Rūpniecības 7-1, Rīga LV-1010
clinic, clinic in Riga, clinic, medical practice, medical institution, pediatrics, medical center,
health , center, medical institution, medical clinic, therapeutic outpatient services,
health centers in Riga
Kalnciema 98 - 16, Rīga, LV-1046
Inpatient and outpatient medical care. Ear, neck and nose diseases. Otolaryngologist, children otolaryngologist. Pain in the ear, poor hearing, audiometry, timpanostomy, sulfur cork in ear, noise in the ear, ear lavage, tympanitis, treatment, ear surgery, hearing implants. Earball incision, paracentesis. Timpanoplastic. Nosebleed, nose
Lastādijas 40-2.st., Rīga LV-1050
Pain, pain treatment, pain clinic, chronic pain treatment, headache, headaches, backache, pain in joints, pain after surgery, sāpes pēc traumām, sapjuklinika.lv, DAP clinic, konservatīva ārstēšana, invazīva ārstēšana, computer tomography, algology, chronic pain, kakla radikulīts, medical center, diseases, sāpes mugurkaula kakla daļā,
Lastādijas 40 - 5.st., Rīga, LV-1050
Narcologist, addiction specialist advice, addiction specialist consultations, detoxification, 24-hour addiction help, 24-hour hospital, help for people with addiction, palīdzība atkarīgajiem, drug addiction, drug addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, alcohol addiction, alcohol dependence, alcohol, heroin, amphetamine, drug
Augusta Deglava 12A, Rīga, LV-1009
Services:: ✓ Diagnostics ✓ Diagnostic examinations ✓ Eye and vision examination for children ✓ Laser therapy ✓ Surgery ✓ Optics ✓ Contact lenses ✓ Rental of eye pressure gauges ✓ Eyelid hygiene ✓ Eye
health during pregnancy ✓ Vision correction ✓ Night lenses ✓ Clinical studies
Ieriķu 3, Rīga, LV-1084
Services:: ✓ Eye and vision correction ✓ With a laser ✓ No laser ✓ Glasses ✓ Contact lenses ✓ Night lenses ✓ Intraocular lenses ✓ MONO and MULTIfocal lenses ✓ Treatment and diagnosis ✓ Diagnostics ✓ Dry eye syndrome ✓ Cataract surgeries ✓ Glaucoma treatment ✓ Laser therapy ✓ Correction of strabismus ✓ Corneal transplantation ✓ Eyelid plastic surgery ✓ Eyelid hygiene
Blaumaņa 38/40, Rīga, LV-1011
The leading Internet media of the medical industry www.medicine.lv:
Valuable advice on health, nutrition, rehabilitation, beauty care, pharmaceuticals, healthy lifestyle for both citizens and professionals. On the portal, you can ask questions of your interest to specialist doctors, participate in forum discussions, as well as find the product or service you need - available information on more than 12,000 companies in the industry. If you have a company in the medical field or are a professional in the field - your target audience is the portal medicine.lv! Tell about your service or product, improve findability, strengthen reputation and acquire new customers by placing a business profile, articles and banners on the portal, as well as using other digital marketing solutions!
Zaļā 1 - 3.st., Rīga, LV-1010
Our services:: ✓ Doctor-geneticist consultations( professional assistance to patients with genetic diseases and reproductive disorders is provided by geneticists Dr. Liene Korneeva, Dr. Ieva Grīnfelde) ; ✓ Oncologist - chemotherapist consultations; ✓ In - depth genetic testing( . sk. infertile couples) : Preimplantation genetic testing of embryos at the chromosomal and gene level( PGT-A / PGS and PGT-M / PGD) ; ✓ Determination of the karyotype; ✓ Molecular genetic testing - Molecular testing of thrombophilia, determination of non-invasive fetal Rhesus factor in pregnant women, testing of fragile X chromosome, testing of Y chromosome( AZF factor), HLA-typing, KIR-typing, genetic examination of aborted pregnancy material, testing of inherited tumors, testing of inherited recessive diseases; ✓ Genetic tests for complex female / male infertility; ✓ Preparation of newborn genetic passport; ✓ Lifestyle genetic tests Viva Genomics.
Firsa Sadovņikova 20, Rīga, LV-1003
Description: Our clinic was established in 1998. year. The main principle: quality and safety - for the patient. We offer all kinds of vision corrections with a unique technology that guarantees patients the right treatment tactics, maximum safety and high-precision results. Our clinic works according to the latest technologies and methods, with FDA safety guarantees-certificates, the widest range of vision corrections - myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, age farsightedness( presbyopia) spectrum. From 18 years of age and without age restriction! Compared to other clinics, we perform tissue-sparing surgery for vision correction, in patients with extremely thin cornea and wide pupils, with high and complex myopia, farsightedness, age-related farsightedness( presbyopia) and the degree of astigmatism.
