Accountant, companies in Centrs

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MG Alliance, LTD, Accountancy services, Outsourcing company

Licencēts grāmatvedības uzņēmums AGL0000450
Hospitāļu 23 - 102, Rīga, LV-1013
inner audit, international audit, auditor services, internal audit and control, audit, legal services, Accountant , financial activity, accounting management, Ltd accountancy, SP accountancy, wage accounting, payroll accountant
  • 1 Accountancy services

ARI Accounting Service, LTD, Accountancy services

Lāčplēša 27-6, Rīga LV-1011
By cooperating with the company, customer:: ✓ Saves time and nerves ✓ Economizes at the expense of the accountant's salary ✓ No social tax is paid for them ✓ Does not maintain redundant workspace ✓ Don't buy computers and accounting programs ✓ VAT on the amount of services paid is included in the input tax
  • 2 Accountancy services

Euro Finances, LTD

Slāvu 25 - 15, Rīga, LV-1073
Top priorities:: ✓ Accounting outsourcing from EuroFinances. ✓ Your priority is company management - and we will take care of company documents. ✓ Full accounting support from A to Z from a certified accountant-auditor. ✓ A certified accountant will prepare the annual report for submission to the SRS and the operational report to the banks in a timely manner( for example, for leasing), will put things in order on current issues and keep your nerve cells healthy. ✓ Accounting reports are not only a requirement of the law - it is a tool that shows the real situation in the company, maintains order in economic activity and business. With their help, the company manager can make informed decisions and thus save money and time. ✓ Our specialists are up-to-date on the latest changes in legislation, regularly update and renew their knowledge. EuroFinances will ensure that the company is ready for all inspections, as you will no longer need to collect missing documents in emergency mode. We will help your business earn, grow and develop. ✓ The financial statements have been prepared based on the laws of the Republic of Latvia, the requirements of regulatory acts and International Accounting Standards.
  • 3 Accountancy services

Accuratio, LTD, Accountancy services

Krišjāņa Valdemāra 23, Rīga, LV-1010
Accounting services offered:: ✓ We provide financial accounting ✓ We carry out accounting records of branches of foreign companies, we prepare reports and tax declarations ✓ We provide new business registration services ✓ We calculate, list and declare customer taxes ✓ We prepare annual reports ✓ We provide management accounting at the request of clients ✓ We advise on tax and financial accounting issues ✓ We organize accounting ✓ We prepare operational balance sheets and profit or loss statements ✓ We perform the calculation of the wages of the client's employees, the calculation of salary taxes and contributions ✓ Customer personnel documentation is being developed ✓ We organize customer records ✓ We provide client office administration services ✓ We provide reports to foreign parent companies of clients
  • 4 Accountancy services


Krasta 86 - 507, Rīga, LV-1019
Services: ✓ Accountancy services ✓ Audit ✓ Consultations ✓ Legal services ✓ Company foundation About us:

Accounting services from A to Z. We solve all accounting related issues in the client's company. Accounting is arranged in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia. You supply us with the accounting documents, and we do the rest. Our accounting services are insured against civil liability. We undertake to solve all accounting-related issues in the client's company. Among other things, we represent the company in the State Revenue Service and other state and local government institutions. We help to find solutions for tax optimization.

  • 5 Accountancy services

Interneta bilance, LTD

Pulkveža Brieža 6-1a, Rīga LV-1010
Services: ✓ Accountancy ✓ Communication with state institutions ✓ Financial planning ✓ Statistics ✓ Audit ✓ Personnel accounting About the company:

We provide clients with timely, accurate and efficient bookkeeping in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the Republic of Lithuania and international standards.



Access to accounting and financial information in online mode,

Opportunities to make management decisions based on reliable information,

Support in creating and updating internal control systems of NILLTPFN.


Lāčplēša 14 - 13, Rīga, LV-1011

Complex service in the field of accounting and legal services is a service that includes the entire range of economic and financial operations, with the outsourcing service provider assuming guaranteed, insured liability and handling all matters directly or indirectly related to accounting, record-keeping and legal issues of the given company.

Kipu, LTD

Antonijas 8-9a, Rīga LV-1010
Who we are?:

Young, bold, enterprising and open, but also professional, experienced and innovative - we are definitely not beginners! By providing the necessary specialists in one place, we can achieve and offer more. That's why customers have been entrusting us with their business processes for more than a decade. Experience, competence and quality are our investment in your business, but passion and creativity - the added value of our service.

ZL.LV iesaka

Baltikons-Centrs, LTD

Lāčplēša 75 - 4, Rīga, LV-1011
We provide services in:

Ainaži, Aizkraukle, Aizpute, Aknīste, Aloja, Auce, Baldone, Baloži, Balvi, Bauska, Brocēni, Cesvaine, Cēsis, Dagda, Daugavpils, Dobele, Durbe, Grobiņa, Gulbene, Ikšķile, Ilūkste, Jaunjelgava, Jelgava, Jēkabpils Kandava, Kraslava, Kuldiga, Karsava, Lielvārde, Liepaja, Limbazi, Lubana, Ludza, Ligatne, Livani, Madona, Mazsalaca, Ogre, Olaine, Piltene, Preili, Priekule, Pavilosta, Plavinas, Rezekne, Riga, Rujiena, Sabile, Salacgriva, Salaspils, Saldus, Saulkrasti, Seda, Sigulda, Skrunda, Smiltene, Staicele, Stende, Strenči, Subate, Talsi, Tukums, Valdemārpils, Valka, Valmiera, Vangaži, Varakļāni, Ventspils, Viesīte, Vilaka, Vilani, Zilupe, Ķegums, + more 490 parishes

Angrazo, LTD

Pulkveža Brieža 6, Rīga, LV-1010
Licensed accounting firm AGL0000122:

Company "ANGRAZO" was founded in 2003. per year to help small and medium-sized businesses successfully deal with the complexities of accounting. We do not only current accounting, but also correct errors in the company's accounting for the previous period, also eliminating potential risks that you may not have even had time to think about.

