Transport services from sweden, companies in Rīga

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DSV Latvia, LTD, car, sea and air freight

Krustpils 31, Rīga LV-1073
, land freight transport , road transport services , freight transport ., Logistics services Latvia, delivery from door to door, warehousing services , customs warehouse services
  • 1 Freight transport: by road

Gaja Pluss, SIA - Combined cargo transportation, moving service express delivery, customs warehouse in Europe, In the Baltics, In Riga

Ogres 5-27, Rīga LV-1019
Road transport services , transport services . Sea, air, road freight transport ., Lithuania to Estonia, Estonia to Finland, Finland to Sweden , Sweden to Norway, Norway, to Denmark, Denmark
  • 2 Freight transport: by road

ACE Logistics Latvia, LTD

"Kargo k-1", Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
, transport from European countries, transportation to Europe, transport from Europe, transport to Scandinavia, air, cargo transportation sea, freight transport by ship, road cargo services , transport services , transport
  • 3 Freight transport: by road

DLL-Transports, LTD, Car loads from/to Germany, MEGA trailer services

"Vēzīši", Emburga, Cieceres pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3851
transport Sweden , multimodal transport Poland, multimodal transport in the Netherlands, transportation, from / to Europe, freight transport from / to Europe, specialized freight traffic, heavy cargo transportation
  • 4 Freight transport: by road

Loģistikas risinājumi, LTD

Buļļu 45A, Rīga, LV-1067
services , Transit transport solutions, Cargo transport services , Cargo insurance solutions, Combined, , International freight transport solutions, Road transport services , Cargo transport services , Customs
  • 5 Freight transport: by road

CF&S Latvia, LTD, International cargo transportation

Duntes 23A, Rīga, LV-1005
Freight transport , International cargo transportation, Container cargo transport , Road transport services , services , Cargo transportation to/ from Europe, Sweden , Norway, Finland, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan

Baltic Express LV, LTD

Raunas 44 k-1, Rīga, LV-1039
Warehousing services , Warehouses, Transport services , Road cargo services , Road freight transport ,, Consolidated cargo transportation to/ from Finland/ Finnish, ( Finland) Sweden / Swedish, ( Sweden ) Norway

Aimer, LTD

Vienības gatve 109, Rīga LV-1058
Cargo, freight forwarding to / from Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden , Norway, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Logistics services Latvia, delivery from door to door, warehousing services , customs warehouse services

Kuehne+Nagel, LTD, Ground transportation logistics

"Rudeņi 2", Salaspils pagasts, Salaspils nov., LV-2118
, cargo, cargo delivery, pallets, road transportation, transport , transport services , quickly carry,, Poland, Lithuania, Latvian, Estonia, Sweden , Norway, Finland, Cargo, road transport , delivery to Italy

Ursus Forwarding, LTD

Raunas 44 k-1, Rīga, LV-1039
from door to door, Transport , cargo sea, Sea transportation, Transportation by sea Freight transport , , From Poland, From Sweden , From Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Great Britain, From Uzbekistan

D.C.S., LTD, Transport services

Austuves 3A, Rīga, LV-1063
, relocation, transport services , transfer service solutions, moving services , furniture dismantling, Australia, from Spain, from Sweden , from Norway, from Finland, freight transport road, warehousing

Experc, LTD

Braslas 22C, Rīga, LV-1035
to Sweden , car transportation, auto transporter, auto transporter, road transport services , road transport , , car transport from England, passenger car transportation from Sweden , passenger car transportation

Viatek 1, LTD

Firsa Sadovņikova 39, Rīga, LV-1003
Road freight transport in Europe, car freight transportation in Scandinavia( Sweden , Finland, Norway, , logistic services .

Kurbads un Ko, LTD, Car transportation, transportation

Mazjumpravas 24, Rīga LV-1063
car transportation from Sweden , car transportation from Czech Republic, car transportation from Switzerland, services , road transport , car trailer, cartrailer, car trailer, services , autotrailers, auto transporter

Kalnakrogs, LTD, Agricultural, communal equipment

Rīgas 107, Ķekava, Ķekavas nov. LV-2123
spreaders, round cutters, hay bale grippers, bale clamps, lawn mowers, forage preparation machinery, transport , MASCAR, Weasler, HISPEC, AGROSTROJ, ETESIA, BM Tractors, ZDT, AGRIA HISPANIA, LEBOULCH, EMILY, BRODD SWEDEN

“Dotnuva Baltic”, LTD, Agricultural machinery center Latgale

Rīgas 259, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5202
Quicke, ( Sweden ) representative since 2003. annual., Designed hay and straw rolls, for the transport of bales and, in certain cases, long horizontal loads
ZL.LV iesaka

P-Serviss, LTD - International courier post - express shipments

Kārļa Mīlenbaha 7, Rīga, LV-1050
to / from China, courier services in China, shipment to / from England, courier services in England,, sending to / from Germany, courier services in Germany, send to / from Europe, courier services in

DFDS Seaways, Ferry passenger and cargo transportation

Katlakalna 9A, Rīga LV-1073
at sea, cargo passenger ferry, Baltic Sea, Denmark, Sweden , special offers, services on ferries, accommodation, Cargo handling from transport to transport . Lorry loaders. Containers. Container handlers.

Travertss, LTD, passenger car, truck, minibus service station

Lizuma 1 k-16, Rīga LV-1006
repair, Engine repair petrol, Diesel engine repair, Exhaust-pipe change, exhaust-pipe repair, Used tyres from , Sweden , New winter tyres, New summer tyres, Minibus repair in Riga Running gear repair, Steering wheel

Kuehne+Nagel, LTD, Logistics of warehouse services

"Rudeņi 2", Salaspils pagasts, Salaspils nov., LV-2118
International cargo transportation, Road freight transport, Road freights, International cargo transportation, groupage, small cargoes, Sea freight transport, ship freight shipping, maritime transport, sea, Air freight shipments, air freight, air transport, air transportation, air transport, air transport, air, air, Europe, Italy,