Pain treatment, all Latvia

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Consilium Medicum, LTD

Rūpniecības 7-1, Rīga LV-1010
doctor, family doctors, tests, diagnostics, dermatovenerology, skin doctor, allergy, allergologist, pain , backache, backache, low back pain , pain in the bottom of back, neck pain , insurance, neurologist Dr.
  • 1 Medical aid: out-patient

Headline, private clinic, LU MF study center

Kalnciema 98 - 16, Rīga, LV-1046
Pain in the ear, poor hearing, audiometry, timpanostomy, sulfur cork in ear, noise in the ear, ear lavage, , tympanitis, treatment , ear surgery, hearing implants.
  • 2 Medical aid: out-patient

Medicīnas centrs D.A.P., Pain clinic in the center of Riga

Lastādijas, Rīga LV-1050
Services:: ✓ conservative pain treatment ✓ invasive pain treatment ✓ computed tomography, etc. Advantages: We have modern equipment for the treatment of chronic pain syndrome. Pain clinic - a specialized medical institution that diagnoses, treats and prevents chronic pain. We take a multidisciplinary and individual approach to each patient suffering from chronic pain( drug treatment, minimally invasive procedures, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, psychotherapy) .

Rehabilitācijas centrs Tērvete, LTD

"Rehabilitācijas centrs Tērvete", Tērvete, Tērvetes pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3730
Description: SIA RC "Tērvete" the main directions of activity are medical rehabilitation for patients with pulmonological and neurological diseases and patients with musculoskeletal pathology, as well as social rehabilitation. The rehabilitation center is located in an architectural monument of national importance in 1932. per year in the main building of Tervete Sanatorium built for 250 patients. The location of the rehabilitation center in the Tērvete nature park promotes the psycho-emotional recovery of patients, and also gives the opportunity to meaningfully spend your free time walking in the Dwarf Forest, climbing the Tērvete castle hill in Raganas Silo, as well as visiting the A. Brigaderes Museum "Sprīdīši", book museum "Ķipi" and Tervete Museum of Ancient History "Jērumi" .

Dr. Irena Mangale's private practice, leech therapy, acupuncture and bioresonance

Stirnu 8-328, Rīga, LV-1082
Services: ✓ Leech therapy; ✓ Homeopathy; ✓ Acupuncture( addiction treatment) ; ✓ Bioresonance Leech therapy: The treatment procedure with leeches is called chiroduterotherapy. Medical leeches are an effective remedy. They can cause many complex changes, both specific and non-specific, in the human body. The boards contain all the biologically active substances necessary for life, so they can be used to treat various diseases. It is easier to say what hirudotherapy does not treat, because leeches help even in cases where traditional medicine is powerless. This therapy helps treat women's problems, vascular problems, stroke, psoriasis, as well as thyroid disease, depression and difficult-to-treat skin conditions.

Strazdas D. private practice of a neurologist, algologist

Aldaru 20/24, Liepāja, LV-3401
Apraksts: Dace Strazda - a doctor with 28 years of experience in the treatment of nerve diseases. An experienced neurologist provides consultations in neurology, algology in cases of disease. Engaged in the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases. Treats pain at the site of pain formation. Accessibility of the environment for persons with functional disorders is ensured.

Pličas D. medical practice in surgery

Raiņa bulvāris 7, Preiļi, Preiļu nov., LV-5301
Doctor's practice:

Daina Plice's doctor's practice offers the only shock wave therapy in Latgale. We offer such services as trauma surgery, orthopedics. We also offer medical assistance - outpatient surgery. We treat fractures, wounds, abdominal pain, heel spurs, joint deformations, sprains, bruises, cases of falls.

Veselības salons 888, LTD Rodain

Dārzaugļu 1 - 213, Rīga, LV-1012
Diagnostic equipment:

"Veselības salonā 888" the diagnostic health examination is performed with the Sensitiv Imago medical device certified in the European Union. Medical device number: R500G060CE2. equipment accuracy is 85%. Diagnosis is based on data on the bioelectrical properties of cells, tissues and organs, which change rapidly and deeply during pathological processes. You will be able to see all the body's processes on the monitor screen during the examination.

Vidzemes vēnu centrs, Vein diagnostics, treatment in Vidzeme

Pļavas 5, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Services: ✓ Vein diagnostics ✓ Laser operations ✓ Sclerotherapy ✓ Lymphatic drainage for feet ✓ Trophic ulcer treatment ✓ Surgeon's consultations ✓ Traumatologist consultations Why choose us?: ✓ Professionalism ✓ Experience ✓ Knowledge

Vidzemes vēnu centrs, LTD, Branch

Klostera 6A, Limbaži, Limbažu nov., LV-4001
Treatment with Biolitec laser ELVeS Painless., Painless surgery without postoperative pain .

