Hospitals, companies in Pļavnieki

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Pļavnieki, veterinary clinic, LTD Anivet

Jukuma Vācieša 1C, Rīga, LV-1021
Animal treatment, diagnostics, therapy, vaccination, ultrasonography, morgue services, euthanasia, home visits, consultations, surgery, birth assistance, castration, sterilization, inhalation, anesthesia machine, veterinary certificate preparation, issuing of badges, dog hairdressing, cat hair cutting, veterinary diets, vet
  • 1 Veterinary aid

DezControl LTD, rat extermination, disinfestation, disinfection

Jukuma Vācieša 3-77, Rīga LV-1021
Deratization contracts, cheap deratisation contracts, deratization in hospital, disinsection in hospitals
ZL.LV iesaka

Med Transports, LTD

Augusta Deglava 126 - 108, Rīga, LV-1082
Carrying laying people, carry. Transport services together with assistants and medical staff, Medical aid during transportation. Customer lifting, knocking down the floors to the apartment. Transport of patients with movement disorders. Comfortable transport for sitting and laying people: after discharge from hospital, after stroke with

Arina M, LTD

Ulbrokas 8-48, Rīga, LV-1021
destruction, poisoning in cafes, in restaurants, in hotels, in apartments, in apartment houses, in hospitals , and short-term service contracts with stores, factories, education institutions, for restaurants, for hospitals

Lion, veterinary clinic

Brāļu Kaudzīšu 19, Rīga LV-1021
Veterinary clinic in Plavnieki. Hospital, animal hospital treatment, Vet, care, assistance, veterinarian services, vet, veterinarian, vet pharmacy, animal food, pet-shop, pharmacy, zoo shop, surgery, therapy, vaccination, dermatology, immunology, oncology, microchips, animal identification, identification chip input, registration