Medical aid in patient, companies in Tērvetes pagasts

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Medicīnas centrs D.A.P., Pain clinic in the center of Riga

Lastādijas, Rīga LV-1050
Pain, pain treatment, pain clinic, chronic pain treatment, headache, headaches, backache, pain in joints, konservatīva ārstēšana, invazīva ārstēšana, computer tomography, algology, chronic pain, kakla radikulīts, medical
  • 1 Medical aid: out-patient

Detox, Medical center in the center of Riga

Lastādijas, Rīga LV-1050
alcohol consequences, treatment from alcoholism, alcohol promille, alcohol poisoning signs, alcohol in , the blood, alcohol concentration in blood, alcohol remains in the blood, how long do alcohol remains
  • 2 Medical aid: out-patient

Rehabilitācijas centrs Tērvete, LTD

"Rehabilitācijas centrs Tērvete", Tērvete, Tērvetes pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3730
massage, injections, sharko shower, hydrotherapist, water procedures, backache, back pain treatment, pain in , back, walks in Tērvetes Nature Park, hotel, catering, accommodation, lodging, accommodation, bed places