Seedlings, companies in Rīga

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Rīgas meži, LTD

Jūrmalas gatve 78D, Rīga, LV-1029
, Riga forestry, Daugavas forestry, Katrinas forestry, furniture components, finishing boards, pine seedlings , , spruce plants, birch seedlings , black alder seedlings , larch seedlings .
Licenses and permits
Waste management permit: RI16AA0028 / 01.08.2016

Latvijas valsts mežu vēstniecība, information center

Vaiņodes 1, Rīga, LV-1004
Quince seedlings . Latvian ceramic products. Perennials, perennials sale.

Labklājības dārzi, LTD

Kārļa Ulmaņa gatve 124, Rīga, LV-1029
Seedling trade, plant trade, decorative plants, buy seedlings , buy plants, plant delivery, greening, terraces and balconies, creation of compositions in flower pots and boxes, high quality fruit tree seedlings

Latvijas valsts meži, JSC, LVM Sēklas un stādi, Salaspils ornamental plant trading area

Miera 1, Salaspils, Salaspils nov. LV-2169
Seedlings in Salaspils. Young plants in the botanical garden.

Dārza Eksperts, LTD

Vienības gatve 20, Rīga, LV-1004
, form for garden path making, architect studies, ornamental trees sale, sale of decorative shrubs, seedlings , , conifers, conifers, ornamental trees, ornamental plants, flower seedlings , various flower seedlings

Stādaudzētava Blīdene, LTD, Branch

Braslas 20, Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Nurseries, decorative plants, seedlings , greening, hedge, thuyas, spruce, rhododendrons, roses, rose

Meža eksperti, LTD

Mūkusalas 72F, Rīga, LV-1004
inventory, forest price calculator, forestation, clean cut, land deforestation, logging, forests, forest seedlings

Flavonija, LTD

Ģertrūdes 37, Rīga LV-1011
Flowers, plants, indoor plants, seedlings , pots, mineral fertilizers, lawn mowers, lawn mower, glass, Flowers, plants, indoor plants, seedlings , pots, mineral fertilizers, lawn mowers, lawn mower, glass

Abilita, LTD

"Cīruļdārzi", Eimuri, Ādažu pagasts, Ādažu nov. LV-2164
irrigation automatic management, irrigation programming, mustache, Watering equipment for vegetables, seedlings

Agroserviss Valmiera, LTD, Shop

Rīgas 65, Rūjiena, Valmieras nov., LV-4240
Goods for home, goods for garden, goods for farmers, seeds, seedlings , soil, dishes, plastic products, fertilizers, Bioefekts, GreenOK, trichogrammas, trihodermine, vegetable seeds, flower seeds, bulblet, seedlings

Krasts A, LTD, Shop

Ainažu 20, Saulkrasti, Saulkrastu nov. LV-2160
Indoor plants, seeds, seedlings , artificial flowers, candy bouquets, glass articles, vases, flower pots

Lēpes, Farm

Sunīšu 10A, Sunīši, Garkalnes pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2137
Ornamental plant collection. Coniferous trees, conifers, thuyas, thuja, junipers, cade, juniper, cypresses, spruce, fir, spruces, hedge plants, hydrangea plants, bush blueberry plants, hedges. Shrubs. Deciduous trees and shrubs. Decorative shrubs, barberry, spiraea, cinquefoil, dogberry, ninebark, weigel, hydrangea, rhododendrons,

Ferrus, JSC

Gramzdas 90, Rīga LV-1029
Hydraulic manipulators, combines, tractor equipment. Tractor equipment, minitractors, mini tractors, tractor. Lift-trucks, forestry machinery, recultivation, recultivation cutters. Agriculture equipment, tractors, equipment trade. Land, (soil) processing equipment: shredders, grass/brush cutters, seeding-machine, cultivators,

Madara 1, Individual merchant

Pārupes 11, Baldone, Ķekavas nov., LV-2125
Wrapping, fertilizers, fertilizer, peat, peat substrate, seeds, seedlings , indoor plants, artificial