Medical equipment instruments and materials for dentistry, companies in Āgenskalns


DDA Orthopaedics, LTD, TECHNIQUE orthopedics

Baložu 32 - 2, Rīga, LV-1048
Technical orthopedics, Technical aids, Consultations, Rehabilitation, Prosthetics, Prostheses for children, , Hand prostheses, 3D printing, Leg prosthesis, Swimming prostheses, Prostheses for sports, Seating systems

Andžejs un partneri, LTD

Puķu 9-1, Rīga LV-1048
Dentistry equipment , Dentistry tools, Medical equipment and instrument sales and service., Dental equipment . Dentistry equipment and instruments .

Plandent, LTD

Pārslas 5, Rīga, LV-1002
Medical equipment, instruments and materials for dentistry