Diagnostics, all Latvia

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Gynecological practice of Laima Sarguna

Meža 9-1, Tukums, Tukuma nov., LV-3101
Ultrasonography, gynecologist ultrasonography, gynaecologic ultrasonography, diagnostics , treatment of

Gerkes Lindas ārsta prakse dermatoloģijā, veneroloģijā

Prombūtnē- 01.07-05.07. un 12.08-16.08.
Stirnu 8 - 323, Rīga, LV-1082
Medical services: ✓ Skin disease diagnostics ✓ Treatment of skin diseases ✓ Wart removal ✓ Removal of papillomas ✓ Mollusc removal

Līga-vet, SIA

Zaļā 11 k-7, Bauska, Bauskas nov., LV-3901
Services: ✓ Therapy ✓ Diagnostics ✓ Surgery ✓ Exotic animal treatment ✓ Livestock treatment ✓ Home visits Veterinary clinic:

The veterinary clinic accepts all pets, as well as possible home visits. Inspection of animals, consultation, treatment, chipping, sterilization, castration, etc. . services. Everything your four-legged friend needs. It is also possible to buy zoo goods at the clinic's pharmacy.

KJV 1, LTD, Dentistry in Baldone

Iecavas 1, Baldone, Ķekavas nov. LV-2125
Dentistry services: ✓ Therapeutic dentistry ✓ Oral Surgery ✓ Dental hygiene ✓ Prosthetics Dentistry:

Sensitive, knowledgeable specialists work in our dentistry, who will take care of your smile! Dental hygienist Kristine Udre and dentist Natalija Latiseva will provide you with professional and best help in oral health!

Rīgas ģimnāzija Maksima, LTD

Pārmiju 14A, Rīga, LV-1057
Description: Private school "Maksima", private gymnasium "Maksima" . Private Gymnasium "MAKSIMA", elementary school "MAKSIMA" .

Dzintra Lunde, family doctor practice

Pilskalna 6, Sabile, Talsu nov. LV-3294
Services: ✓ Health checks ✓ Prescribing medication ✓ Referrals to specialists ✓ Consultations Family doctor practice:

Family doctor's practice in Lunde Dzintra - we carry out diagnostics, prescribing medication, as well as other services related to medicine and counseling.

Private practice of a psychologist in Pavlovska Baiba

Kungu 21-17, Liepāja LV-3401

I'm ready to be a companion for everyone while you're on the road to finding answers to your questions! Advising and supporting in a crisis( the death of a close person or the loss of an important relationship, an ideal; severe illness; loss of a job; loss of meaning of life; physical or emotional abuse), relations, dependency issues. Work with psychosomatic manifestations: headache, feeling of anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, low energy level on a daily basis, etc. I work in consultations using gestalt therapy methods. I provide consultations to individual clients on career, professional life and job interview issues, perform psychological diagnosis or research with the help of psychological tests. Master in psychology. Psychology Mg.

Lolitas Nikolājevas zobārstniecības privātprakse, LTD

Dzirnavu 104, Rīga, LV-1050
Dentistry in Riga:

In Lolita Nikolayeva's dental practice, you can receive the services of a dental treatment, oral and dental hygiene specialist, surgeon and prosthetist. Implantology and teeth whitening are also available. In practice, the accessibility of the environment is ensured for persons with functional disorders by prior appointment with a mobile lift. Medical institution code: 10001568.

Med Prof, LTD

Krišjāņa Valdemāra 157 - 209, Rīga, LV-1013
Services:: ✓ Vaccination against Covid-19 ✓ Compulsory health checks ✓ Mobile X-ray room Description:

LTD "Med Prof" was founded in 2008. year, the company is professionally engaged in the provision of various medical services, traveling to clients. The company is constantly developing, improving, following modern technologies and requirements, which help to promote the company's competitiveness in the market. We have modern diagnostic technologies that ensure the speed and quality of the services provided. Main Ltd "Med Prof" advantage - a qualified commission of doctors will go directly to you, saving your time and money. Our goal is to provide quality service, finding an individual approach to each client. The online application is easy to understand and understand for your conveniencehttp://www.medprof.lv/pieteikums-tie%C5%A1saist%C4%93

Via Una, LTD

Katrīnas dambis 10, Rīga LV-1045

Medicīnas centrs "Via-Una" ir sabiedrībai paredzēts medicīnas centrs, kas nodrošina plašu klīnisko aprūpi un veselības pakalpojumus. Mūsu mērķis ir nodrošināt augstas kvalitātes veselības aprūpi, ieviešot inovatīvas metodes un piedāvājot plašu spektru medicīnas pakalpojumu, lai apmierinātu klientu vajadzības. "Via-Una" ir pilnībā aprīkots medicīnas centrs, kurā strādā pieredzējuši ārsti un medicīnas personāls, kas ir apņēmības pilni nodrošināt jūsu veselības labklājību. Mēs piedāvājam dažādus medicīnas pakalpojumus, tostarp vispārējo ārstēšanu, speciālistu konsultācijas, diagnostiku, laboratorijas testus, vakcināciju un rehabilitāciju.

