Children, companies in Pļavnieki

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1, children prams, pram shop

Andreja Saharova, Rīga LV-1082
Why choose us?: ✓ At least 200 models of strollers and 10 car seats are always available in the assortment. ✓ All goods purchased from us are granted a manufacturer's warranty - 24 months from the date of sale. ✓ Our salespeople provide qualified advice on strollers and car seats ✓ Orders are accepted for the color ranges offered by the manufacturer. Delivery time is 4-6 weeks. ✓ We are the official representatives of manufacturers Roan, Bebetto, Camarelo, Bexa, Coletto, and Adamex in Latvia.
  • 1 Children's goods, sale

Lauvas zobs, Ltd., Branch

Ulbrokas 3, Rīga LV-1021
Children dentistry, children dentist., For children and adolescents under 18 years of age free treatment.

Paturskas I. ģimenes veselības centrs, LTD

Andreja Saharova 3A, Rīga, LV-1082
Apraksts: 2005.g. 3.janvārī pašā Purvciema centrā atvēra savas durvis mūsu centrs, kur tiek piedāvāts plašs ārstniecisko un rehabilitācijas pakalpojumu klāsts. Mēs piedāvājam komplekso apkalpošanu individuālajiem klientiem, ģimenēm un organizācijām. Slimību profilakse, ārstēšana un rehabilitācija, obligātas veselības pārbaudes, vakcinācijas, bērnu aprūpe.

Isida, LTD

Ulbrokas 1A, Rīga, LV-1021
BĒRNU ATTĪSTĪBAS CENTRS, toy, interest center, children development studio, children events., Celebrations for children . Child care.

Isida, LTD, Bath-house

Brāļu Kaudzīšu 52, Rīga, LV-1021
Bath-house, baths, sauna, saunas, banquet hall, banquet premises, banquets, recreation hall, rest, entertainment. Organization of events, children parties, children's celebrations, celebration organizing, children's town, celebrations, events, off-site parties for children, entertaining events organization, name and birthday parties,

Igmalin, LTD, Family centre

Lubānas 125A - 2, Rīga, LV-1021
English for children . Dances for children . Latvian language for children ., Children hobby groups. Children and youth interest education.

ADV Agency, LTD

Dzirnieku 16, Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Childrens goods, wholesale

R8 Apartments

Rembates 8, Rīga LV-1021
Buy a new apartment, real estate sale, new buildings, new apartments, parking place, children playground

Veselības centru apvienība, JSC

Andreja Saharova 16, Rīga, LV-1021
Diagnostics, specialist consultations for adults, specialist consultations for children , Medical commissions, ophthalmologist, Ear, nose, throat specialists: ear, treatment of nasal and throat diseases, ENT in Riga, ENT for children

Dimanta Taxi, LTD

Praulienas 6-59, Rīga, LV-1021
airport taxi, Taxi, taxi, taxis, Taxi services, cab calling, Passenger taxis, taxis, baby taxi, taxi for children , , Children 's taxi, baby taxi, Student taxi, Service two drivers, 24-hour taxi, Transfer services,

Regulis, LTD

Andreja Saharova, Rīga LV-1082
Baby trolley shop, goods for children , goods for infants, children furniture, children's room interior, Children prams, baby prams, prams, sports carts, three in one carts, two in one pram, all-purpose baby