For health and beauty, all Latvia

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Baranovska A. family doctor practice

Bērzpils 12, Balvi, Balvu nov., LV-4501
infant acceptance, Ārija Baranovska, pediatrician, pediatrician in Balvi, doctor therapist, medical aid, health

Pilypchuk Tatjana - practice of family doctor and neurologist

Raiņa 16-1a, Jelgava LV-3001
Doctor, neurologist, paid neurologist services for adults, neurologist in Jelgava, family doctor, family, doctor in Pārlielupe, family doctor for adults, family doctor for children, family doctor for babies

Asafrejas G. ģimenes ārsta prakse

Stacijas 11, Valmiera, Valmieras nov. LV-4201
family doctor, children's doctor, Family doctor's practice of Asafreja Gunta, medical certificates for

Alma, family doctor A. Lasman's clinic

Krišjāņa Valdemāra 20-4,, Rīga LV-1010
check, compulsory health checks, health check, compulsory, health check in Riga, mandatory health check, price, mandatory health check prices, mandatory health check, mandatory health check card, mandatory

Aivaras Pauniņas family doctor's practice

Stacijas 26, Valmiera, Valmieras nov. LV-4201
Aivars Pauniņš, family doctor in Valmiera, family medicine, prophylactic examinations, medical aid, health , checks, vaccination, prescriptions for medications, referrals to specialists.

Gunther Angela, audiologist

Cēsu 31 k-3, Rīga, LV-1012
swallowing disorders, language comprehension disorders, voice disorders, increased salivation, speech tempo and , rhythm disorders, difficulty chewing and swallowing, phonemic disorders, reading disorder.

Gerkes Lindas ārsta prakse dermatoloģijā, veneroloģijā

Stirnu 8 - 323, Rīga, LV-1082
Dermatologist for children. Acceptance with family doctor referral.

Tučas I. family doctor practice

Skolas 29, Madona, Madonas nov. LV-4801
Ilona Tuch's medical practice, doctor, pediatrician, family doctor's practice in Madona, Ilona Tuch's medical practice, newborn care, paediatrician services, vaccination, injections, laboratory tests, drivers' medical certificates.

Dr. Būmanes ģimenes ārsta prakse, LTD

Raiņa 19 - 5, Durbe, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3440
Certificates: driver's medical certificate, cognitive sports activities, pools, camps, for cognitive, Doctor, doctor, doctor, medicine, tests, health . Accepts new patients, accepts new patients.

Stanias I. family doctor practice

Upes 12A, Zemgale, Glūdas pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3040
Stanya, Svēte, home visits, vaccines, child adoption, analysis, driver's commission, Accessibility for

Dzintra Tintes doctor's practice in homeopathy

Liepājas 34, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
homeopathic medicine, treatment with natural preparations, phytotherapy, holistic medicine, homeopathy for , the treatment of children, immunity, health , allergy, pain syndromes.

Dinsbergas klīnika, LTD

Skanstes 52, Rīga, LV-1013
Dr. Dinsberga, gynecologist Dinsberga, Inta Dinsberga, dr. Dinsberga, dr. Dinsberga practice, Gynaecologist in Riga, gynecologist in the center of Riga, gynaecologist - endocrinologist, obstetrician, gynaecology, female doctor, gynecologist Private Practice, good gynecologist, private practice in gynecology, obstetrician,

Fiziocentrs, LTD

Bruņinieku 49 k-2, Rīga, LV-1011
treatment by Schrott, backache, ergonomics, therapeutic gymnastics, rehabilitation after injuries, health , gymnastics, lumbar and neck traction, rehabilitation and physical medicine doctor, spondylosis, disc

Guna Čače's private practice as a psychologist-psychotherapy specialist

Baznīcas 11, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Kuldiga, Kurzeme, crisis therapy, relationship problem, couples therapy, individual therapy, psychologist for , child, psychologist for teenager, adult psychologist, psychosomatic disorders, children and adolescent

Kristīnes Strazdiņas psihologa privātprakse

Andreja, Ventspils, LV-3601
Kristīne strazdiņa, psychologist, psychologist Private Practice in Ventspils, crisis center for families, and children "Paspārne" .

AT Latvia, LTD

Brīvības 180, Rīga, LV-1012
Wheelchairs, wheelchairs, aids for patient care, handles, toilet and bath chairs., Wheelchair, wheelchair and functional bed rental, rental.
ZL.LV iesaka

Jūrmalas slimnīca, LTD, Hospital in Jurmala

Vienības prospekts 19/21, Jūrmala, LV-2010
midwife, gynaecologist, children's nurse, neonatologist, epidural anesthesia, comfort wards, Surgical and , check within 1 day, express health check.

Klīnika Denta, LTD

Brīvības gatve 230, Rīga, LV-1039
Dentist on duty, stomatologist on duty, acute dentistry, acute toothache, toothache, laser in dentistry, laser dentistry, painless dentistry, periodontist, ordoline caps, dentist on holidays, dentist on Saturdays, dentist on Sundays, free children's dentist, quality pediatric dentist, dentist, dentist, dentistry, stomatology,

Saldus medicīnas centrs, LTD, Care hospital

Slimnīcas 3, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Medicine, medical aid, hospital, outpatient clinic, ambulance, care, diagnostics, x-ray, ultrasonography, computer tomography, laboratory, pregnant women, care, operations, therapeutic diseases, surgical diseases, rehabilitation. Massage, wheelchair rental, rental of medical goods.

ITLA.LV, LTD, Production and trade

Latgales 244, Rīga, LV-1063
Compression socks and tights. Medical compression socks and tights Avicenum., Socks and tights with a pattern. Men's socks.