Food delivery Riga, companies in Āgenskalns

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Mazā Parīze, cafe food delivery, banquets, LTD Lucrum

Piegāde ar Bolt Food!
Lāčplēša 36, Rīga LV-1011
We support local producers: We use only ecologically clean products from local producers. In our daily work we use only ecologically clean products of Latvian origin. Companies we work with: ✓ bread - "Bēnes PB" bakery; ✓ meat products - Ltd "Lēdurgas miesnieks", "Nākotne" meat processing plant; ✓ milk - Ltd "Rankas piens" ; ✓ confectionery - SIA "Smiļģu beķereja" ; ✓ vegetables - Ilmars Pētersons farm "BALTIŅI" ; ✓ fish - Ltd "Salas zivis" ; ✓ ECO milk production( cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese) - SIA "Tukuma piens" ; ✓ fruits - Ltd "Kabuleti fruit" .

Karme filtrs, water technology center

Pilsoņu 1 k-5, Rīga LV-1002
Water filter sale, factory, food production, design of water treatment and water conditioning equipment

Picas meistars, pizzeria

Kuģu 11, Rīga, LV-1048
Catering, fast food ., , soup delivery , Pizza delivery Riga , Old Riga , Kipsala, Tornakalns, Agenskalns, Marupe, Pleskodale,

Aprūpe tavās mājās, association

Raņķa dambis 31, Rīga, LV-1048
Home care in Riga , care at home. Patronage, health visitor services. Home care., Household chores: food , medicine and other small goods purchase and delivery to your home.