Paturskas I. ģimenes veselības centrs, LTD

Andreja Saharova 3A, Rīga, LV-1082
Apraksts: 2005.g. 3.janvārī pašā Purvciema centrā atvēra savas durvis mūsu centrs, kur tiek piedāvāts plašs ārstniecisko un rehabilitācijas pakalpojumu klāsts. Mēs piedāvājam komplekso apkalpošanu individuālajiem klientiem, ģimenēm un organizācijām. Slimību profilakse, ārstēšana un rehabilitācija, obligātas veselības pārbaudes, vakcinācijas, bērnu aprūpe.

Lintera Rīga, LTD

Ganību dambis 22C, Rīga, LV-1045
We offer:: ✓ Woodworking equipment and workbenches ✓ Production planning and modernization, software for furniture manufacturers ✓ Warranty and post-warranty service maintenance ✓ Delivery of spare parts ✓ Diamond and carbide cutting tools ✓ Diamond and carbide cutting tool sharpening and repair ✓ Components for production automation ✓ Hydraulic components and systems ✓ Various industrial components and tools

Pils Baltā aptieka In cooperation with Benu Aptieka

Sudrabu Edžus 10, Jelgava, LV-3001

"Pils Baltā Aptieka" offers a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter medications, reimbursement medications, nutritional supplements, herbal teas and other pharmacy products. We offer various types of orthopedic goods, orthosis, vein stockings, various canes and crutches, adult hygiene products. You can buy various express diagnostic tests and vaccines from us. Blood pressure devices, thermometers and inhalers are available for diagnosis. It is possible to order medicines to be prepared. We offer gift and customer cards. There are promotions and special discounts for different groups of buyers. We accept special orders, orders for individual prescriptions, non-registered medicines and orthopedic goods. Drug application.

Pils Dzeltenā aptieka In cooperation with Benu Aptieka

Rūpniecības 77A, Jelgava, LV-3008

Pils zzeltená Aptieka offers a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter medications, reimbursable medications, pharmacy cosmetics, nutritional supplements, herbal teas and other pharmacy products. We offer various types of orthopedic goods, orthosis, vein stockings, bandages, tapes, Dr. Luigi orthopedic shoes, hygiene products. You can buy various express diagnostic tests and vaccines from us. Blood pressure devices, thermometers and inhalers are available for diagnosis. There is a small assortment of children's goods. It is possible to make medicine and measure blood pressure. We offer gift and customer cards. There are promotions and special discounts for different groups of buyers. We accept special orders, orders for individual prescriptions, non-registered medicines and orthopedic goods. Drug application.

Pils Oranžā aptieka In cooperation with Apotheka

Pils oranžā aptieka pagaidām ir slēgta uz pārvietošanu!
Krišjāņa Valdemāra 17A, Rīga, LV-1010

A wide range of medicines, nutritional supplements and pharmacy cosmetics. Medicine making. Gift and customer cards, promotions and special offers for different groups of buyers. Special orders, orders for individual prescriptions, ordering unregistered medications. Drug application. Service in Latvian, Russian and English. Pharmacy franchise.

Pils Baltā 2 aptieka In cooperation with Apotheka

Kaņiera 13, Rīga, LV-1063
Description: "Pils baltā 2 aptieka" offers a wide range of prescription and non-prescription drugs, reimbursed drugs, pharmacy cosmetics, nutritional supplements, herbal teas and other pharmacy products. You can buy various express diagnostic tests and vaccines from us. Blood pressure devices, thermometers and inhalers are available for diagnosis. There is an assortment of children's goods, pacifiers, pacifiers, baby bottles, children's and adult hygiene products. DrLuigi orthopedic shoes. It is possible to order medicines to be prepared. We offer gift and customer cards. There are promotions and special discounts for different groups of buyers. We accept special orders, orders for individual prescriptions, non-registered medicines and orthopedic goods. Drug application.

Jēkabpils autobusu parks, LTD

"Akurāteri", Salas pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5230
Additional services:: ✓ Brake and undercarriage stand ✓ Tire mounting and balancing stand ✓ Diesel engine diagnostics ✓ Possibility of advertising placement on buses About Ltd "Jēkabpils bus park":

The main task of the company is the good, timely, cultural transportation of citizens on regular routes and the fulfillment of various orders for business and leisure trips.

Tehniska ortopedija, Ltd., Shop

Tallinas 1, Rīga, LV-1001

LTD "Technical orthopedics" is a company with more than 10 years experience. Some of our specialists have more experience in the industry than the age of the company. The new employees are also properly educated, certified and already well experienced. Field services of a technical orthopedist already in 7 Latvian cities - Liepāja, Daugavpils, Rēzekni, Livāni, Kuldīga, Preili, Ventspils.

Tehniska ortopedija, Ltd., Shop

Pilsoņu 13, Rīga LV-1002
wheelchair, stools, walkers, hand, leg prosthesis, orthopedic pillow, splint, synthetic, gypsum link, foot diagnostics , Podometrics, foot diagnostics , consultations of a technical orthopedist. ( Technical orthopedist: medical

Tehniskā ortopēdija, LTD

18. novembra 41, Rēzekne LV-4601

LTD "Tehniskā Ortopēdija" is a company with more than 10 years experience. Some of our specialists have more experience in the industry than the age of the company. The new employees are also properly educated, certified and already well experienced. Field services of a technical orthopedist already in 7 Latvian cities - Liepaja, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Livani, Kuldiga, Preili, Ventspils.

Orthopedic consultations( by prior arrangement)