Vocational training, companies in Jūrmala


University of Latvia P. Stradins Medical College

Vidus prospekts 38, Jūrmala, LV-2010
Study programs: ✓ Treatment ✓ Aesthetic cosmetology ✓ Therapeutic massage ✓ Biomedicine laboratory assistant ✓ Radiologist assistant ✓ Social care ✓ Social rehabilitation ✓ Podology

Activity description:

University of Latvia P. Stradiņa Medical College offers to learn in-demand professions in the health care and social welfare sector accredited 1. level in professional higher education study programs: "Ārstniecība" ( qualification - "Ārsta palīgs" ), "Estētiskā kosmetoloģija" ( "Skaistumkopšanas speciālists kosmetoloģijā" ; studio full-time face-to-face in a day or evening group), "Ārstnieciskā masāža" ( "Masieris" ; study full-time in a day or evening group), "Biomedicīnas laborants" ( "Biomedicīnas laborants" ), "Radiologa asistents" ( "Radiologa asistents" ), "Podoloģija" ( "Podologs" ; study full-time in a day or evening group), "Sociālā aprūpe" ( "Sociālais aprūpētājs" ), "Sociālā rehabilitācija" ( "Sociālais rehabilitētājs" ) . Studies at the college are realized both with the funds of the state budget and with the personal financing of the students.

Riga Art and Media Technical School

Jūrmalas gatve 96, Rīga, LV-1029
riga Art and Media Technical School, media and art school, video operator, joiner, operator, school, vocational , training , creativity, interior, pedagogues, choir, sports, crafts, student council, riga media and