Grieze Evangelical Lutheran Church
"Griezes mācītāja māja", Ezeres pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3896
Religion: churches, congregations
Rimako imports-eksports, LTD, Workshop
"Ainavas", Ezera Ukini, Aglonas pagasts, Preiļu nov., LV-5304
Textile articles, manufacture
Latvijas stāstnieku asociācija
"Ezeri", Pilsrundāle, Rundāles pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3921
Associations, foundations
Lādzēnu ezers, atpūtas vieta
"Lādzēnu ezers" , Vecumnieku pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3933
Campsites with lodging, guesthouses
Launkalne, Ezera 15, Launkalnes pagasts, Smiltenes nov., LV-4718
Wooden products, wood products, laser engraving, CNC milling, house names made of wood, wooden signs, wooden business cards, business cards made of wood, corporate gifts, making corporate gifts from wood, promotional advertisement, everything from wood, wood, qualitative production, cups, beer mugs, board games, wooden board games, board games
Glona, LTD
Ozolnieki, Ezera 1, Ozolnieku pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3018
Road construction, maintenance
Graves paramedic and midwife point
Grāveri, Ezeru 21, Grāveru pagasts, Krāslavas nov., LV-5655
Medical aid: out-patient
Kudeiko I. family doctor and pediatrician practice
Kalupe, Ezeru 13, Kalupes pagasts, Augšdaugavas nov. LV-5450
Launkalne Community Center
Ezera 2A, Launkalne, Launkalnes pagasts, Smiltenes nov., LV-4718
Cultural and recreation centres, clubs
Liedags, LTD
Ezera 1A, Lapmežciems, Lapmežciema pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3118
Food products: fish processing