Imanta, companies in Ogre
SRKK, LTD, Construction and repair works - certified, Class A leader
Dārza 1 - 18, Taurupe, Taurupes pagasts, Ogres nov., LV-5064
Saulgoži, Jaunciems, Pūlkarne, Vecaki, Līči, Kleisti, Dzidriņas, Cekule, Jauncekule, Babite, Vakarbuļļi, Imanta
Logi-durvis-vārti, LTD, Ogre office
Skolas 19A, Ogre, Ogres nov., LV-5001
, Kalnciems, Vangazi, Darzini, Kengarags, Krasta, Moscow, Carnikava, Lilaste, Vecmīlgrāvis, Vecaki, Imanta , Saulgoži, Jaunciems, Pūlkarne, Vecaki, Līči, Kleisti, Dzidriņas, Cekule, Jauncekule, Babite, Vakarbuļļi, Imanta
Melderi V, LTD, gates and fences
Akmeņu 39, Ogre, Ogres nov., LV-5001
household building, Purvciems, Plavnieki, Jugla, Ziepniekkalns, Mezaparks, Old Riga, Maskavas suburb, Imanta
MT fizioterapijas privātprakse
Kraujas 6, Ikšķile, Ogres nov., LV-5052
Physiotherapy, physiotherapist, physiotherapist consultations, physiotherapist in Ikškile, In Riga, physiotherapy services, therapeutic exercises, therapeutic massage, sports massage, pregnant women massage, physiotherapy for children, massage for children, Physiotherapy, physiotherapist, physiotherapist consultations,
MarMar Meat, LTD, BIO poultry meat production, meat production
Avotu 11, Lielvārde, Ogres nov., LV-5071
MarMar Meet is an organically certified meat distribution and processing workshop with its own sales points in Riga: Kurzeme prospect 3( Imanta market) andNometņu street 64( Āgenskalna market) .
The MarMar Meat company is related to Zemnieku Saimniecibu "KALVĀNI", where poultry meat is grown organically( Broiler chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Eggs) . You can buy these reared poultry at our Riga sales stands, as well as in cooperation with other Latvian farms you can buy chilled, cut beef( heifers up to 24 months old), dairy calves, lambs. We also offer Argentinian steaks( World steak challenge winners 2023)
Imanta, pastry shop and bakery
Daugavpils 1, Ciemupe, Ogresgala pagasts, Ogres nov., LV-5001
Confectionery and sweets, production
IMANTAS 2, Ogres rajona Ogresgala pagasta Vijas Bikovskas zemnieku saimniecība
"Imantas 2", Ogresgala pag., Ogres nov., LV-5041
started liquidation
Idea Crafter Group, LTD
Skolas 18, Ogre, Ogres nov., LV-5001
rental, Bolderaja, Daugavgriva, Dzirciems, Dzirciemā, Ilguciems, In Iļģuciems, Kleisti, In Kleisti, In Imanta , , Imanta , In Purvciems, Purvciems, In Mežciems, Mezciems, Zasulauks, In Zasulauks, Agenskalns, In Āgenskalns