
Lubana City Library, External service point Baloži

"Baloži", Indrāni, Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830

Widus, Indrānu pagasta Bērnu un jauniešu klubiņš

"Baloži", Indrāni, Indrānu pag., Madonas nov., LV-4830
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"Indrāni 34", Indrāni, Salas pag., Jēkabpils nov., LV-5230
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"Ceriņi", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830
Agricultural services

Henome, LTD

"Ilgas", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830
Fruit growing

Hereford Agro, LTD, Livestock shed Birznieki

"Birznieki", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830
Livestock breeding

Lubānas Puse, association

"Mazkalniņi", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830
Associations, foundations


"Gaitiņi", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov. LV-4830
Freight transport: by road

Zvaigznītes, Farm in Indrāni parish, Madona district

"Zvaigznītes", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4826
Accommodation, lodging, accommodation in Lubāna, In Meirāni, near Aiviekste. Guest house, house Zvaigznītes, number of places 10 people. Holiday cottage. Recreation place by the River Aiviekste. Tent( tent) places in the picturesque meadow with oaks. Fishing in Aiviekste. Rides, boat rides in the river Aiviekste. Boat rental( 3 euros/hour) .

Rozas, backyard farm

"Rozas", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4826
Poultry farming

Arklupe, Farm

"Arklupe", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4826
Crop production and industrial crops

Ezernieki, recreation and tourism center

"Ezernieki", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4826
Rooms for conferences, seminars, celebrations (up to 40) family house, lighted tent place, camping, swimming place, boat rental, sport fields, possibility of organizing large sports games (up to 2000 people.) bird watching. Camping, sports games.

Grāveri, Farm

"Grāveri", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4826
Biological agriculture

Kalnastradi, Farm

"Kalnastradi" , Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov. LV-4830

Latgale, State Social Care Center, Branch Lubāna

"Vecumi", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830
Social care for children. Social care for adults. Mental disorders. Care centers, nursing home, medical care, rehabilitation.

Latvijas valsts meži, JSC, LVM Sēklas un stādi, Potted tree nursery

"Podiņi", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830
Fir, birch, fast-growing aspen, -naked-root plants with improved root system. Plants in Lubana, Latgale. Forests plants, black alder, deciduous tree plants, plants. Skogsplantor i Sverige. Skogsplantor i Lettland. Skogsplantor i Baltikum. Granplantor, tallplantor. Handel med skogsplantor i Lettland. Trädskola, plantskola, plantskor i

Bļodāri, Farm

"Meldri", Meirāni, Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4826

Bestland KL, LTD

"Melnalkšņu mājas", Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830
Territory improvement, planting

BodTeh, LTD

"Gundegas" - 6, Indrānu pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4830
Construction machinery; rent

INDRĀNI, Zemnieku saimniecība

Ogres nov., Madlienas pag., "Indrāni"
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