Sand quarry, companies in Rīga

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BK Grupa, LTD, Logging

"Pēterupe BK", Sējas pagasts, Saulkrastu nov., LV-2162
Purchase of forests and felling areas:

"BK GRUPA" deals with felling and purchase of forest lands in ownership throughout Latvia! Property valuation and document preparation. Tree measurements. Locating. Taxation. Measurement.

Company description:

"BK GRUPA" performs logging, felling. Provides harvester and forwarder services. Excavator services. Buy forests, felling areas. buys, buys forests, forest fellings, and forest properties throughout Latvia! Dump truck services, construction equipment services, black earth, gravel, sand delivery, trade. We work in Vidzeme, Latgale, Zemgale, Kurzeme

We buy - felled and partially felled forest, forests, forest properties, fellings.

For sale - sifted black earth, sand.

CBF Grante, LTD sifted sand

Turaidas 24, Inciems, Krimuldas pagasts, Siguldas nov., LV-2145

Quarries services:

✓ sand delivery ✓ gravel supply ✓ sifted sand for concrete production ✓ sand wholesale up to 1,000,000 m3 ✓ certified sand ✓ sand quarry ✓ gravel quarry ✓ sand quarries in Latvia ✓ gravel quarries in Latvia

Bīriņu Kangari, sand quarry, LTD BK Grupa

"Pēterupe BK", Sējas pagasts, Saulkrastu nov., LV-2162

Sand quarry "Bīriņu Kangari" - carries out sand, gravel extraction and trade, sells sand. We deliver all over Latvia for the construction of roads, highways, squares.

Siguldas bruģis, LTD

Paparžu 6, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150
Services:: ✓ Paving works ✓ Paving of squares, roads, sidewalks ✓ Pavement of various shapes and colors ✓ Asphalt laying ✓ Asphalt paving ✓ Delivery and installation of carpet lawn ✓ Paving and improvement of the territory of Igate Castle ✓ Territory improvement ✓ Foundation digging ✓ Digging a water pipe ✓ Digging a sewer trench ✓ Land leveling ✓ Cobblestone pavement repair ✓ Flower bed planting ✓ Garden planting ✓ Garden design ✓ Excavator services ✓ Tractor services ✓ Dumper or quarry tipper services ✓ Black earth delivery in Sigulda ✓ Sand, gravel, rubble, pebbles ✓ Road transport services

Būvtehnikas serviss, LTD

"Saulītes", Ropaži, Ropažu pagasts, Ropažu nov. LV-2135
Machinery rental: To give customers the opportunity to verify the suitability of the equipment we offer for the work to be performed, individual quarry equipment units( mobile crushers, screeners) we can offer long-term lease or lease with purchase. We can also agree on another piece of equipment( excavators, loaders) long-term lease( without operator) or lease with purchase. Lease terms and conditions are negotiated with each buyer individually.
ZL.LV iesaka

3D GEO, LTD, Topography, geology Riga, Riga region

Biksēres 2, Rīga, LV-1073
About the company:

SIA 3D GEO provides topography, geodesy, surveying and cartography services in Riga and the Riga region, as well as in Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Latgale and Zemgale.

BAO, JSC, Hazardous waste collection point

Mūkusalas 59, Rīga, LV-1004
BAO services:: ✓ Recycling of electronics and electronic waste ✓ Disposal of industrial and production waste ✓ Contaminated soil purification ✓ Destruction of confidential documents ✓ Healthcare waste disposal ✓ Processing and disposal of waste containing heavy metals ✓ Destruction of goods ✓ Car service waste management ✓ Asbestos ✓ Household hazardous waste ✓
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

BAO, JSC, Hazardous waste collection area in Getliņu landfill

"Poligons Getliņi", Stopiņu pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2121
Sand quarry , sand quarries. Draining sand delivery from quarry . Bulk ground trade from quarry ., Bulk soil sale, delivery. draining sand , trade in draining sand , delivery.
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

