Vegetable growing, all Latvia


Tiečas, Farm

"Tiečas", Slampes pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3119
Vegetable gardening, grain growing , food retail, food wholesale, wholesale of vegetables, wholesale, wholesale, potato wholesale, wholesale beet, wholesale of beetroot, cabbage wholesale, table beets, grain growing
  • 1 Vegetable growing

Dārznieks, Farm Kliģeni

Ābolu 12, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Gardening, gardening, vegetable gardening, vegetables, flowers, flower trade, floristry, flower shops, , decayed plants, gardener, Kligeni, vegetable plants.

Garīši, Farm

"Garīši", Vārmes pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3333
Sale of vegetable products, wholesale. Garīši, local manufacturer. Made in Latvia.


"Rožnieki", Elejas pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3023
Organic asparagus, asparagus, bio, eleja, self reading, bIO vegetables, healthy nutrition, vegetables, green asparagus, white asparagus, vitamins, medicinal asparagus, canned asparagus.

Saldus zieds, LTD

Lielā 25, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Flowers, floristry, flower bouquets, compositions, indoor plants, artificial flowers, room decoration, seeds, seedlings, flower bouquets for weddings, bouquets for funeral, wreaths, flowers for all occasions, Saldus flower, Gardening, flower kiosk, market, ceramics, vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, summer flower plants, cut flowers, pot

Dārznieki 1, Farm, Code gardening

Dārznieku ceļš 4, Bauska, Bauskas nov., LV-3901
Gardening, season - tomatoes, salads, Rose wholesale, season, may-september, Roses, rose plants, Calla, Flower decors, funeral wreaths, funeral bouquets, bouquets, Funeral bouquets, wedding bouquets, greeting bouquets, Bridal bouquets, Flower trade, floristry, Rose, calla lily trade, Compositions.

Aiva X, LTD, Tree nursery in Limbazi

Rīgas 40, Limbaži, Limbažu nov. LV-4001
Tree nursery in Limbazi, seedlings, plants in Limbazi, Plant trade in Limbazi, flower plants, pansies, summer flower plants, pelargoniums, begonias, petunias, hanging petunia, fuchsia, bacopa, annual flower plants, compositions in pots. cucumber plants, tomato seedlings, herbs, greening, greening in Vidzeme, greening in Limbaži, plants in

SANTAS, gardening

Grobiņas pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov. LV-3430
Gardening, plant nursery, Santas, perennials, flower plants, herbs, decorative shrubs, saplings of rushes, rushes for the garden, ornamental shrubs, ornamental plants, nurseries in Kurzeme, seedlings in Grobiņa, seedlings in Liepaja, In Latvia grown plants, qualitative seedlings, plant in pots, ornamental plant cultivation, container

Dēseles Dzirnavas

"Dēseles Dzirnavas", Embūtes pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3436
, by the nature, Dēsele`s mill, waterfall, strawberries in Latvia, Latvian strawberries, strawberry growing

Pūres dārzkopības izmēģinājumu stacija, JSC

Abavas 2, Pūre, Pūres pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3124
Seeds and plants, growing , trade, wholesale, crop farming, vegetable seeds, fruit trees, berry forest

Sprogas, Farm

"Sprogas", Jaunalūksnes pagasts, Alūksnes nov., LV-4301
strawberries, Fresh strawberries, Gardening, horticultural company, plant nursery, seedlings, fruit- growing , strawberry plants, tomato seedlings, cucumber plants, paprika seedlings, cabbage plants, melon seedlings, vegetable

Imlitex Latvija, LTD

Daugavgrīvas 83, Rīga, LV-1007
wholesale of food additives and spices, chemical raw materials, chemistry, nutrition supplements, chemical industry in Latvia, chemical wholesalers, companies, supply of food raw materials and ingredients, chemicals, surface treatment materials, spices, equipment cleaning and disinfecting agents, feed additives, fodder penalty, fodder

Dārza ABC, LTD

Braslas 29A, Rīga, LV-1084
Instrumenti, Darbarīki, Būvmateriāli, rūpniecības preces, saimniecības preces, dārza preces, apģērbi, apavi, galantērija, kancelejas preces, rotaļlietas, elektropreces, dāvanas, ziedi, sporta preces Telpaugi, sēklas, stādi, mākslīgie ziedi, konfešu pušķi, stikla izstrādājumi, vāzes, puķu podi, keramika, sveces, auto, apsveikuma


Krapes pagasts, Ogres nov. LV-5012
Autumn raspberries, raspberries, Latvian raspberries, freeze-dried fruits and berries, lyophilized products Krape, freeze dried( lyophilized) fruit, berries and vegetables, freeze-dried raspberries, crispy raspberries, crispy, fruit and berry mix, Freeze-dried Berries, Freeze-dried fruit, freeze-dried vegetables, freeze-dried

Worming, LTD

"Līči", Vītiņu pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3708
fertilizer, natural fertilizer, natural organic fertilizer, manure processing, biohumuss, vermicompost, earthworm compost, additional fertilizer, natural product

Apsītes, Farm, Quince garden Ievgravas

Platones 16, Vircava, Vircavas pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3020
Honey, juices, candied peel, quinces, gifts, rural tourism, excursions, honey shop, In Latvia grown products, Latvian home producers, Country delicacies, goods, Beehives, Bees, Natural honey of various flowers, Varieties of quinces, honey with quince, honey with honeycombs, Internet shop, Online shops, online shop, Christmas gifts, Vitamins,

Mucenieki, Farm

"Mucenieki", Jaunlutriņu pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3876
Seedlings, fruit, berries, apple juice, apple seedlings, gooseberry plants, strawberry plants, apples, sea ​​buckthorn, blackcurrant, redcurrant, gooseberries, raspberries. Consultations in commercial gardening , in fruit production. Wholesale of fruit and berries, fruit, berry juices, nectar. Production, recycling, consultations.

Redox, LTD

"Strandas", Salas pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2105
Vegetables, vegetable trade, wholesale of vegetables, wholesale, carrots, onions, potato, beets, cabbage, , vegetables in Latvia, wholesale in Europe, vegetable seller, vegetable growing , vegetable delivery.

Rīts, Farm

Rubeņi , Bērzkalnes pagasts, Balvu nov. LV-4590
Vegetable growing

Nemone, LTD

"Vecsaikava 2" - 2, Vecsaikava, Praulienas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4825