Dolls A. family doctor practice
Sporta 5 - 1, Pociems, Katvaru pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4061
Medicine, outpatient medical aid, family doctor in Pociem, family doctor in Pale, family doctor, family doctor practice, injections, driver's commission, sanitary certificate, preventive vaccines, family doctor's advice, family doctor services, medical examination, preventive inspection, medical information about the state of health,
ZL.LV iesaka
Rekreācijas centrs Vīķi
"Veckabi", Staiceles pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4043
Recreation center Vīķi. Vetch. Veckabi. Social care, care, nursing home, old people's home, nursing home in Vidzeme, Aloja, boarding home in Aloja, nursing home in Staiceles parish, nursing home Vīķi, nursing home in Aloja district. Long term care, 24-hour care, rehabilitation, mental disorders, dementia, rehabilitation in Vidzeme, work therapy
ZL.LV iesaka
Aprūpes nams Urga , LTD
"Urgas pansionāts", Braslavas pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4068
Care house, social care, care for seniors, care for people with disabilities, health care, social rehabilitation, salt therapy, elderly care, long-term care, care for the elderly, 24-hour care, training for people with disabilities, senior health care, therapy for seniors, health improving, professional care, rehabilitation of older people,
Sedums, LTD
Mehanizācijas 8, Svētciems, Salacgrīvas pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4033
Finishing works, interior finishing works, room decoration, apartment finishing works, interior decoration of apartments, finishing work estimates, estimation of finishing works, dismantling of premises, wall filling, wall sanding, painting, partition wall construction, plaster installation, window installation, inserting windows,
Anitas Līdumas ģimenes ārsta prakse
Jelgavkrasti, Ceriņu 4, Liepupes pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4023
Anitas Līdumas family doctor's practice, family doctor, medical aid: out patient, Medical aid, Anita Līduma, family doctor in Limbažu county, Anita Liduma's family doctor's practice in Liepupe parish, family doctor in Liepupė, doctor, doctors, family doctor's practices, medical practices, doctor.
Ozolina Z. family doctor practice
"Kalnāres", Vilzēni, Braslavas pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4068
Medical aid: out-patient
AVOTKALNI, Farm of Limbaži parish, Limbaži district
"Avotkalni", Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4011
Agricultural services
Attīstības centrs Myself , association
"Augšrenšķini", Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4001
Associations, foundations
Baložu zaļā sēta, LTD
"Viesturi", Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4001
Emergency service 00-24 service, Plumbing repairs, maintenance of biological treatment plants, construction repair works, repair works, dismantling works, demolition of buildings and structures, dismantling works in Vidzeme, construction waste disposal, plumbing works, plumber, plumbing works, water supply, sewerage, sewerage
Gotika Auto, LTD, Gas filling station
"Gotika", Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4001
Fuel and oil products, sale
Jumpravmuižas ezeru virknes apsaimniekotāju biedrība
"Jumpravmuiža", Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4020
Ladezer elementary school, Preschool education group
Lādezers , Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4011
Kindergartens, baby sitting
Lācīši, guest house
"Lācīši", Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4020
Campsites with lodging, guesthouses
Outdoor Living, LTD
"Lācīši", Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4020
Swimming pools & accessories, sale
Relevant companies from Lithuania more results
Salantų paminklai, UAB "Salantų granitas"
Salantų g. 58, Erlėnų k., 97316 Kretingos r.
manufacturing of monuments, tombstones, monuments design, manufacturing, granite slabs, manufacturing of stair, terraces, fireplace trim, concreting of fundament, Stone Products, stone processing ...
G. Red aiškiaregė, taralogė, parapsichologė, psichoanalitikė
01001 Vilnius
individual counseling, Tarot cards, augury slons, composition of horoscopes, compatibility of couples, psychoanalysis, Šiauliai, Palanga, Tauragė, removal, diagnosis of diseases
Kervi, UAB
Užpalių g. 86B, 28197 Utena
hydraulic cylinder repairs, manufacturing, sealants, sealants, filters, glands, hydraulic oil, pumps repair, pipes, connection, damper, metal, Metal processing, turnery, turnery, routing, welding, welding, metallic products, hydraulics