Premises, rentals, all Latvia


MB Properties, LTD

Strādnieku šķērsiela 7A, Rēzekne, LV-4604
Premises for rent, hangar hire, rent, rental, hire, rent, manufacturing facilities, industrial premises , , warehouse, warehouses, warehouse rent, warehouse, rent a warehouse, bureau premises , rent out, hangar

Valdo konferenču centrs

Bauskas 58A, Rīga, LV-1004
Conferences, Conference organizing, Premises for rent, Office, bureau premises , Celebration, Catering, , premises for events, business conference rooms

INModul, LTD, modular space rental, production

Rīgas 6-17a, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
Ella, Safetyrespect, Safety, Respect, Collective security systems, temporary fencing, guardrail solutions, anti-fall protection, temporary stair railings, temporary fencing, barriers, temporary fences, sites fences, barriers, fences, needs assessment and calculations, installation of temporary fencing, making of temporary fences,

Liepa A.V., LTD

Rīgas 14, Liepāja LV-3401
, weddings, wedding meals, laying tables in Liepaja, banquet hall, banquets, graduation, banquet premises , for events, premises for rent, cook-shop, shop, cafe, Lime-tree, off-site catering, offsite banquet

Kuldīgas Metropole, Hotel

Baznīcas 11, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Coffee breaks, wedding celebration, organization of weddings, banquet hall, seminar hall, premises for, Seminar rooms, premises for seminars, premises for banquets, premises for events, premises for organization

Guest house Strenči, LTD Ābolīši

Rīgas 28A, Strenči, Valmieras nov. LV-4730
stay, banquet hall, banquet hall in Strenči, celebration hall, conference room for up to 100 seats, premises , Weddings, premises for weddings, rooms for weddings in Vidzeme, SPA complex, SPA complex in Strenči,

Viktorija Borina, an individual practicing lawyer of the Kurzeme District Court of the Kurzeme District Court

Klāva Ukstiņa 5A - 17N, Liepāja, LV-3401
rental, management, apartment for rent, rent an apartment, rent a house, leases a house, commercial premises , for rent, leases commercial premises , rent an apartment, rent a house, īrēt telpas, change the apartment

Burtakas, LTD, Leisure centre, guest house in Vidzeme

"Burtakas", Straupes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4152
Sports celebrations, weddings, sports games, sports game organization. Large bathhouses, large bathhouse, ( hall for 100 people) 75 bed places, tub bath-house, tub bath-house in winter, pool-type tub, pond, terrace sauna, baths, pier houses, awning for 50 people, fireplace room, houses, houses, houses, guest houses, ponds, sport fields, sports

Cepelīni, LTD, Cafe

Rīgas 48, Liepāja, LV-3401
Food delivery, Premises for rent in the short term. Apartments. Overnight in Liepaja.

Tik un Tā..., restaurant

Ēdiens līdzņemšanai Bolt vai Wolt pakalpojumos.
Eduarda Veidenbauma 8, Liepāja, LV-3401
Liepājā garšīgi paēst, Tik un tā. restorāns. Labs restorāns. Banketi. Galdu klāšana. Ēdināšana. Ēdieni, dzērieni, kafija. Caffe Vergnano. Ēdienu piedāvājums. Lietišķās pusdienas. Pusdienot, kur paēst Liepājā, kur pasēdēt Liepājā, ēdienkarte, otrie ēdieni, salāti, zupas, pamatēdieni, deserti, veģetāriešu ēdieni, bērnu ēdienkarte, bērnu

Rožmalas, hotel, restaurant, wedding place in Bauska

Nameju 2, Ceraukste, Ceraukstes pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3908
wedding celebrations, conferences, seminars, trainings, lectures, presentations, anniversaries, banquets, premises , for banquets, birthdays, conference rooms, coffee breaks, premises for rent, events, terrace, bath-house

Firma Krimulda, off-site trade

Sunīši , Krimuldas pagasts, Siguldas nov., LV-2144
Banquets, table setting, Catering services, banquet halls, off-site banquets, table laying, service for up to 200 persons, table serving, celebrations, family celebrations, weddings, burial, wedding cakes, table settings, cold table, warm dishes, off-site trade, food delivery, food home delivery, snack plates, treats for the feast, cookery,

Bērzkalni, LTD, Guest house

Bērzkalnu 38, Bauska, Bauskas nov., LV-3901
Seminars for up to 200 people, corporate event premises , seminar equipment, whiteboards, paper, projector, Premises for rent.

Voldemārs, LTD, Office space for rent

Skaistkalnes 3, Rīga, LV-1004
Logistics, Transportation of goods, Office space for rent, Office space, bureaus, warehouse rental, Premises , in Pārdaugava, premises in Ziepniekkalns, offices in Ziepniekkalns, offices in Pārdaugava, Eksports:

Bumbu Terapija, LTD

Jelgavas 63 - 101, Rīga, LV-1004
Events for children, organization of events, children parties, premises for celebrations, premises for, rent, rental of premises for events, bomb therapy, ball pool

Martina serviss, LTD, real estate, commercial premises for rent in the center of Riga

Lāčplēša 51 - 1, Rīga, LV-1011
Building management, house for rent, rent, real estate rent, real estate, premises for rent, In Riga, for commercial activity, offices, office, office rental, shop premises , space for offices, premises

Madonas laukceltnieks, LTD, Shop

Saules 61, Madona, Madonas nov., LV-4801
metals, Armature meshes, Metal welding, cutting, Individual orders, Room for rent in Madona, Renting of premises

Manfreds pluss, LTD

Lauku 31/35, Liepāja, LV-3411
Premises for rent, commercial premises for rent, rent, rent out, Rent premises in Liepāja, Office space

Javekss, LTD

Alejas 12/3, Valmiermuiža, Valmieras pagasts, Valmieras nov., LV-4219
Logging, forestry, buys felling grounds in Vidzeme, purchase of forest properties, We buy vegetation throughout the territory of Latvia, excavator services, tow truck Valmiera, telpu noma Valmiera, logging services in Vidzeme, forestry companies, purchase of felling areas, buys forest, real estates, forest estates, purchase of developed

Izbushka, guest house-sauna

Latgales 268B, Rīga LV-1063
with hydromassage, hydromassage, light effects, ( effects) recreation rooms, room, guest house, guest premises