Cattle, all Latvia


Agro-Dzelzava, LTD

"Vārpas", Dzelzavas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4873

LTD "Agro-Dzelzava" is a milk production complex "Vārpas" . Livestock breeding: cattle. Agricultural product production. Grain cultivation.

Griezes Lejnieki, LTD

"Griezes Lejnieki", Nīgrandes pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3898
Services:: ✓ Cow breeding ✓ Livestock breeding ✓ Cow trade ✓ Export of cows Cow breeding:

Latvian brown cow breed growing and selling.


Rūpniecības 1A, Pampāļi, Pampāļu pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3882

Pampali AS is one of the leading agricultural companies in Latvia. A closed-cycle farm deals with dairy farming, grain farming, forestry and biogas production in Pampali, Saldus district. By purposefully developing the company in the long term, arranging production processes and raising efficiency, the company's turnover has increased two and a half times in six years.

Jaunsvari, Farm

"Jaunsvari", Jaunannas pagasts, Alūksnes nov., LV-4340
Breeding of meat cattle , livestock breeding, beef cattle .

Bebrīši, Farm

"Bebrīši", Salacgrīvas pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4033
About the company:

Meat cattle. Breed sheep farm, trade, breeding material.

Augstkalni, Farm

"Augstkalni", Lizuma pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4425

Farm "Augstkalni" specialization is meat breeding, milk production, organic farming.

Tārgalīte, LTD

"Liepzari", Tārgale, Tārgales pagasts, Ventspils nov., LV-3621
Par uzņēmumu:

SIA "Tārgalīte" galvenā nodarbošanās - šķirnes liellopu audzēšana, tirdzniecība, vaislas materiāls. Augkopība un tehniskās kultūras, graudi, rapsis. Piena ražošana un tirdzniecība.

Sūnupītes, Farm

"Sūnupīte", Pinkas, Aizkalnes pagasts, Preiļu nov., LV-5305
Sawlogs, woodworking, packing boards, beef cattle , growing, milk, livestock breeding.

“Dotnuva Baltic”, LTD, Agricultural machinery center Saldus

Kuldīgas 90, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Agriculture equipment, SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS:

Case IH, Kverneland, Cimbria, Irrimec, Kongskilde, Quicke, Jeantil, Agrifac agricultural machinery for sale - tractors, combines, ploughs, cultivators, harrows, seed drills, crop harrows, forage harvesters, telescopic front loaders, irrigation systems, manure handling equipment.

All sold equipment meets the safety and environmental protection requirements of European Union legislation.

“Dotnuva Baltic”, LTD, Agricultural machinery center Vidzeme

Purva 21, Valmiera, Valmieras nov. LV-4201
Forage preparation machinery for cattle -breeding. Feed dividers, mixers SILOKING., Deutz Turbo Common Rail, Kubbota engines from 50-80 ZS) loaders for compact class agriculture, for cattle -breeding

“Dotnuva Baltic”, LTD, Agricultural machinery center Latgale

Rīgas 259, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5202
New, used agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery trade, rental, lease, agricultural machinery service, spare parts, tractor equipment, tractors, grain, crop harvesters, soil processing machines, forage preparation machinery, sprayers, seeding-machine, mowing equipment, trailers and semi-trailers, mineral fertilizer

“Dotnuva Baltic”, LTD, Central office Agricultural machinery center Zemgale

"Baltijas Ceļš", Brankas, Cenu pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3043

Case IH, MacDon, Kverneland, Agrifac, Boumatic, Siloking, Umega Agro, Jeantil, Einbock agricultural machinery for sale - tractors, combines, ploughs, cultivators, harrows, seeders, crop harrows, telescopic front loaders, farm equipment and other implements.

The highest quality spare parts for agricultural machinery

parts@dotnuvabaltic.lvor +371 20269334

The trained and competent staff of our company will always be able to help you find the right solution for the purchase of spare parts, as we provide spare parts for all the machinery and equipment sold. Taking care of all customers and their equipment, we provide spare parts for both new and discontinued product groups.

+371 202 69334 Jelgava branch

+371 20260677 Valmiera branch

+371 26148386 Jēkabpils branch

+371 29725472 Rēzekne branch

+371 28681194 Saldus branch

Cortex, LTD, Veterinary clinic, pharmacy and animal hairdresser

Plūdoņa 36 - 1, Bauska, Bauskas nov., LV-3901
About the company: LTD "Cortex" is a veterinary clinic, pharmacy and animal hairdresser in Bauska, which provides veterinary services, as well as offers various animal care products, animal feed and medicines.

Latvijas Gaļas liellopu audzētāju asociācija, LTD

Izstāžu 11 - 112, Valdlauči, Ķekavas pagasts, Ķekavas nov., LV-1076
Consultations about cattle breeding, Meat breed cattle breeding, Information about meat cattle breeds

Sormeks montāžas

"Muižzemnieki", Zirņu pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3801

We currently offer fans, ventilation, air cooling, air heating, microclimate regulation equipment and professional LED lighting in agricultural and industrial facilities. We also offer the purchase and assembly of solar panels, starting with households and ending with factories and solar parks.

LTD "Sormeks" carries out assembly and electrical installation of these equipment, provides post-warranty service.

Zaķīšu pirtiņa, Guest house

"Bāči", Kabiles pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3314
Description: "Zaķīšu pirtiņa" offers accommodation for up to 9 beds, a sauna, a tall tub with LED lighting and a hydromassage. Smart TV, internet, large room for playing music, kitchen area with equipment and dishes. The offer includes bath attendant services, sauna brooms, various plant and flower hydrolats and other natural remedies. Mob. 29221740.

Laktro, LTD

Dzirnavu 4B, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Description: LTD "Laktro" is one of the most important livestock equipment and inventory trading, service and servicing companies in Kurzeme. Thanks to excellent technical support and knowledgeable service specialists, we provide fast and high-quality services. We develop projects and advise farmers on the construction of dairy equipment and barns.

Laktro, LTD, Shop

Kuldīgas 1, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Dairy cattle -breeding equipment, milking equipment, barn equipment, food additives, food, forage preparation

Laktro, LTD, Shop

Rubeņu ceļš 60, Raubēni, Cenu pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3002
Dairy cattle-breeding equipment, milking equipment, barn equipment, food additives, food, forage preparation materials, feed mixer-emitters, manure removal, storage equipment, livestock supplies, milk coolers, spare parts, service, repair. Feed Robotic Robot.

Kalnpierbes, Farm

"Pentsils", Ērģemes pagasts, Valkas nov., LV-4711
About us::

Farm "Kalnpierbes" - certified, organically certified meat processing company offers livestock( cattle, young cattle, calves, sheep and lambs) purchasing, as well as meat and offal trade, wholesale, slaughterhouse services.