Buys forests, all Latvia
Furman, LTD
"Dzintari", Trikātas pagasts, Valmieras nov., LV-4731
Feeders, animal feeders, animal feeders in Trikata, feeders for forest animals, animal feeders, forest feeders, pig feeders, wild boar feeders, deer feeders, fish feeders, fish feeders equipped with automation, feeders in Trikata, animal feeder with platform, production of forest animal feeders in Valmiera region, production of forest animals
Zemzarīši AB, LTD
Bebru 8, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5201
Buys logs in forest stores. Carriage of trailers up to 24 tons. Forest purchase.
MKM mežs, LTD
"Dukātu darbnīcas", Padure, Padures pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3321
Laths, non-standard size, logging, buys forest, selling forests , felling areas, pulpwood, purchase of
Preiļu koks, LTD
Latgales 12, Preiļi, Preiļu nov. LV-5301
In Rezekne, In Livani, In Kraslava, In Daugavpils, In Latgale, forest land purchase, purchase, who buys , the forest in Preiļi, In Ludza, In Rezekne, In Livani, In Kraslava, In Daugavpils, In Latgale, who buys
Zibens un Co, LTD
Umurga, Mehanizācijas 4, Umurgas pagasts, Limbažu nov. LV-4004
Parquet, ash, oak. Parquet production. Floor boards, oak, ash, pine, boards. Finishing boards, board. Timber material collection. TreesWood sawing. Hardwood, precious wood floor. Oak floors, cladding board production, trade. Export. Raw material - Latvian wood, timber. Round timber, precious wood purchase. We buy logs, precious wood.
Zeļļi Z, LTD
Aveņu aleja 1, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
material, chopped firewood, firewood, chip, ditch cutting, planting young plants, agro-technical thinning, buys
PILAT Real Estate, LTD
Krišjāņa Valdemāra 20/24, Liepāja, LV-3401
database, On behalf of Lithuanian customers, We buy apartments, We buy houses, We buy land, We buy forests , buy properties, We buy all kinds of properties, We will buy your property at the highest price, PILAT buys
AP Mežs, LTD
"Līgotnes", Jaungulbenes pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4420
Riga, felling areas, buying of felling sites, purchase of felling areas, buying of felling areas, buys , felling grounds in Vidzeme, purchase of felling areas in Kurzeme, buys felling sites in Latgale.
Oskara Transports, LTD
Brīvostas 14A, Liepāja, LV-3405
Freight transport, road construction and drainage machinery services, tent, grain, gravel, bulk cargo transportation, bulk cargoes, trailers, heavyweight trailer services, logistics. Loose, bulk cargo, grain transport, excavators, excavator, excavator rental, services, bulk cargoes, bulk cargo delivery in Latvia, in Latvia, In Europe,
PILAT nekustamie īpašumi
Elijas 17, Rīga LV-1050
How to sell more expensive your property? How to sell faster property? How To Sell Your Property Safely? How to better sell your property? Search for real estate, What commission, to sell your real estate? Why use brokerage services? What to do to sell your property? Sell property, Sell a house, Country house for sale, Private house for sale, Land for sale,
Sindija RV, Individual merchant
Aldaru 10/12, Liepāja, LV-3401
Purchase of felling areas, purchase of forests , purchase of real estate, with and without burden., Purchase of forests , forest properties may be accompanied by agricultural land and buildings.