV-2121
Rental of sheet piles, frontal loaders , wheel excavators, crawler excavators, soil compactors, articulated, dump trucks, ( dampers) mini excavators, small wheel loaders .

Būvtehnikas serviss, LTD

"Saulītes", Ropaži, Ropažu pagasts, Ropažu nov. LV-2135
, lorry loaders , lifts, stackers, pilers, electric forklifts, electric loaders , forklifts, diesel forklifts, excavators, chain excavators, mini excavators with short rearward, wheel excavators, chain compact loaders