Our main activity all these years has been accounting services for various companies, public organizations, as well as private individuals who do and do not do business. In addition, we provide advisory support in accounting and tax matters for legal and natural persons.

Since 2022. aNGRAZO has become a member of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

DuCoDot, LTD

Ausekļa 11 - 221, Rīga, LV-1010

LTD "DUCODOT" is an accounting and legal services company founded in 2005. year. DUCODOT provides its services to companies of various industries. LTD "DUCODOT" the team consists of highly qualified specialists and experts who are excellent financial and accounting professionals - their work helps to ensure our clients efficient and correct bookkeeping that meets the client's requirements. DUCODOT specialists have not only appropriate education, but also long-term experience to be able to ensure accounting records in accordance with Latvian legislation and international accounting standards. "DUCODOT" the team has many years of experience in providing accounting services to shipping companies - ship owners and managers. These services also include the calculation of wages for seafarers in accordance with the legislation of Latvia and other countries. We have at our disposal not only experience and knowledge, but also motivation to ensure the most important thing for any entrepreneur - quality, operativeness and accuracy. And most importantly - we are flexible, applying prices for services, taking into account the wishes and possibilities of the client

Auditorfirma Grāmatvedis, LTD

Skolas 27 - 3, Rīga, LV-1010
Services:: ✓ Certified audit services ✓ Accountancy services ✓ Accounting software Accounting software and services:

LTD Auditorfirma Grāmatvedis is a company that distributes, implements and services audit, accounting and bookkeeping services, accounting computer programs, and employs specialists with the highest economic, mathematical and technical education and significant practical work experience in this field( more than 17 years) .

ZL.LV iesaka

LZRA Izglītības centrs, LTD

Pulkveža Brieža 15 - 7, Rīga, LV-1010
Use the learning opportunity at the LAS Education Center!:

The widest offer of E-seminars. E-seminar records. Online and part-time training online:

✓ in accounting; ✓ in tax issues; ✓ in the audit; ✓ business Management; ✓ rights. ✓ computer program JUMIS courses ✓ digital accounting ✓ training for adults

Jurveda, LTD

Blaumaņa 6 - 12,, Rīga, LV-1011
Jurveda offers: ✓ Legal services ✓ Accountancy services ✓ Translation ✓ Building management

Legal, accounting and translation services in one place! Special customer service!


Šarlotes 5, Rīga LV-1001
The team offers NILLTPFN law subjects:: ✓ Consultations on the prevention of NILLTPF and enforcement of sanction requirements, including preparation for the inspection of NILLTPF prevention and enforcement of sanction requirements; ✓ Consultations and assistance in preparing the documentation necessary for obtaining an outsourcing accountant's license; ✓ Adjusted NILLTPF prevention and sanctions management internal control systems( IKS) development of documents; ✓ Training in the field of NILLTPF prevention and enforcement of sanctions requirements, including monitoring and in-depth investigation of customer transactions; ✓ Assistance in communication with supervisory and control authorities in matters of enforcement of the NILLTPFN Law( preparation of an explanation, appeal, etc) .
ZL.LV iesaka, LTD

Piesakies uz bezmaksas konsultāciju!
Pērses 9/11, Rīga, LV-1011 - one of the largest legal information databases for legal entities and individuals: is one of the largest legal information databases of legal entities and individuals in Latvia since 2006. annual. Here you can find data from various official registers, including the Enterprise Register, CSDD Register, State Revenue Service, State Land Service and others. We provide our clients with detailed information about Latvian companies and institutions, their affiliated companies and branches, company officials, historical data, we offer monitoring, segmented data selection, as well as integrating data into systems and using company evaluation tools. is used daily by approximately 1,600 professional users - accountants, lawyers, salespeople - as well as thousands of simple searchers. helps prevent business risks and improves work productivity by timely providing accurate, complete and verified information. The portal is visited approximately 1 million times per month - the great popularity of also makes it a valuable marketing channel to promote your business! Improve the findability of your business and strengthen its reputation by placing a business profile, advertising articles, banners and using other marketing solutions.

AMIprof mācību kursi pieaugušajiem

Ernesta Birznieka-Upīša 13 - 39a, Rīga, LV-1011
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS:: ✓ AGILE culture and program management; ✓ Data processing and analysis using MS Excel, PowerBI, Pytho; ✓ The digital economy and taxation in cross - border transactions; ✓ Digital technologies and computer skills for work; ✓ Document and archive management in a digital environment; ✓ Financial accounting in the digital environment; ✓ Accounting in the digital environment; ✓ Management accounting in Excel environment.

Profi Accountant, LTD

Dzirnavu, Rīga, LV-1050
Accountancy services

Buhserviss, LTD

Ģertrūdes 33/35-525, Rīga, LV-1011
Accountant ., Bookkeeping, ( accountant ) courses, balance capable accountant , ( bookkeeping) courses, accountant qualification