Stirnu 8 - 321, Rīga, LV-1082
Services: ✓ Children's eye specialist ✓ Vision examination ✓ Examination of the fundus of the eye ✓ Eye pressure ✓ State paid visits for children and adults ✓ Eye
health consultations for children, adults ✓ Preventive examinations for children, adults ✓ Digital
health check ✓ Driver commission OVP
Brīvības gatve 410, Rīga, LV-1024
Services:: ✓ Pregnant women gymnastics ✓ Pregnant women care ✓ Ultrasound examination ✓ Postnatal gymnastics ✓ Gynecological disease diagnosis and treatment ✓ Physiotherapy ✓ Gymnastics ✓ Therapeutic massage ✓ Doctors on call and emergency care
Ģertrūdes 30 - 2.st., Rīga, LV-1011
We will be happy to provide you with advice on family planning.: The aim of the private practice of gynecology is to understand the wishes of the patients, monitor the progress of the pregnancy, perform the necessary gynecological examinations and keep the expectant mothers in good
health, so that the months of pregnancy pass pleasantly and calmly. The gynecologist provides an individual approach and care to each patient. We collaborate with insurance companies.
Kalnciema 98 - 16, Rīga, LV-1046
Medical aid: out-patient
Stirnu 8 - 328, Rīga, LV-1082
Services: ✓ Leech therapy; ✓ Homeopathy; ✓ Acupuncture( addiction treatment) ; ✓ Bioresonance
Leech therapy: The treatment procedure with leeches is called chiroduterotherapy. Medical leeches are an effective remedy. They can cause many complex changes, both specific and non-specific, in the human body. The boards contain all the biologically active substances necessary for life, so they can be used to treat various diseases. It is easier to say what hirudotherapy does not treat, because leeches help even in cases where traditional medicine is powerless. This therapy helps treat women's problems, vascular problems, stroke, psoriasis, as well as thyroid disease, depression and difficult-to-treat skin conditions.
Bruņinieku 8, Rīga, LV-1010
Baltijas apdrošināšanas nams( BAN) eye
health center, medicine, eye diseases, eye diseases., National
Health Service( NVD) .
Krišjāņa Barona 3, Rīga, LV-1050
Redzes ekselences centrs is a Latvian American eye center network of branches of a new concept of eye and vision health centers in Latvia.
The services of Redzes ekselences centrs are provided by vision specialists - certified ophthalmologists and optometrists to provide timely, safe and effective diagnosis of vision and eye health to any patient in a convenient place and time and to choose the most appropriate type and method of vision correction depending on his age, lifestyle, profession. and daily activities. The possibilities of vision correction are very wide, but they all have one thing in common - to provide clear vision at the distance chosen by the patient. A full range of vision correction services are provided here, from glasses, contact lenses and night lenses to laser vision correction or lens implantation.
Plūmju 3, Carnikava, Carnikavas pagasts, Ādažu nov., LV-2163
We cooperate with the following health insurance companies:: ✓ If... ✓ BTA ✓ Gjensidige ✓ White ✓ Seesam ✓ Baltijas Apdrošināšanas nams ✓ Compensa ✓ Ergo
If you have health insurance from other insurance companies, then: get services from us ->; submit a claim to your insurer with a copy of the receipt ->; get rewarded by transfer to your account.
Baznīcas 18, Rīga, LV-1010
Our specialists are available:: ✓ cardiologist ✓ arrhythmologist ✓ vascular surgeon ✓ cardiac surgeon( heart surgeon) ✓ internist ✓ nutrition specialist
Investigations to be carried out with us:: ✓ echocardiography( heart ultrasound examination) with the most modern Philips equipment ✓ cycle ergometry or exercise test ✓ electrocardiography( ECG) ✓ 24 and 72 hour Holter monitoring( 24 h ECG) ✓ 24-hour blood pressure monitoring ✓ bioimpedance examination ✓ We also offer home visits, during which both echocardiography and electrocardiogram can be performed! ✓ In cooperation with physiotherapists, we offer "sirds sporta individuālās nodarbības" .
Dārzaugļu 1 - 213, Rīga, LV-1012
Diagnostic equipment:
"Veselības salonā 888" the diagnostic health examination is performed with the Sensitiv Imago medical device certified in the European Union. Medical device number: R500G060CE2. equipment accuracy is 85%. Diagnosis is based on data on the bioelectrical properties of cells, tissues and organs, which change rapidly and deeply during pathological processes. You will be able to see all the body's processes on the monitor screen during the examination.
Brīvības 84 - 6, 4.st., Rīga, LV-1001
Description: "KZS Klīnika" founded in 2007. as a private consultative gynecological assistance institution. Our best specialists - gynecologists, neurologists, radiologists, therapists and dermatologists have rich work experience gained while working at P.Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital, as well as in other public and private sector medical institutions, combined with the advanced diagnostic methods available in our clinic guarantee high qualified, professional women's
health care. The clinic currently offers a wide range of services for women's
health - gynecological examinations, infertility treatment, ultrasonography for pregnant women, dermatovenerologist consultation and other medical examinations, as well as motherhood school classes for future and existing parents.