Building management, all Latvia

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Purva 12A, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
, infrastructure objects construction supervision, infrastructure objects project management , advisory, , building projects, construction design, expert opinion on building projects, building design expert

Viona, SIA

"Cīņa", Gailīšu pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3931
Road construction, paving, asphalt paving, installation of rubble, asphalt milling, construction machinery rental, water and sewage systems, installation of water supply networks, installation of sewage networks, purification equipment installation, installation of sewage pumping station, construction, road maintenance, asphalt

EJ Solution, SIA

Talsi, Talsu nov. LV-3201
We provide fire protection services:: ✓ prepares various types of rules, instructions; ✓ performs fire safety inspections specified in regulatory enactments; ✓ provides representation in negotiation procedures with the State Fire and Rescue Service.

We provide in the field of labor protection:

✓ providing consultations on labor protection issues; ✓ preparation of instructions; ✓ training of employees in companies up to 10 people.

The company also provides non-residential building management services:

✓ organization of sanitation; ✓ development of a sustainable building management plan; ✓ survey of non-residential buildings and preparation of a visual survey report; ✓ building case development; ✓ development of the calculation of expenses for the planned future periods; ✓ organization of building leasing and tenant control.

You can contact us by phone for cooperation: +37128341300 or by email info@ejsolution. lv


Murjāņu 1A, Rīga, LV-1024
Description: Architects' office with more than 15 years of experience provides architectural and design services, consultations. New construction and reconstruction of multi-apartment, administrative, commercial buildings and private houses.

Siltie Nami, LTD

Biķernieku 22, Rīga, LV-1006
Services:: ✓ Energy audit ✓ Energy certification ✓ Technical inspection ✓ Designing ✓ Construction and repair works ✓ Author supervision ✓ Project management ✓ Estimates ✓ Settlement About us::

LTD "Siltie Nami" is a full-spectrum energy service company that specializes in the development and implementation of energy efficiency solutions, efficiently performs energy certification, expertise, design and construction works of buildings, including attracting European Union funding!

Projekts 3, LTD

Ūdens 12, Rīga LV-1007
Design company - "Project 3":

LTD "Project 3" is a design company founded in 2002. on 17. with the aim of creating a strong, competitive team of engineers in the development of transport infrastructure and related engineering communications projects. Within ten years, the company has developed an experienced and stable team, which employs certified construction engineers of various profiles, as well as currently studying, future engineers. The company has established good cooperation with both public and private sector clients. LTD "Project 3" has extensive experience in the design of roads, streets, bridges, overpasses and related engineering communications. During the operation of the company, projects of the country's main roads and bridges, as well as local and regional roads and bridges, city streets, as well as houses and parish roads have been developed. The company has also participated in the development of technical and economic research projects for roads and bridges.


"Vizbuļi 1" - 4, Salaspils pagasts, Salaspils nov., LV-2118
About the company:

We carry out estimation works for both smaller and larger objects, construction of foundations, construction of roofs, masonry and other interior works. We estimate constructions based on project solutions, from the foundations to the lock( A-Z) . Estimation for the bank, EU funds, appraisers, insurers. Estimates are prepared according to current costs of construction works, materials and mechanisms. Clients submit our estimates to Latvian banks for financing.

Martina serviss, LTD, real estate, commercial premises for rent in the center of Riga

Lāčplēša 51-1, Rīga LV-1011
About the company:

Company Ltd "Martina serviss" since 1998. engaged in house management. The company also offers apartments and commercial spaces for rent.

Balta istaba, LTD

Krišjāņa Barona 45/47 - 10, Rīga, LV-1011
Description: Ltd. "White room" offers high quality all types of buildings( including 3. group building) design services. Construction project development, coordination, author supervision and construction project expertise.

