Medical aid in patient, companies in Piņķi

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Pētersone-Diļevka A., sertificēts podologs

Piņķi, Jūrmalas 14, Babītes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2107
Foot medical care, gel application, podologist in Riga, medical pedicure, corn and wart treatment, ingrown, Podologist in Pinki, medical foot care in Pinki.

Good Life Clinic, LTD

Piņķi, Rīgas, Babītes pagasts, Mārupes nov. LV-2107
Medical aid : outpatient / Endoscopy / Private Doctor Clinic, private doctors in Piņķi, In Babite, Near, The clinic has the latest generation of diagnostic technologies, (Pentax MEDICAL ) Endoscopic examinations