Vocational training, companies in Jūrmala
University of Latvia P. Stradins Medical College
University of Latvia P. Stradiņa Medical College offers to learn in-demand professions in the health care and social welfare sector accredited 1. level in professional higher education study programs: "Ārstniecība" ( qualification - "Ārsta palīgs" ), "Estētiskā kosmetoloģija" ( "Skaistumkopšanas speciālists kosmetoloģijā" ; studio full-time face-to-face in a day or evening group), "Ārstnieciskā masāža" ( "Masieris" ; study full-time in a day or evening group), "Biomedicīnas laborants" ( "Biomedicīnas laborants" ), "Radiologa asistents" ( "Radiologa asistents" ), "Podoloģija" ( "Podologs" ; study full-time in a day or evening group), "Sociālā aprūpe" ( "Sociālais aprūpētājs" ), "Sociālā rehabilitācija" ( "Sociālais rehabilitētājs" ) . Studies at the college are realized both with the funds of the state budget and with the personal financing of the students.