BAO, JSC, Hazardous waste collection point

Ķīšezera 31, Rīga, LV-1014
JSC "BAO" has created hazardous waste in cooperation with the RD Environment Department, waste electronic equipment, electric appliances acceptance point. Residents - private persons, free of charge, may dispose: waste, useless, used, waste, ( discarded electrical equipment, electronics hardware: computer, computer equipment, ( computers,
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

BAO, JSC, Hazardous waste collection point

Emmas 45, Rīga, LV-1015
Environmental protection, ecology
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

BAO, JSC, Hazardous waste collection point

Gunāra Astras 7, Rīga, LV-1084
BAO services:: ✓ Recycling of electronics and electronic waste ✓ Disposal of industrial and production waste ✓ Contaminated soil purification ✓ Destruction of confidential documents ✓ Healthcare waste disposal ✓ Processing and disposal of waste containing heavy metals ✓ Destruction of goods ✓ Car service waste management ✓ Asbestos ✓ Household hazardous waste ✓
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

BAO, JSC, Collection point for used electrical equipment

Krasta 46, Rīga, LV-1003
BAO services:: ✓ Recycling of electronics and electronic waste ✓ Disposal of industrial and production waste ✓ Contaminated soil purification ✓ Destruction of confidential documents ✓ Healthcare waste disposal ✓ Processing and disposal of waste containing heavy metals ✓ Destruction of goods ✓ Car service waste management ✓ Asbestos ✓ Household hazardous waste ✓
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

BAO, JSC, Hazardous waste collection point

Šampētera 180, Rīga, LV-1046
BAO services:: ✓ Recycling of electronics and electronic waste ✓ Disposal of industrial and production waste ✓ Contaminated soil purification ✓ Destruction of confidential documents ✓ Healthcare waste disposal ✓ Processing and disposal of waste containing heavy metals ✓ Destruction of goods ✓ Car service waste management ✓ Asbestos ✓ Household hazardous waste ✓
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

BAO, JSC, Hazardous waste collection point

Celtnieku 3A, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
BAO services:: ✓ Recycling of electronics and electronic waste ✓ Disposal of industrial and production waste ✓ Contaminated soil purification ✓ Destruction of confidential documents ✓ Healthcare waste disposal ✓ Processing and disposal of waste containing heavy metals ✓ Destruction of goods ✓ Car service waste management ✓ Asbestos ✓ Household hazardous waste ✓
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

BAO, JSC, Hazardous waste management

Celtnieku 3A, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
BAO services:: ✓ Recycling of electronics and electronic waste ✓ Disposal of industrial and production waste ✓ Contaminated soil purification ✓ Destruction of confidential documents ✓ Healthcare waste disposal ✓ Processing and disposal of waste containing heavy metals ✓ Destruction of goods ✓ Car service waste management ✓ Asbestos ✓ Household hazardous waste
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: AP24AA0016 / 07.06.2024

Jaunviesītes, quarry

Jaunmārupe , Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2166
Sand for road construction. Quarrying, quarry , sand , dolomite shivers, pebbles.

Jaunšķelti, quarry

Acone, Granīta , Salaspils pagasts, Salaspils nov.
Sand for road construction. Quarrying, quarry, sand, dolomite shivers, pebbles. Gravel, black earth. Transport services.

Nikov, LTD

Gaujas 24, Vangaži, Ropažu nov., LV-2136
Quarry , quarries. Screened, washed sand , shivers, pebbles. Sand - gravel mixture. Crushed stone., Sand quarry , quarries. Sand . Clay, clay extraction in Latvia. Natural clay extraction.

EM Tehnika, LTD

Dzelzceļa 46-2, Jūrmala LV-2008
Sand , gravel, quarry , washed sand , crushed sand , sifted sand , sand , shivers, crushed stone mixtures,, mineral fertilisers, black earth, quarry equipment, quarry equipment rental, quarry development, equipment

Karjeru izstrāde, LTD

Krustpils 12-115, Rīga, LV-1073
Quarry . Dredger. Sand , sand , black earth, bulk, shivers, gravel, quarries., Sand quarry developing, gravel quarry development, sand gravel quarry development, pond arranging,