Footwear wholesale, companies in Daugavpils

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Propus, LTD

Varšavas 48, Daugavpils, LV-5404
Work clothes, work footwear , work gloves, work protection products, work clothes in Latgale, work clothing, , knitted gloves, gloves with dotted coating, retail, wholesale , rubber work gloves, leather work gloves


Dobeles 30A, Daugavpils, LV-5404
cleaning, rental of textiles, bed linen rental, towel rental, work clothes rental, work clothes, work footwear , products, professional cleaning equipment, cleaning products, Sucitesa, cleaning products from Spain, wholesale

Hoffmann Group authorized representative in Latvia, LTD Metmatus

Jelgavas 2C, Daugavpils, LV-5404
Metal working hand tools. Hoffmann Group. Metalworking tools. Metalworking machines. Metal cutting and drilling tools. Measuring instruments. Polishing tools. Hand tools. Workshop equipment. GARANT. HOLEX. MITUTOYO. Pneumatic tools. ATLAS COPCO. Saw blades RONTGEN, Knipex, Kukko, Mahr, SECO, Amf. Industrial furniture, 3D designing,

Latwork, LTD

Balvu 7, Daugavpils, LV-5401
respirators 3M, 3M filters, 3M masks, work gloves, welder gloves, clothing for welders, rubber gloves, work footwear , clothing for food industry, protective headphones, ear plugs, qualitative work gloves, work clothes shop, wholesale

GRIF, LTD, Work clothes shop, Latgale regional workwear specialist

Stacijas 85, Daugavpils LV-5401
Work clothes, work footwear , gloves, headphones, Moldex respirators, safety belts, winter boots, overalls

Ambler, LTD

Valkas 5E, Daugavpils, LV-5417
aprons, jackets, semi-overalls, overalls, pants, raincoat, fishermen, fishermen, seafarers clothing and footwear


Andreja Pumpura 18A, Daugavpils, LV-5404
Work clothes, work footwear , welding clothing.

Latwork, LTD, Shop

Alejas 86-29, Daugavpils, LV-5401
Work protective means, work clothes, work semi-overalls, work pants, work jackets, work vests, respirators 3M, 3M filters, 3M masks, work gloves, welder gloves, clothing for welders, rubber gloves, work footwear, protective helmets, protective masks, goggles, rubber boots, eva boots, work lace boots, work robes, clothing for cleaners, rubber