Vidzemes vēnu centrs, LTD, Branch

Vidus 1, Alūksne, Alūksnes nov., LV-4301
Treatment of vein diseases. Diagnostics. Surgeon - flebologist. Ultrasonographic examination. Veins. Vein diagnostics - duplex sonoscopy. Vein treatment without scars: endoluminal laser surgeries, foam sclerotherapy in sonography control, Mini-phlebectomy by Varady. Classic vein surgeries. Surgeon's consultations, ( abdominal wall

Vidzemes vēnu centrs, LTD, Branch

Rūpniecības 38, Madona, Madonas nov. LV-4801
Medical aid: out-patient

Ārsta Viktora Vestermaņa privātprakse, Individual merchant

Krišjāņa Barona 93, Rīga, LV-1001
We specialize:: ✓ in vertebrology ✓ orthopedics ✓ in the treatment of bone and joint diseases ✓ in the treatment of back pain ✓ in spinal surgery ✓ in algology, we diagnose the cause of pain, offer treatment and various aids that help prevent joint and back pain.

Surdovest, LTD, Riga branch

Ieriķu 20, Rīga, LV-1084
Services: ✓ Treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the nose, ears and throat; ✓ Diagnostics of the functional state of the hearing and vestibular apparatus; ✓ Hearing aids; ✓ Treatment without surgery - conservative treatment; ✓ Acupuncture or acupuncture

Surdovest, LTD, Jelgava branch

Zemgales prospekts 5 - 29, Jelgava, LV-3001
Ear nose throat diseases, nose throat ear treatment , nasal diseases, noise treatment , throat diseases, , polips, adenoids, adenoids treatment with laser, pain , pain treatment , acupuncture, acupuncture, reflexology

Osteopathic practice of doctor Andris Zemitis in the center of Riga

Brīvības gatve 221, Rīga, LV-1039
Description: What is osteopathy?? Osteopathy is a system of medical diagnosis and treatment. It is based on the philosophy of structures( anatomical structure) and functions( physiology) unity, as well as the ability of the human body to self-renew and self-heal. How does an osteopath work?? The main tool of an osteopath doctor is his hands. Diagnostics is performed by gentle, painless palpation( touching the body) . A series of neurological, orthopedic and specific osteopathic tests are used in diagnostics. In parallel to the generally accepted medical diagnosis, the osteopath doctor establishes his own, osteopathic diagnosis, and in connection with this diagnosis chooses treatment tactics.
ZL.LV iesaka

Saules Veselības centrs, LTD

Brīvības 68, Rīga, LV-1011

Private outpatient facility "Saules veselības centrs" established in 2011. year. For us from the very first "Saules veselības centrs" it is very important to offer medical services, combining high quality standards in medicine with personal, sensitive and careful patient care. We are located in the center of Riga in the UNESCO World Heritage Zone, in the territory of an urban monument, in an Art Nouveau house, which preserves the interior of that time and is easily accessible to patients of the city, as well as patients entering the city by public transport. We provide paid medical services paid by the patient, the employer or insurance companies with which contracts have been concluded. Accessibility for persons with disabilities. Doctors provide remote consultation. Our mission is a healthy, happy, cooperative patient. Our values - professionalism, health, responsibility, development.

Ārstu prakse Saulespuķe, LTD

Aleksandra Čaka 83/85 -, Rīga, LV-1011
About the practice of doctors:

"Saulespuķē" highly qualified and experienced family doctors, gynecologists, ultrasonographers, masseurs, endocrinologist, dermatovenerologist, neurologist and cardiologist will help you.

Dr. Vijas Plūmes ginekoloģijas privātklīnika - diagnosis and treatment, gynaecological surgeries, ultrasonography, obstetrics

Bruņinieku 67, Rīga, LV-1011

Dr. Vija Plume is a certified operating gynecologist. Services of Dr. Plum's gynecology private clinic: - Gynecological consultations. - Laparoscopic operations. - Hysteroresectoscopy. - Cervical electroexcision. - Gynecological ultrasonography. Consultations in Riga and Adaži.

Alma, family doctor A. Lasman's clinic

Krišjāņa Valdemāra 20-4,, Rīga LV-1010

Clinic Alma - a private practice of a family doctor, started its operation in 1991., its founder is Dr. Andris Lasmanis( the first family doctor in Latvia, long-term head of the Latvian Association of Family Doctors) . Currently, our clinic has qualified doctors and specialists - family doctors, pediatricians, gynecologists, neurologists, children's neurologists, surgeons, endocrinologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, gastroenterologists, dentists and physiotherapists. We serve both individuals and businesses, offering a wide range of health care and prevention services. We also cooperate with Latvia's largest health insurance companies, the clients of these companies have the opportunity to use all the services we offer according to the conditions of their policy. Thanks to the large number of our specialists, we can serve a significant number of clients at the same time, so you have the opportunity to apply for a visit to the specialist you need without waiting in long lines, as is often the case in polyclinics. All sanitary requirements are observed in the clinic.