IT, companies in Centrs
Informatīvais serviss, LTD
VR Room, LTD
It is advisable to reserve the time you want in advance, or to find out about availability before going to us, as it is possible that someone is already celebrating a party with us or we have gone to some event. To reserve the time you want: - Safe calls: +371 29 992 720 - Fill out the form on our website: - Write:
AMIprof mācību kursi pieaugušajiem
Latona Ltd., undertaker's office
Atēna Pallāda, fortune telling parlor
To protect yourself from unnecessary guesses about the future and find a way out of a dead end, you need a good advisor. Where to find it? People with special abilities can help not only in such cases. A solution to any difficult situation( there are usually no unsolvable problems! ) is the fulfillment of your wishes possible if you entrust your pain to professional psychics. Fortune-telling salon "Atēna Pallāda" fortune-tellers offer a wide variety of fortune-telling methods.
Zobārstniecības klīnika Akrībija, LTD, In the center of Riga
Our main goal and task is to provide patients with high-quality dental services. Several of the clinic's doctors have also gained experience at British universities, and are still regularly updating their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various courses and seminars. When coming to the clinic, the patient can be sure that the latest methods will be used in the treatment process. Everything in the clinic is created for the needs of patients. We have a professional team of dentists who develop an individual treatment plan for each patient so that it is the most optimal for you.
Zepter International Baltic, LTD
Get to know our products
Developed as a result of years of scientific research and technological development, Zepter products form a unique system that offers the ideal solution for a healthy lifestyle. All the creators of Zepter products are inspired by the wonder of life and its infinite possibilities. Ancient knowledge teaches that the world is ruled by 4 elements: Light, Water, Air and Nutrition. They define the foundations of Zepter production:
✓ Certified light therapy BIOPTRON, ✓ Efficient Water and Air purification systems, ✓ Unbeatable systems for preparing healthy meals Masterpiece Cookware, ✓ Smart Sleep System solution for healthy sleep.Zepter has built a safe bridge between humanity and nature, encouraging us to live a healthy lifestyle thanks to its wide range of premium products.
LSV-Klubs, LTD, Advertising printing agency
Among Latvian business, the company "LSV klubs" claims the status of the oldest and most experienced, because which company can boast that it was founded in 1988. year! ( 1991. the company was registered as LTD) . Just when student units were active, visual attributes were in unprecedented demand - badges and flags, inscriptions on uniforms, stickers and company souvenirs. Then this problem was solved within the framework of the Latvian interest club, whose founders Suzanna Karapetjana and Alexander Gorbachov-Fadeev remained faithful to their work to this day., online shop
A wide range of fashion jewelry and hair accessories. Our hair accessory collection offers models that combine high quality and unique design, as well as suitability for different generations and access to any taste. The company has long-term relationships with suppliers from around the world, which allows it to obtain the price-quality ratio that makes the Riviera collection as competitive as possible.
Latvijas Sertifikācijas centrs, LTD
Latvian certification center( LATSERT) is the leading national product conformity assessment institution in Latvia. The main cornerstones of LATSERT's cooperation with clients are: assessment based on objective facts, knowledge and respect for legal regulations, honesty and openness, respect and observance of ethical principles, ensuring confidentiality. CE certification, testing, quality checks, conformity assessment, qualification raising, laboratory, certificates in Latvia, Riga.
Mercell Latvia, LTD
Mercell is a procurement monitoring service provider with extensive information on published and current procurement in one place. We have many years of experience in the field of e-procurement, as well as more information on public procurement, allowing us to provide successful e-procurement solutions to many companies. We are one of the leading suppliers of procurement information in Europe, and recognizing the need of customers for procurement information in one place, we have become the most successful information supplier and the most common electronic procurement solution for customers and their suppliers in Latvia as well. Our solution ensures that the tender process is electronic, transparent and secure. In this way, more efficient procurement with high security and quality is achieved, as well as the consumption of resources for both buyers and suppliers is reduced.
IS studija, LTD, Framing salon - workshop
Firm "IS Studija" provides high quality all types of framing services. In the workshop, which is located in the very center of Riga, it is possible to frame - works of art, photos, posters, mirrors, embroidery. "IS Studijas" masters - specialists with more than 20 years of experience. Qualified consultants will help you find the frame that best suits your artwork and wishes.
The company also offers restoration services, as well as a wide selection of embroidery schemes. You are welcome "IS Studijas" in the workshop, which will welcome you with a comfortable atmosphere, quality service and pleasant discounts!
Jaunpils alus, LTD
iVF Riga Ģenētikas centrs
Labākas Dzirdes Centrs, LTD
ARI Accounting Service, LTD, Accountancy services
LTD "Ari accounting service" is a customer-oriented company for which it is important to establish and maintain a good relationship with the customer in any situation. The company guarantees an individual approach to every client. Accurate accounting is essential. Maintain detailed records of expenses, income and other tax aspects. This will help avoid unjustified taxes and optimize costs. We are accounting experts! Accounting is our heart's work!
Ābelītis Oskars - ārsta prakse akupunktūrā
After graduating from the Riga Medical Institute in 1982. i worked in Liepāja district central hospital. 90., I specialized in Eastern medicine. Over time, I increased my knowledge abroad. I am an acupuncture and bioresonance doctor. It includes various types of effects with needles, heating, pressure, massage on biologically active points. Acupuncture methods can reduce or eliminate headaches, backaches, stiff necks, dizziness, tingling hands, joint pains, cramps, and correct a curved, deformed spine. The bioresonance method helps to identify diseased organs, tissues, find fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites, various toxins, the causes of unclear, diseased conditions and act on them.