Ornaments, LTD

Jelgavas 21, Ilūkste, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5447
Recreation rooms with sauna for 30 people, rooms for organizing leisure events in Ilukste, house management , in Ilukste, residential buildings management in Ilukste, hall for celebrations in Ilukste, hall for

Lintera Rīga, LTD

Ganību dambis 22C, Rīga, LV-1045
We offer:: ✓ Woodworking equipment and workbenches ✓ Production planning and modernization, software for furniture manufacturers ✓ Warranty and post-warranty service maintenance ✓ Delivery of spare parts ✓ Diamond and carbide cutting tools ✓ Diamond and carbide cutting tool sharpening and repair ✓ Components for production automation ✓ Hydraulic components and systems ✓ Various industrial components and tools

Goldingen Digger, LTD

"Bāze", Ēdoles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3310
Kāpēc izvēlēties mūs, SIA "Goldingen Digger"?: ✓ Piedāvājam plaša profila zemes darbus Kurzemē ar dažādu modifikāciju un svaru kategorijas ekskavatoriem līdz 40 t, ir arī ekskavatori ar garajām strēlēm Long Reach, aizsniedzamība 16m, 18m un 24 metri; ✓ Vienlaicīgi varam strādāt ar 6 un vairāk ekskavatoriem vienā objektā, ir arī dumperi 6x6 un 4x4, un, protams, tehnika arī citiem labiekārtošanas darbiem; ✓ Pieejamas 5 pašizgāzēju mašīnas, gan 6x4, gan 8x4, visa veida beramā materiāla piegāde; ✓ Profesionāli, labi motivēti operatori, pozitīva attieksme, atbilstoša tehnika un aprīkojums, strādājam pārdomāti, raiti un kvalitatīvi; ✓ Padarītā apjoma un patērētā laika adekvāts balanss; ✓ Pareiza darba secīguma ievērošana un sekojošo darbu analīze, organizēšana; ✓ Operatīva un ļoti precīza izmaksu aprēķināšana jau pie telefona sarunas, objekta apskates. Kā arī profesionāli ieteikumi ņemot vērā apstākļus un darba izpildes specifiku; ✓ Sniedzam pakalpojumus gan fiziskām, gan juridiskām personām. Varam veikt darbus arī, ja neatrodaties valstī (priekšapmaksa 100% apmērā); ✓ Ar mums varat rēķināties, ja esam vienojušies; ✓ Mēs labprāt pieņemam izaicinājumus. Jebkuras sarežģītības darbi, arī tie par kuriem citi tikai plāta rokas; ✓ Daram to, ko vislabāk protam, un protam mēs daudz un līdz galam. Zeme kā ledus, krasti kā šķīvis. ✓ Visiem mūsu darbiem ir civiltiesiskā apdrošināšana līdz 100 000 euro. 

Jurveda, LTD

Blaumaņa 6 - 12,, Rīga, LV-1011
Jurveda offers: ✓ Legal services ✓ Accountancy services ✓ Translation ✓ Building management

Legal, accounting and translation services in one place! Special customer service!

ZL.LV iesaka

Blaumaņa 38/40, Rīga, LV-1011
Internet media of the construction industry

Here you can find the largest construction industry forum in Latvia for enthusiasts and professionals, where active discussions take place every day, you can get answers to questions and give valuable advice. The portal contains professional advice and recommendations, industry news, as well as the list and contact information of active companies in the industry. If you have a company in the construction industry - your target audience is on the portal! Tell about your service or product, improve findability, strengthen reputation and acquire new customers by placing a business profile, articles and banners on the portal, as well as using other digital marketing solutions!

SIA Building Management Partner

Albatrosa iela 15 – 25, Ķesterciems, Engures pag., Tukuma nov., LV-3113

Amberland, LTD

Pulkveža Brieža 44A, Sigulda, Siguldas nov. LV-2150
Building management in Sigulda, In Riga District. Building management . Management services.

MultiHouse, LTD

Toma 7-65, Liepāja, LV-3401
Building , house insulation., Building management , building management , building management , estate management , apartment management

Latgales namu apsaimniekotājs, LTD

Brīvības 33-17a, Rēzekne LV-4601
Construction, construction services, insulation, building insulation, building renovation., Building management . House management . Management in Rezekne. Building management in Rezekne.