Associations, foundations, all Latvia


Latvian Cynological Federation

Elijas 21, Rīga LV-1050
Organisation of dog exhibitions. Dog training methods. Dog training. Cynology courses. Cat club "Felimurs", dogs, cats. Breed kittens, breed puppies. Advice about dogs and cats. International dog, cat, ferret, rabbit, guinea pig, ornamental bird exhibitions. Dog exhibitions. Cat exhibitions. Dogs. Cats. International dog show. Zooekspo, Dog

Latvijas Atkritumu saimniecības uzņēmumu asociācija (LASUA)

Vietalvas 5-12, Rīga LV-1009
Latvian Association of Waste Management, ( LASUA) represents the economic interests of 50 members, social interests. LASUA is a professional organization, representing the Latvian waste management industry in relations with state institutions. Certification. Findings, opinion management company. Industry company. Waste management company

Charity store, ASJA

Rīgas, Baloži, Ķekavas nov., LV-2112
Charity, acceptance of donations, donate items, transfer of property, for acceptance, books, dishes, musical instruments, repair materials, bijouterie, food, children goods, hygiene, household, household, school, sports equipment, charity event organizing, cultural events, children camps, provision of assistance, social assistance, for

Latvian Association of Beauticians and Cosmetologists

Jāņa Asara 5, Rīga, LV-1009
Latvijas Kosmētiķu un Kosmetologu asociācija, LKKA, Sabiedriska organizācija, profesionālā asociācija, biedrība, kosmētiķu sertifikācija, kosmētiķu resertifikācija, ārstniecības personu sertifikācija, ārstniecības personu resertifikācija, sertifikācijas eksāmens, LĀPPOS Sertifikācijas Padome, neformālās tālākizglītības

Latvijas Apbedītāju asociācija, association

Ģertrūdes 58, Rīga LV-1011
Unites information on companies, that deals with funeral services, information, consultations. Funerals, funeral association.

Latvijas Poligrāfijas uzņēmumu asociācija, association

Pērses 14-8, Rīga, LV-1011
Information about printing companies and their offered services, company cooperation coordination, industry experts, Magazine PRINTEDGRAPHICS, Print and media technology cluster.

Ventspils Dzīvnieku audzētāju biedrība

Andreja 7/9, Ventspils LV-3601
Ventspils Animal Breeders Association, ornamental dog breeds, hunting dog breeds, Small dog school, cynologist, dog school, puppies, dogs, purebred animals, training of breeding specialists. Sheepdogs, shepherd dogs, pinschers, schnauzers, molosi, Swiss Mountain Dogs, terrier taxis, spitz, hounds, bird dogs, retrievers, water dogs,

Redzi mani, Riga Association of the Visually Impaired and the Blind

Dzirciema 24, Rīga, LV-1007
Society of the blind, society of visually impaired, active people with visual disabilities, inclusion in society, public benefit organization, hobbies, hobbies, excursions, reading, biodances, sports, swimming, Riga. Lessons for the visually impaired, the blind in Riga. Readers' club for visually impaired, the blind in Riga. We invite

Ozolaine, education and recreation society

"Jānīši", Balbiši, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4633
Education Society, recreation society, professional education center, vocational training, further education, professional development, non-formal education, a new profession, market skills, language courses, trainings, education programs, lifelong learning, english, national language, computer science programs, german, norwegian

Rožupe, association

Kalni, Kalnu 2, Nīgrandes pagasts, Saldus nov. LV-3898
Nature trail, mountain nature trail, Recreation by the nature, natural object viewing, bird watching, Tent places, fireplace sites, boat rental, Recreation for families with children, Recreation in fresh air.
ZL.LV iesaka

Latgales Reģionālais atbalsta centrs Rasas pērles, foundation

"Varavīksne", Rugāju pagasts, Balvu nov., LV-4570
Latgale Regional Support Center "Rasas pearls", social care, rehabilitation of abused children, for victims of violence, rehabilitation, Rugāju pagasts, State-paid social rehabilitation service, social rehabilitation service paid for by the municipality, project opportunities, outpatient consultations, social services in educational

LM Juridiskais birojs, In the center of Riga

Brīvības 58-kab.K517, Rīga, LV-1011
Legal advice bureau, legal services, document drafting, consultations, lawyer, lawyers, In the center of Riga.

Latvian Association of Electric Power Engineers and Power Builders

Šmerļa, Rīga, LV-1006
Association of Power Engineers and Energy Constructors. Promotion of electric energy development. Electric-power standardization. Checking electrical safety regulations. Personnel certification. Regulated sphere, unregulated sphere.

Association of hunters and fishermen of Kuldīga district, Shooting range

"Šautuve", Rumbas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Shooting range, new hunter training, sporting, shooting range in Rumba, shooting range in Kuldiga, shooting range in Kurzeme, shooting in a target, a running deer, running wild boar, shooting training, round stand, trench stand, shooting at flying targets, plate shooting, certified shooting instructors, shooting instructors.

LZRA Izglītības centrs, LTD

Pulkveža Brieža 15-7, Rīga LV-1010
Audit, audits, business management seminars for auditors, for accountants, business leaders. Education, seminars, trainings, education center, training - professional, accounting training seminars, accounting courses, seminars, courses, accredited training programs in accounting and auditing. International financial report standards,

Saiva, Folk Art Society

Dārza 4/8, Liepāja, LV-3401
Crafts, trade training, creative workshops, amber jewelry workshop, leather goods workshop, workshop of split wicker, candle and soap making workshop, weaving workshop, sewing workshop, textile mosaic sewing workshop, handicraft workshop, ceramic workshop, metalwork workshop. Arts and crafts, Latvia, Liepaja, Liepaja travel, Liepāja House

Latvijas Samariešu apvienība

Katoļu 22, Rīga, LV-1003
Transport for disabled people, crisis situation, specialized transport, Care center, social care centre, nursing home, first aid courses, 24-hour home emergency call and care service, care at home, medical care at home, Safety button, accept donations, medical commission, first aid certificate, social services, social assistance, Samaritans,

Latvijas Samariešu apvienība, association, Medical commission of doctors

Bauskas 86, Rīga, LV-1004
Medical organizations and institutions, professional: medical commissions