
Narvesen, point of sale

Oskara Kalpaka 60, Liepāja LV-3405
Newspapers and magazines distribution

Nautika, LTD

Friča Brīvzemnieka 38, Liepāja LV-3401

Nelson Fashion, LTD

Ludviķa 27-2, Liepāja LV-3401
Clothing: tailoring, sewing

Nester, LTD, Shop

Ģenerāļa Baloža 36, Liepāja, LV-3402
Stone trimming

Nordstone Latvia, LTD

Brīvības 115-5, Liepāja, LV-3401
Without industry

Oskars, restaurant

Rīgas 7/9, Liepāja, LV-3401
Restaurants, bars, cafes


Siļķu 18-41, Liepāja LV-3405
Accountancy services


Jēkaba Dubelšteina 14, Liepāja, LV-3401
Public catering


Cukura 8/16, Liepāja LV-3414
Paper and paper articles, manufacture

Projektu darbnīca, LTD

Autoru 4/6, Liepāja, LV-3401
Architecture, design

Puķu Bode, shop

Kuršu 7/9, Liepāja, LV-3401
Flowers, floristic, sale

ROLIS Workshop, LTD

Cukura 8/16, Liepāja, LV-3414
Motor vehicles, repairs and maintenance

RV Forest, LTD

Aldaru 10/12, Liepāja, LV-3401
Logging, forestry, gravel cleaning, shrub cutting, clean up of overgrown areas, bush cutting, tree cutting, Purchase of felling areas and forest properties. Agricultural lands removal of overgrowth. Purchase of felling areas, purchase of forests. Purchase of forests, forest properties may be accompanied by agricultural land and buildings. Buy

Realito, LTD

Toma 68-1, Liepāja, LV-3401
Stationery goods, sale

Recept-Holding Lifts, LTD, Liepaja branch

Krūmu 59-3, Liepāja, LV-3405
Elevators, construction and operation

Reinholtz A. veterinary doctorate

Mirdzas Ķempes 13, Liepāja LV-3407
Veterinary aid